Petition to bring back (and fix) deathfrost!

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Petition to bring back (and fix) deathfrost!

Post by Bootyquake »


I understand deathfrost was broken/being abused, so it was removed.

With the recent effort to revitalize the server (Sunwell gear, more events, etc), it seems fitting to fix this enchant and bring it back.

As an enhance shaman, I would use this enchant in certain situations because it procs on spells and also it will help with the more defensive play style that enhance shamans need to use due to lack of defensive CD's and poor mobility.

I can see some other situations where rogues would use this, maybe some other melee, but if it is fixed so that it cannot be abused - I don't think it will be a mainstay for any class. Just a situational play.

What do others think about this?

Posts: 926

Re: Petition to bring back (and fix) deathfrost!

Post by Wacco »

Good times when a handful had it and abused, lets say that the procc didn't work.

In this current BG state it wouldn't matter anyway, the BGs are more fucked up than ever. I thought FAK vs Ezatt state was bad, but with a lower population and no premades this is gold. PvE ftw.
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