unban appeal

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Re: unban appeal

Post by Wamboye »

Hi friend.
The ban was your own fault and you deserve it because players who insult others should be banned ok? Also wasn't ptaq racist against subhuman serbian scum or something?
Stop crying you fucking retarded piece of shit - nigger.

On a more serious note
Free ptaq apu ruuren
Posts: 18

Re: unban appeal

Post by Pastorblastr »

Wamboye wrote:players who insult others should be banned ok?
How is it we still have a community then?
That's literally 90% of what Smolderforge has become. Endless shit talking and afking in Tanaris. So you wish to make the server's most popular activity bannable?

Shut it down Henhouse, you gotta ban us all. (Start with Lucre, he talks more trash in an hour than Ptaq has in a year.)
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Re: unban appeal

Post by Terezi »

Wamboye wrote:players who insult others should be banned ok?
How is it we still have a community then?
That's literally 90% of what Smolderforge has become. Endless shit talking and afking in Tanaris. So you wish to make the server's most popular activity bannable?

Shut it down Henhouse, you gotta ban us all. (Start with Lucre, he talks more trash in an hour than Ptaq has in a year.)
Retired Game Master.
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Re: unban appeal

Post by Wamboye »

Pastorblastr wrote: Shut it down Henhouse, you gotta ban us all.
exacly that's what I meant. 50% of smolderforge is toxic to smolderforge and it's not appropriate at all to let retarded snitch kids decide who's the most toxic and who can be tolerated.

my solution is
ban them all!
create the banhammer mace and swing it critically

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Re: unban appeal

Post by Steelballs »

Mr. Caelum is good guy, unban him please.

With love,
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Re: unban appeal

Post by mirok »

Steelballs wrote:Mr. Caelum is good guy, unban him please.

With love,
This is not a love card for your girlfriend, thx. lol
Posts: 18

Re: unban appeal

Post by Pastorblastr »

Deems wrote:This has become a trend... Act like a retard for some time, get banned a couple of times, write a sad story on the forums how you don't know what you were doing and promise to never do it again. Same shit, different op.
Except he is aware of what he did, and wishes to make necessary changes. Unlike Horrorfever, who would immediately pick up where he left off. What's it hurt to give him a chance? It's not like listening to /4 would be any less caustic, or talking to *any* of the arena community.
The fact he is even aware of his mistakes is the key here though, that's really when the most change can happen; when we're made aware our choices will bring out unfavorable results. We're coming out from a time where staff pretty much did not login. There were no consequences for being an asshole, regardless of how caustic. Now suddenly they're burning people at the stake.
If being 'toxic' was bannable, none of us would be able to play. Take a good hard look at our chat channel and community. Just about everyone uses that channel or whispers to nonstop trash talk, login alts after ignore to continue, and generally cause eye cancer from reading what they spew out. Hell, I'm nowhere close to innocent of this myself.
I vote he gets another chance. Henhouse gave Ruuren, Firstaidkit, and Horrorfever a near countless amount of chances, and we're just asking for one.
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Re: unban appeal

Post by Terezi »

Deems wrote:This has become a trend... Act like a retard for some time, get banned a couple of times, write a sad story on the forums how you don't know what you were doing and promise to never do it again. Same shit, different op.
Except he is aware of what he did, and wishes to make necessary changes. Unlike Horrorfever, who would immediately pick up where he left off. What's it hurt to give him a chance? It's not like listening to /4 would be any less caustic, or talking to *any* of the arena community.
The fact he is even aware of his mistakes is the key here though, that's really when the most change can happen; when we're made aware our choices will bring out unfavorable results. We're coming out from a time where staff pretty much did not login. There were no consequences for being an asshole, regardless of how caustic. Now suddenly they're burning people at the stake.
If being 'toxic' was bannable, none of us would be able to play. Take a good hard look at our chat channel and community. Just about everyone uses that channel or whispers to nonstop trash talk, login alts after ignore to continue, and generally cause eye cancer from reading what they spew out. Hell, I'm nowhere close to innocent of this myself.
I vote he gets another chance. Henhouse gave Ruuren, Firstaidkit, and Horrorfever a near countless amount of chances, and we're just asking for one.
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Re: unban appeal

Post by Deems »

Pastorblastr wrote:Except he is aware of what he did, and wishes to make necessary changes. Unlike Horrorfever, who would immediately pick up where he left off. What's it hurt to give him a chance? It's not like listening to /4 would be any less caustic, or talking to *any* of the arena community.
The fact he is even aware of his mistakes is the key here though, that's really when the most change can happen; when we're made aware our choices will bring out unfavorable results. We're coming out from a time where staff pretty much did not login. There were no consequences for being an asshole, regardless of how caustic. Now suddenly they're burning people at the stake.
If being 'toxic' was bannable, none of us would be able to play. Take a good hard look at our chat channel and community. Just about everyone uses that channel or whispers to nonstop trash talk, login alts after ignore to continue, and generally cause eye cancer from reading what they spew out. Hell, I'm nowhere close to innocent of this myself.
I vote he gets another chance. Henhouse gave Ruuren, Firstaidkit, and Horrorfever a near countless amount of chances, and we're just asking for one.
He's had multiple chances to change his ways, but he didn't. It took several warnings, forum suspensions and finally an ingame ban for him to realize what a fucking tool he is. Maybe he should've taken the hint from all the warnings prior to the actual ban. Nah, fuck that, lets act like an arrogant turbonerd because I have a false sense of superiority.

It's a classic story of "hey, you can't do that" "yes I can" "no you can't" "yes I can" "no you can't" -> get repercussions -> "OMG I DIDN'T KNOW I CAN'T DO THAT WTF"

It's a vicious cycle on Smolderforge, happens a couple of times per year. Give another chance to one guy and another dumbfuck appears to take his place because he notices how easy it is to get attention.

Same story, just a different person. Nothing ever changes.

"He will change" Bull fucking shit. Whole opening post is just crap he wrote to avoid the ban. "I'm in my twenties and don't have enough life experience to understand my own behaviour" yeah fucking right. One fucking sad 20 year old if he doesn't understand what hes doing.
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Re: unban appeal

Post by misteryo2009 »

well ,happy new year henhouse:)) ya got a challenge for the new year to come.
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