Item Transfers - Open or Closed?

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Item Transfers - Open or Closed?

Post by Noam »

Are item transfers open? I have searched the forums and found conflicting information and I believe this is because transfers have been open or closed at various times.

Secondly - are legendary items like Thunderfury, Atiesh or Sulfuras transferable using the paid transfer function?

I found an old post that said xfers are closed but at one time legendary xfers were possible, but found which says legendary xfers aren't.

Any clarification would be appreciated

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Re: Item Transfers - Open or Closed?

Post by Henhouse »


I apologize if the information hasn't been clear over time. Transfers are currently open. If they're closed, I take the webpage down, but they've been open for a while now. I used to get an incredible amount of requests so sometimes I would take them down as they require a lot of time to perform.

Level 60 legendaries are transferrable, just not the legendary weapon models (the things you buy with weapon fragments).
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Re: Item Transfers - Open or Closed?

Post by Noam »

Thank you very much for getting back to me! Much appreciated
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