little suggestion about solo que 3v3

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little suggestion about solo que 3v3

Post by Neo »

as we all know that alot of players who wintrade on soloq really hard nowdays since u can barley see a gm around.
so without mentioning they ways how ppl snipe with logging alts and que to snipe and wintrading by asking friends to que and feed each others i suggest to remove the rewards of soloq and just keep it with rating only which means ppl still can farm points with it or just buy weapons and gear etc...
its just funny when u see random guy getting the rank one by soloq
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Re: little suggestion about solo que 3v3

Post by Henhouse »

De-incentivising 3v3 by removing rewards will likely just make less people play it, ultimately hurting, or killing the bracket entirely. I handle all the reports people file of AFK/griefers, but sadly people just do not file enough reports, and of course, they are only handled later when I review them.

I had planned on taking the time to try and develop an anti-afk/grief system for 3v3 solo queue, but I have been unable to find the time to sit down and do it.
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Re: little suggestion about solo que 3v3

Post by Neofin »

Removing rewards from 3v3 SoloQ would definitely kill Smolderforge Arena. Tbh at the moment it is harder to get a title by doing 3v3 SoloQ then 2v2 because there are 2-3 Teams playing it actively(farming people who play arena for first time in their life at night)
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