Smolderforge Ban Simulator

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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Outskilled »

No third party software was used in the making of this spiderman movie.

In fact the character is bugged and has been for about a year now, it can just walk up walls.

Actually stunned how you can add systems like this & cool gear npc's but nothing that impacts the community.

On the topic of the incoming pet fixes, the scorpid is meant to have taunt and claw... not just a poison.

Not sure how long these bans last, guessing its 1 day as I bet this gets a lot of false positives.

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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Henhouse »

Outskilled wrote:as I bet this gets a lot of false positives.
Not often, but when you start wall-walking up walls that normally you'd never be able to reach then yes, you trigger the system.

We fixed this issue years ago. I'm surprised your character is still affected. If you send me the name I can repair that for you.
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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Kez »

Had that Issue too, informed henhouse about it and he fixed it in some minutes :)
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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Wacco »

This brings some flashbacks, I had that bug on my priest for years and never figured out how then Zap(?) told me that you could recreate it with a hunter or something.
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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Henhouse »

Wacco wrote:This brings some flashbacks, I had that bug on my priest for years and never figured out how then Zap(?) told me that you could recreate it with a hunter or something.
It was caused by someone alt+f4ing while being mind controlled. Somehow... somehow... that granted a character the ability to just walk up walls? (wtf). So we patched it to make sure that those flags were cleared from a character on logout and stuff. I guess it did not retroactively fix characters affected, just prevented it from happening again in the future. Indeed a weird bug.
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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Wacco »

Ohh yeah Mind Control.
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Re: Smolderforge Ban Simulator

Post by Comeherefour »

Ghey music. 10/10 for effects tho.
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