Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

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Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by Horrorfever »

What class are u going to make?

What faction?

What classes do u currently play?
Warlock, Priest, Rogue, Druid

I want a screenshot of your longest played character.
That cannot be done since my longest playing character (I am here from 5 years) is currently unrightfully banned, hence why I need a new character.

How long do u play each day?
~6+ hours

And why do u want this S4 code?
Because as mentioned, I have unrightfully lost all of my characters and a good portion of my desire to play here with them, however a brand new S4 rogue might surely flip the scales!

+ I'm amazing.
  • Undead Rogue - Expendable
    Undead Warlock - Horrorfever
    Undead Priest - Detective
    Tauren Druid - Quasimoodru
    Human Paladin - Unstobubble
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Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by Handy »

So here are the questions for Exalted with any faction
What class are u playing

What faction is your class?

I want a screenshot of your game time on that character.

How long do u play each day?
About 4-5 hours.

What faction are you going to get Exalted with, and why?
The Ashtongue Deathsworn, because I want the trinket you can buy when exalted, and nobody is farming black temple, so it's kinda hard to get any reputation with the faction.

And why do u want to be Exalted with "X" Faction?
Same as above, I want the trinket badly.

Edit: This guy is totally legit. I can confirm that I got the exalted code.
Thanks again, man.
Posts: 61

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by Krmacha »

Guys, this guy is not trolling, this guy is for real, i got Thori Dal legendary bow on my alt hunter !!!

Thank you dude.

You are amazing.

By Krmacha.
Posts: 95

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by maikal »

I am going to make druid. Horde ofc. I got full druid so I want make other one 4fun. I cant make ss, because i'm not at home atm, but i can tell u my played, it is 20 days. I am playing everyday about 4-5 hours if I am not busy. I want this code to improove my gear.
Posts: 20

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by happypanda »

Horrorfever wrote:What class are u going to make?

What faction?

What classes do u currently play?
Warlock, Priest, Rogue, Druid

I want a screenshot of your longest played character.
That cannot be done since my longest playing character (I am here from 5 years) is currently unrightfully banned, hence why I need a new character.

How long do u play each day?
~6+ hours

And why do u want this S4 code?
Because as mentioned, I have unrightfully lost all of my characters and a good portion of my desire to play here with them, however a brand new S4 rogue might surely flip the scales!

+ I'm amazing.
whats your ingame name?
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Posts: 260
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Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by Horrorfever »

My name in game is Horrorfever but I am unable to log Horrorfever due to reasons mentioned above.

I can make a new character (the rogue I want S4 for) and whisper you here or ingame?
Can I get a name?
  • Undead Rogue - Expendable
    Undead Warlock - Horrorfever
    Undead Priest - Detective
    Tauren Druid - Quasimoodru
    Human Paladin - Unstobubble
  • <Old but Gold>
Posts: 1

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by veleusic7 »

What class are u going to make:Warrior

What faction:Horde 4 life

What classes do u currently play:RDruid

I want a screenshot of your longest played character:Image

How long do u play each day:3-4 hours

And why do u want this S4 code:too improve my gear

Thanks you.
Posts: 10

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by Kaby »

What class are u playing
What faction is your class?
I want a screenshot of your game time on that character.
How long do u play each day?
About 2-4 hours.
What faction are you going to get Exalted with, and why?
I goint to get exalted with aldor.
And why do u want to be Exalted with "X" Faction?
Because of blacksmithing.
Thank you :).
Posts: 1

Re: Giving away 2x S4 donor codes! 1x Unlimited Transmog - 1x Exalted with any faction!

Post by nitro »

What class are u playing?
What faction is your class?
Screenshot of my game time on that character.
How long do u play each day?
about 2 hours in work days and 4-5 hours on weekends
What faction are you going to get Exalted with, and why?
I would like to get exalted with aldor/scyer
And why do u want to be Exalted with "X" Faction?
I would like to make some items for transmog, through tailoring.
Thanks :)
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