Some Ideas

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Posts: 9

Some Ideas

Post by Liqqz »

i had some ideas
1v1 arena with rankings but with only style things to win, just 1 item for get ppl have something to work for, like t6 for lower price, preQ title Champion of the Naaru, Hand of A'dal, maybe Scarab Lord for R1
3v3 soloq should not give all rewards, no weapon maybe to get ppl into 2v2/3v3 and maybe possible to que with 2 people
2v2 should have all rewards maybe shoulders very hard to get so ppl go 3v3 for it
3v3 all rewards, not retail req because then anyway ppl wintrade - maybea special mount for 2,2k+, if there are more active People rating can set higher in further seasons
s3 gear for 10 skirmish wins (only 2v2 no 2v0) - ppl get practice and faster rdy for arena, should be possible to start fast, its the competition in arena, not the long way to farm gear in bgs People that looking for a instant 70 arena realm want
s2 is just crap against s4, but it takes to long for multiclasser now and for free its also not perfect, so i think this is a middle way, or maybe something other like 10 skirm, 1 ws, ab, eots mark or do it with votes, vote 1 time at all 4 toplists to get s3 and then ppl also see they can get other Things by vote, just it have to be possible to see for everyone. :)

it would be also nice to have some Events more often, its not hard to organize a Little 1v1, 2v2, ... 10v10 Event or a Find xy Event, Jump Events and something is more work but i think there are People who have much fun doing stuff like this, what is my next Point

Some more Staff, Support should be nearly 24/7, i know at the moment there are not 24/7 Ppl online but to Change that first u have to Change the support.
GMs, Eventmanager, Builder

Maybe u will think about it and realize something, i know much People that looking for a Instant 70 Pvp Server but they just want originality, something special, something balanced and something they have competition in every Braket. You have a perfect Base to be this Server!

Sorry my english sucks
love u all :p

Posts: 9

Re: Some Ideas

Post by Liqqz »

I will also be ready to do a Job like Pvp Eventmanager but i have different Online Times, some Days Night, somedays after 12am sometimes 12h sometimes 1 or 2 and i wasnt GM a long time so i need a Little Reintegration time. Also i dont want to do it alone forever but to get a bit life into the Community i can do it until you find some more. :)
I have fun doing this and if you want me i will spend more time here of Course.
I just need rights to port Players, Revive and add Items (or someone who will do) then i will realize some Ideas and maybe some Community wishes. I can maybe get some Players with top experience to come here and try to get some semi famous streamers to help me, i have some contacts that can be very helpful, let smolderforge reborn, its a nice Project and should not die.
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