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Re: Pop

Post by Zap »

I love how I can finally come home from work and do more than duels... <3

I hope these #'s stick around. Idc how skilled or otherwise they are, we need em regardless.

Just so happy.
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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

Discyo wrote:Might be the time to introduce the normal 3s ?
May be time for it. Though, I know even AT used to struggle to get people to do 3v3 even when the server was popular. I always thought the reason was because requiring 3 people to be on at the same time, across multiple teams just can be challenging with timezones and such. It may be doable though.
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Re: Pop

Post by Discyo »

Henhouse wrote:May be time for it. Though, I know even AT used to struggle to get people to do 3v3 even when the server was popular. I always thought the reason was because requiring 3 people to be on at the same time, across multiple teams just can be challenging with timezones and such. It may be doable though.
Let's try and see how well it goes :)
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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

Let's do it then, dude and see how it goes. If 3v3 proves to be very popular this season, we'll award it. If we feel differently, no harm done and it was worth a go.
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Re: Pop

Post by Wamboye »

Discyo wrote:Let's try and see how well it goes :)
Said the guy who is known for nightfarming, dodging and wintrading in arenas.

Maybe you were the reason 3s was closed in the first place son.
Posts: 475

Re: Pop

Post by Discyo »

Wamboye wrote:Said the guy who is known for nightfarming, dodging and wintrading in arenas.

Maybe you were the reason 3s was closed in the first place son.
Posts: 94

Re: Pop

Post by Zap »

Itslovelol wrote:They are a bunch of amateurs. Quote me on this, they have no dev experience at all.
Hmm, sounds like a perfect fit for you then, Robin.

;) ?
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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

@Discyo 3v3 is now enabled.

I didn't manage to get the spectating NPC to support 3v3 by the update tonight... but it will be in next restart. Website may or may not support views for 3v3... I actually have no clue if it does. If 3v3 gets popular I'll most certainly reprogram the website to support the views for 3v3 teams.

Update: Had to restart to fix issue with 3v3. There is now a 3v3 spectate menu, so people can watch the games!
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 9

Re: Pop

Post by pwii »

>be me
> read 5 pages of green texts on Reddit
>so alpha I decided to make it on sf forum
>makes story
>people like it
>henhouse uses it to announce updates
>mfw I wanted people to make green texts
>mfw it became a change log
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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

Now that so many players are joining both for raiding and pvp, would it be a good idea to add just the 2 missing parts of tier6? Nothing else, no sunwell/tier6.5 gear.

Edit: Perhaps increase the number of battleground medals one can have from 100 to a 1000 or limitless? That might stimulate people even more to win battlegrounds and if the same is done for other tokens, it might stimulate questing and raiding as well. Some FPS games do this in order for their players to keep on playing and it works pretty good.

Another small idea would be to make transmog tokens tradeable or at least tradeable through out your whole account.

Edit 2: Remove the other "stun removal" pot.
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