Event schedule! READ THIS!
Event schedule! READ THIS!
Hello there my name is Twostepp, and some of you know that I'm sort of interested in bringing events alive again on Smolderforge! So I thought I do a schedule with all the events that are coming up.
[h]EVENT GOT CLOSED June 18 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 5x1 Event Message me or Warcrime on Discord or ingame, or post a comment here! We are looking for 4 guilds that wants to join 5 players from each guild. Rules no class stacking, no sl sl locks and no healers! (Prizes will be ingame stuff! Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
[h]Moved to 24 because of swedish fotboll! June 24 - 09:00pm SERVER TIME! - Best looking transmog![/h]We will gather at a certain location and the one with the best transmog will win UNLIMITED TRANSMOG DONATION CODE!, simple thing not really event but you atleast got some time to make your transmog as dope as possible!
[h]June 25 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 3v3![/h]So gather your team and be ready! 12 or 8 TEAMS If you have a a team message me or warcrime, and I'll add you directly, send it on DISCORD OR INGAME or post a comment below, with the exact character name that you will be playing and no changing!(Prizes will be donations codes and ingame stuff. Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
This is the events for now! Hope to see you there!
[h]EVENT GOT CLOSED June 18 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 5x1 Event Message me or Warcrime on Discord or ingame, or post a comment here! We are looking for 4 guilds that wants to join 5 players from each guild. Rules no class stacking, no sl sl locks and no healers! (Prizes will be ingame stuff! Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
[h]Moved to 24 because of swedish fotboll! June 24 - 09:00pm SERVER TIME! - Best looking transmog![/h]We will gather at a certain location and the one with the best transmog will win UNLIMITED TRANSMOG DONATION CODE!, simple thing not really event but you atleast got some time to make your transmog as dope as possible!
[h]June 25 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 3v3![/h]So gather your team and be ready! 12 or 8 TEAMS If you have a a team message me or warcrime, and I'll add you directly, send it on DISCORD OR INGAME or post a comment below, with the exact character name that you will be playing and no changing!(Prizes will be donations codes and ingame stuff. Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
This is the events for now! Hope to see you there!
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
thanks twostepp for keeping community entertained
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Hehe u make me very happy!!! Keep work hard man!!
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Good to see, that someone cares about different kinds of events, not only dumb 1v1.
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
June 25 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 3v3!
So gather your team and be ready! 8 TEAMS, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! If you have a a team message me or warcrime, and I'll add you directly, send it on DISCORD OR INGAME or post a comment below, with the exact character name that you will be playing and no changing!(Prizes will be donations codes and ingame stuff. Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
Same as last one, instead of arena we have played on nagrand arena LOCATION ? xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
sometimes best of 2, sometimes best of 1, and final w/o best of 3
I hope you do 3v3 tournament properly this time.
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
June 25 08:00pm SERVER TIME! - 3v3!
So gather your team and be ready! 8 TEAMS, DOUBLE ELIMINATION! If you have a a team message me or warcrime, and I'll add you directly, send it on DISCORD OR INGAME or post a comment below, with the exact character name that you will be playing and no changing!(Prizes will be donations codes and ingame stuff. Honor,Badge of Justice or Transmog tokens)
Hey. I like your goal to bring people fun hostin some events, but the fact is 3x3 could bring fun only it challenged and well organized. You could ask every single team or player from 3x3 even last week. Most of them will say they dont enjoy it. Why?
1) Small amount of mutches. WoW is pretty RNG based game. 1 match is not enough. Its obviously. You should host not just double elemenation, it should be bo3 matches at bo5 final. So most of players just waste 2-3 hours of time to play 2-3 matches. One team even left... I played like 5-6 matches for 3 hours and get r2...
GM which host tournament(probably tou) said he've no time. Its ok but instead of do something bad, let somebody do it decent way.
2) Bad place. Nagrand location(with arena) isnt real arena. Arena frames addons(proximo glady etc) ouuta work there. i'm sure 99% players use it. So they feel rusty, and playing worse. Also, you can see tons of targets on arena(obververs) it also make you play worse. The point of any tournament to determine the best and allow every player to show best game.
And 3) Observers also dont enjoy it. Because its too much range from banch to arena, you cant actually see everything like on spectrate mode. You can see something happend, but dont understand what exactly happening at arena as observer.
So what we should change?
1) Most important. Dont lose time to summon ppl in nagrand, dont waste your time to open doors and staff. Just make participants do rated teams(rated 3x3 match could be observerd) and play with each other follow greed. After win loser team report lose via PM or skype and winner team should screen won if they need to proove.
So, gm wont lose time. He gonna only judge contentious issues and change greed. Spectrates gonna observer any match they want and cant affect it. If somebody want to make 3x3 rated team to "snipe" somebody, participants just report them and that team gonna be banned. I belive theres no reason to cr8 tons of chars or accounts to stop the tournament. It wont happend.
2) Change system of the tournament. You could calcualte number of teams which sign in before, and also you could ask some ppl in lfg at exactly moment of tournament start to make more teams. So last time, i blive, it was much obversers which wanted to play. So maybe we couldnt get 16 teams(i belive if tournament could be succsesful its real get 16) but we could get ast least 12. So however we do 4 groups with 3-4 teams inside each. Then those teams in groups fight wich each(every team should play vs every other one) for points. Like win 1 arena = 1 point, lose = 0 .
And 2 teams with biggest number of points after all matches will go to play-off. So everyone will have at least 3 bo3 matches. which means decent number of games for everyone. After that we could do playoff for 8 players. bo3 match, lose = goodbye.
This system helps avoid "good grid" for somebody, makes ppl show their skill and most important provide TONS of matches, its good for participants and obvservers.
It shouldnt get more then 3-4 hours of your time. Same as you waste last tournament, but it will be really decent tournament, not just something unplaynable. If you havnt this time, you can to find other judge for tournament. And mainly your actions only about ban some players who wanna stop the tournament, change grid after participants reports(if two teams say they won winner should bring screen) and judge contentious issues. Nothing more. Judge literally cant affect the tournament(not like it was last time, for some teams it was bo1 for some bo3 etc).
If you like it, but still got some qustion or cant understand it - i can help you. Only in organization moments cause i will play it(probably) and i belive player cant be a judge in a same time. I got huge expirence participate in tournaments, since, probably, yar 2009. So i know how to make it challenged and interesting for everyone.
To proove that i got tournament exp and know what i talking about ill post screenshot, this is my team won first 3x3 tournament on Arena-Tournament realm. year 2009(after that i also played3x3 tournaments more then 10 times).

Dont blame my UI it was 7 years ago (: now it looks like(also proove that i played last 3x3 even there)

I also ask everyone who agree with my points write it there, so maybe administartion gonna understand what we want. Thanks for reading.
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
I have played tbc tournament aswell proper one with stream, commentator and cash prize and huge qualification : )
2200-2400 all privates servers TBC warrior.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Four times Vengeful Gladiator.
Re: Event schedule! READ THIS!
Agarwen wrote:Same as last one, instead of arena we have played on nagrand arena LOCATION ? xdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
sometimes best of 2, sometimes best of 1, and final w/o best of 3
I hope you do 3v3 tournament properly this time.
Sorry to see that you are so mad, but I did everything correct, its wasnt best of 2 sometimes and best of 1 sometimes, if you just had checked the bracket then there would be a problem..Maybe my events arent the best but its better then no events. If you dont think our events is good enough why are you even playing at the event, go pro instead and earn some money. *facepalm*
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