What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) Club-heterodox
How old are you:18
What country do you currently live in:iran
Other languages fluent in besides English:persian
If so, how well:very much
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):ofc- around +3 years in wocserver.org
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:High school - 4nd year :)
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?1day a go
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) nothing yet
Do you work well with others or are you better independent?work with others makes more charm
What experience with retail WoW do you have?secret >.>
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)70
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?more pve - pvp event . im simply good for this , i love doing events and makes more charms --> Omg !!
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?yes
Any additional comments you would like to add?
hello there i was join in the server today. if u accept my application i'll makes u surprise !!!!
im playing +9 hours in game and +6 hours in forum i'll makes Charm in server with my events just give me a rank 3 of game master , and u'll see
Gm Application
Re: Gm Application
Great application, glad to see your dedication.
Though they don't accept these on their forum, you should send it to their email.
I think it's something like [email protected].
Great application, glad to see your dedication.
Though they don't accept these on their forum, you should send it to their email.
I think it's something like [email protected].
?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Re: Gm Application
thanks a lotDenergo wrote:Sup.
Great application, glad to see your dedication.
Though they don't accept these on their forum, you should send it to their email.
I think it's something like [email protected].
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