Smolderforge #3

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Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Sbkzor »

U can see dat bug on my chanel, in some 9minute sp/r vids with blazw, vs lockrog on loarderon.
Posts: 177

Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Paniz »

#1 You would be surprised how bad it was on retail. There was very big "delay" on los, in alot of old videos you can see how people getting polied / feared / hitted by aoe spells when they are already behind the pillar.

#3 lelol lelol asked for even bigger forgivness range, something like 7.5yd, i insisted on 5yd. Genki made it 6yd :(

#9 You will be surprised again but Unstable affliction detonation damage is actually not bugged. It was bugged and did very small amount of damage (compared to how it should be) on pretty much every TBC server i've ever played, including AT. Base damage for detonation on rank 3 is 1575. Spell damage coefficient for detonation is 180%. Affli warlock has something like 1200 bonus shadow spell damage which makes approximate damage like 1575+1200*1.8=3735. This is actually exact reason why ppl never dispell vs UA in TBC. Numbers you can see here: ... efficients (don't confuse dot-part coeficient of UA with it's Direct Damage part).

#11 Is a bug for sure and quite harsh but it will be nearly impossible to prove how it should work.

#12 It's not a rogue / Cheating death bug, it's bugged for absolutly every damage taken aura in the game (both decreasing and increasing auras, for example Protection stance, Shield Wall, Cheating Death and Complete Vulnerability[eng belt debuff], Blood frenzy, Scorch debuff, Misery, Shadow Weaving, etc.). @Oldsalt, you are wrong about this part, it should work different from how CloS works. Check for this type of auras should be on the spell hit rather than on the spell cast.
edit: BTW IIRC, itslovelol fixed this bug on "his" core quite long time ago. Too bad we don't implement at least some of his changes...

#13 Which exactly part of Balance of Power you think doesn't works? It gives you 4% of spell hit (restorkins never socket +hit gems and still hit pretty much all spells; it doesn't works for physical abilities and that's correct) and decrease chance to being hitted by opponent's spells (also only spells, it doesn't works for physical abilities)

#16 Try DrDamage addon to see calculations for absorb / damage / heal. PW:Shield get's 30% from priest's healing bonus. It's not about talent, talent just gives you additional 30% to overal shield absorb, making it (base_absorb + healing_bonus * 0.3 ) * 1.3
Sbkzor wrote:#22 sap bearforme is clearly related to that delay from smolderforge. u can do every kind of spell vs other spells here (just like spamming blind/gouge while waiting for being cheapshoted? gg smolderrogues).
It has different reasons. Sap into bear and different "spell into spell" situations happens due to delay and it quite correct (not 100% sure about sapped bear but i clearly remember that i did sap into last moment combated target due to delay on retail at least once). But spells into Cheap Shot / Pounce happens coz stealth/prowl fade has no delay. You press CS=>delay started but stealth fades from you instantly=>CS considered as hostile action so you instantly getting targeted=>opponent can cast any instant spell=>delay is over, your opponent stunned but you also blinded / gouged / doted / deathcoiled / afflicted by FF, etc. And this is really disgusting coz people abuse it :(

edit: @mirok, reshift doesn't remove sap effect, unlike polymorph effect. It's completely different situation. Maybe druid should not ended up in form if he's being sapped and not sap should be removed / immuned? It's about delays, just get over it.

#31 Never seen my CS / KS being resisted without stun resistance but it might happen to intercept. I really don't know about what is wrong with that ability but it happened on retail too. For example you can see it in Neilyo12 (1:31):
(Neilyo doesn't use stun resistance meta; it's not the best proof, it's just as an example to this known fact: Intercept has like ~5% chance to be resisted without any stun resistance). The other stuns might be resisted due to it's spell nature.

#4 The problem is actually not with ranges itself, they are accurate, but with the way we determine range. There are at least 2 types of range in WoW, one include 3d model's scale, the second doesn't. Most of the ranges (excluding targeted ranged spell's max range and Charge/Intercept min range) at the moment determined without 3d model's scale. It was changed somewhere in february-march of this year, before that change we had completely broken situation where AoE's ranges included 3d model scale but melee attacks and abilities did not. That was absurd with the most notable sap vs pri fear, where we had situation that 8yd priest's fear had bigger AoE radius than rogue's 10yd sap. I was unable to prove that absolutely all ranges (including melee) should be measured with only one system (my personal opinion now is that it should include 3d model's scale). But AoE's radius since that time exclude model's scale and at least we don't have that "sap vs pri fear ranges conflict". That's why it feels "too small". Maybe someone has any proofs how it should work or can convince Henhouse to change all ranges to include model's scale without proofs :D I'm pretty sure that it would made everyone "happy" and won't cause any "range conflicts". Because the only other option is to leave it how it is now.

P.S.: this problem with ranges is actually very hard to argue about since:
1) blizzard never really mentioned how they made it work
2) wowwiki only says that all ranges for players should exclude model's scale but it's very small article and they completely ignore info about tauren's ranges (it was known fact that taurens have different ranges for pretty much everything than other races)
3) Genki told that some info about ranges he found in the client itself and IIRC that info is quite contradictory
Posts: 99

Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Sbkzor »

#9 thanks, i was actually searching proof for dat cuz it was legit to me but well. Nuff said.
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Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Oldsalt »

Thank you @Paniz. I've edited #9, #11 and #12
I made the valid bugs in bald. Should I add bugs which are proved on my first post from our bugtracker?
Retired Game Master.
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Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Eiger »

hi, Oldsalt Will Fix All Bug s <3
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Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by ZatYo »

Great video and everything mirok listed is definetly bugged, except i think macestun on hamstring is normal? I havent played a server in which it doesnt proc on hamstring. But maybe its bugged everywhere. Oldsalt just right abou the power word shield, its working properly
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Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by ZatYo »

I want to add that the healing of prayer of mending is very low, should be around 30% bigger. And Innerfire doesn't work with shield up. spell pen is bugged, armor ignore is bugged, lifebloom visual bug 1 to 3 stacks works as dispel resistance lol. And the fact that a mage on smolderforge cant win a felhunter in a duel if the pet has autodispel and autosilence on.
Posts: 77

Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Lelol »

You can't just say this "feels" wrong, or "this worked like that on this other private server".

You can't test pathing and line of sight on un-instanced blade's edge arena since it's a different .wmo than the instanced one. This will result in different behaviour(not saying that there aren't massive pathing issues but it's still a bad way to test it).

The issues with spell delay can be found in my report here: ... pell-delay

Instead of "feeling" and "thinking" I did some proper research and think I've found out how the retail spell leeway mechanic work: ... y-mechanic

The rng miss/resist you speak of is part of TBC and is what makes TBC different and not as linear as wotlk and other expansions(The fact that there is no "fool proof" tactic, if a key spell resists/miss you have to adapt to it quickly and figure out something else). It doesn't seemslike you haven't bothered taking the time to test it properly on Smolderforge.

Many things has to be taken into account...

if you're in arena with 0% spell hit and face rogue/druid, you have insect swarm on you and try to cast something on the rogue. There's now a 9%(I believe the 1% chance to always miss is removed on smolderforge) chance that you will miss on every cast.

Players using 5% stun resist meta gem.

Nature resistance against poisons.
Posts: 94

Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Zap »

Lelol wrote:(I believe the 1% chance to always miss is removed on smolderforge)
No, it wasn't. (If it was, my lock with 7.79% / 74 pen would never miss like he does constantly.)

Pretty sure we WANT that though...
Not like staff gives us what we want though.

Posts: 77

Re: Smolderforge #3

Post by Lelol »

Zap wrote:No, it wasn't. (If it was, my lock with 7.79% / 74 pen would never miss like he does constantly.)

Pretty sure we WANT that though...
Not like staff gives us what we want though.
You will resist spells on Warlocks & anyone with Gift of the wild + shadow protection buffs.

You will always have a 0.21% chance to miss on rogues and if you get insect swarm debuff on you then there's gonna be a 2.21% chance to miss rogues.

You also gotta remember there are a classes that has increased % chance to resist fears such as paladins & priests.
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