save smolderfroge

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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Maikal1 »

Wotlk server srsly? Glaives as starter gear.. omg
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Maikal1 »

Henhouse must up swp gear again. That's all
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Rumers »

Maikal1 wrote:Henhouse must up swp gear again. That's all
this and the server will lost all his 90 ppl
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Madbonkis »

Thing I Believe killed server . Is bug's for Pvpers . Counter attack from Hunters can be dodged parried and blocked (its point is that I can't miss) Paladins Seal of blood Gives 50% of damage done back too paladin and increased damage witch is wrong . If a shaman change form just before zap he still sits zap in ghost wolf Witch is wrong . Viper sting Breaks traps"killing mana drain playstyle" . And this are just a few of the bug's that been Posted forums over and over and never fixed . The thing that nailed the Spikes in the coffin that killed server even more was the Health bug witch Mainly only affected Rshamans in 3v3 Because they don't have a health+ buff and that bugs Was up for 2 Months before fixed .And all bugs I've just said been here from start (except health bug) and none seams to care to fix them . Arena season don't end when it should . Gms never on. If you leave a server too die it will die it shouldn't come as a surprise . You want Populations back you fix bugs you Get it as blizz like as you can and get active support in game and server will grow fast , Most ppl who play tbc play it because they miss the real tbc not because they want to play some random costum build server where abilitys don't work
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Maikal1 »

So why the fuck Henhouse do not fix them bugs? Why the fuck he don't take care? Because is a shit .. but he still taking money from us.
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Akeno »

Maikal1 wrote:So why the fuck Henhouse do not fix them bugs? Why the fuck he don't take care? Because is a shit .. but he still taking money from us.
He's just busy irl. I'm waiting for some fixes and changes too though, have to admit it's been quite some time but I'm patient.
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Akeno »

I think once he has actual free time, he would really pay attention to the server again and everything will be alright. I have my hopes :D
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Madbonkis »

Akeno wrote:I think once he has actual free time, he would really pay attention to the server again and everything will be alright. I have my hopes :D

its been 7 years :D
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Henhouse »

Madbonkis wrote:its been 7 years :D
Do you have any idea what has happened in 7 years? Pretty big part of my life, dude. Closer to 8 now too.
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Re: save smolderfroge

Post by Wamboye »

Henhouse wrote:Closer to 8 now too.
You and the team have done a good job hosting one of the all time greatest tbc servers. I would hate to see SF offline. But these are hard times.

@madnob ye I been sapped as a bear too but is that detail really important? it barely happens
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