Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

Props for the total strawman for bringing well-represented Rogues and Warlocks into this... stay classy.
Don't bother arguing with him. He has already proved he is unwilling to argue the evidence - which I've just proven he is wrong about. Expect more jeers and taunts, and maybe we can get some real discusion once he's bored.
Posts: 177

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

@Macduff read your own link pls.
>Now try it while in combat. Swapping in the Libram will cause your heal to fail with "Spell is not ready."

>Oh no. So esentially swapping your libram in combat causes some sort of global cooldown?

>Sadly, yes it does.

any more questions about relic before spell? i hope this kind of threads won't pop again.

And now back to weapon switch while casting part. You're not willing to argue about how it was working on retail, you are simply asking to buff your class with thing from previous patch. I ask about the same thing. And you definatelly forgot already this kind of threads on battlenet forums i guess. Every time someone came to forum with "buff X class" topic there was holywar and everytime the over was the same - someone closed the topic, nothin else.
Macduff wrote:Also cheat death used to give 99% damage reduction due to a bug in the client, not 90percent, they changed it to work with resilience later. How do I know that? Because i actually did play in retail all those years ago.
thx, i've never played wow on retail since ~2.3 till some 3.0.8 patch and never knew that in 2.3.3 patch after 90% reduction cheat death was giving 90% more damage absorb, thx to awesome bug that wasn't fixed for the whole 3rd arena season. but asking about this would be too much i guess, 90% reduction is enough.
Posts: 177

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

Exsurgo wrote:Don't really see the point of relevance of your analogy with changing spells.
we're not changing spells, we're changing "patches". exactly what you ask for.
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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Exsurgo »

Paniz wrote:we're not changing spells, we're changing "patches". exactly what you ask for.
Can't change a patch without both a client side modification and a server side one. Changing item/libram swapping mechanic is one line of code. Totally nonequivalent.
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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

dude, some time ago we had those unaffected drain life and siphon life, thx to bug with the server :D so in fact we can change the "patch" without changing client. and i'm pretty sure you couldn't switch items in cast even some time ago. at least i tried to switch items during cast manually and it was saying something like "you can't equip that item now". but there was a bug that allowed you to change item before cast (exactly what was fixed). pretty sure it was working on smolderforge before january of this year because you were changing items before spell cast (with /equip relic/cast spell macro).
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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Macduff »

i'm pretty sure you couldn't switch items in cast
So that has been your reasoning thus far even when confronted with the evidence. Even when i link threads to discussion dealing with this exact problem.
but there was a bug that allowed you to change item before cast (exactly what was fixed). pretty sure it was working on smolderforge before january of this year because you were changing items before spell cast (with /equip relic/cast spell macro).
It wasn't a bug, please read the thread I just linked. It was an established game mechanic throughout all of TBC, and has been erroneosuly removed from smolderforge. We need to get Henhouse to revert it back to how it originally operated on Smolderforge.
Posts: 45

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

i'm pretty sure you couldn't switch items in cast
So that has been your reasoning thus far even when confronted with the evidence. Even when i link threads to discussion dealing with this exact problem.
but there was a bug that allowed you to change item before cast (exactly what was fixed). pretty sure it was working on smolderforge before january of this year because you were changing items before spell cast (with /equip relic/cast spell macro).
It wasn't a bug, please read the thread I just linked. It was an established game mechanic throughout all of TBC, and has been erroneosuly removed from smolderforge. We need to get Henhouse to revert it back to how it originally operated on Smolderforge.
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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Exsurgo »

I was more referring to the change to Adrenalin rush and Hemo changes you mentioned. Cheat death was a bug and Siphon Life/Drain life was more of an unintended game mechanic imo.

In the end of the day I was asked to say my piece by an old Smolderforge buddy - so I have chipped in with my opinion in the same way I did (2?) years ago. I worked hard to try and improve arena balance here and in many ways I believe I did.

If you want everything 100% Blizzlike btw you better ask for the restoration of the 1% base chance for all casters to miss at all times unaffected by +hit. Or not.
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Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

@Macduff first of all i was answering to Exsurgo and not to you (at least in that post you quoted). second - you obviously can't read your own link, i even pointed you where exactly you should look. switching relic before spell in combat triggers gcd and you can't cast spell during that gcd. confirmed by your own link. thx for it btw, one more proof that it was workin only on bad private servers but not on retail.
Exsurgo wrote:I was more referring to the change to Adrenalin rush and Hemo changes you mentioned. Cheat death was a bug and Siphon Life/Drain life was more of an unintended game mechanic imo.
5 digits add to change adrenalin part (just add adrenalin rush id to preparation spell) and we have old HARP build again, hemo - even less, you just change 1 number and now it's not 110% damage but 125%. it's server side fix and very easy one also, you don't need to change client or anything else for that. Cheat Death was bugged coz it was 99% damage reduction, but 90% damage reduction was intended. And the way it was proccing was also intended.
You have a X% chance to completely avoid any damaging attack that would otherwise kill you and reduce all damage taken by 90% for 3 sec. This effect cannot occur more than once per minute.
X=100% for rank3 talent. ... id=1358626. I would love at least to have the way it was proccing in 2.3.3 patch coz now if you have more than 10% of hp and it procs - you lose all that hp (this part nerf was really big vs pyro mages / destro locks / bala druids / even vs warriors; those, who have some big damage spells).
Posts: 17

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Macduff »

second - you obviously can't read your own link, i even pointed you where exactly you should look. switching relic before spell in combat triggers gcd and you can't cast spell during that gcd. confirmed by your own link. thx for it btw, one more proof that it was workin only on bad private servers but not on retail.
NO. YOU read the thread, specifically this part;
Currently in the live realms, you are able to switch equipment, including librams, during casting.

The 2.4.3 changes mean that if you do switch things during casting, it will cancel your cast.
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