Netherwing Eggs

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Netherwing Eggs

Post by Taraezor »

New around here but I suspect this is not considered a bug but rather an improvement to "Blizz like" behaviour. Not sure on posting protocols etc.

I am extremely familiar with the way the Netherwing Eggs and such work on the Netherwing Ledge and Mine in Shadowmoon Valley.

The two Dragonmaw Ascendants which pat at the top of the mesa at (78.05,81.16) really stand out as weird. They should pat in a fairly stationary manner, one at each corner of the southern side of the launch platform located at (76.25,81.20).

Additionally the total number of Ascendants is much greater than retail.

Or'kaos the Insane should pat on the large floating island at (78.3,93.1). Kind of an elliptical path centred on these coords. He is not present. If I recall correctly he is a quest mob associated with the flight/mount progression?

Very few Netherwing Egg spawn locations appear to have been coded and their locations are usually close but some way off the retail locations. The Egg at (61.07,77.00) just does not exist on retail, for example. The most accurate and comprehensive list of locations can be found in the LUA coding of the Netherwing Eggs AddOn.

I was speaking to the author (cough) and he informs me that a version specifically catering for TBC servers is nearing completion and will be available on Curse and WoW Interface.

Also, when an Egg is harvested the smoke plume lingers forever. A bug but then maybe necessary to keep things simple.

The floating rock at (75.74,91.63) is not quite right. Very difficult to land on it. Almost impossible to walk around. In retail I think it was flatter? An Egg should also spawn there at exactly (75.76,91.65) but as the situation is now it would be difficult to harvest. Edit: NO rock is the same shape in retail. Landing is the problem here.

The location (72.0,74.7) is quite special. If you stand there and face due north, while doing the The Not-So-Friendly Skies daily then TWO riders in rapid succession at frequent intervals (a little more than a minute?) will approach from the north and swoop down. A MELEE class is able, with good timing, to swing at the riders. As it is here, the riders never appear.

There should be a Mistress of the Mines at BOTH entrances and she should be more centred rather than at the side. Edit: My bad. The one in game is located correctly. The missing Mistress at the more northern entrance is the one which should be centred in the doorway.

Zuluhed over at the fortress has a spawn location which is different to retail. I get that. It was done that way to keep things simple. No archers, etc. Just noting here in case someone thinks I missed the glaringly obvious.

Man Zuluhed packs a punch for a solo player. But then... I wanted Blizz like huh? Lol! So used to cheesing him with a level 100 or whatever toon.

Nothing above is to be interpreted as belittling this amazing effort at replicating retail. Absolutely blown away!
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