Some ideas that have already been proposed

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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Akeno »

Since i started playing again after taking a break from WoW, I've really enjoyed being part of Smolderforge again. I noticed a lot of things have changed and some still remain the ''good old'' same. Here's a few things some of you have probably proposed or mentioned before, but this time represented from my point of view.

1) Cross-faction Battlegrounds
I know some people are against this, but I think it's a really nice idea. In the mornings there aren't a lot of players or at least most of them are Horde which makes waiting for a battleground quite long. I'm even talking about queues for Warsong. I think cross-faction battlegrounds will not only fix that problem, but players will also feel more challenged. Those who were your ''friends'' this game might end up being your ''foes'' the next one. This makes things a lot more interesting. You get to fight against people you've never fought against before, you get to know other players better etc. It's nice overall. And it won't be confusing because everyone can spot a ''red name'' or a ''red health bar'' above an enemy player. Plus it might be funny to see a whole ''horde'' or ''alliance'' battleground - both teams being the same faction. Either way it will make things better and people will start making equal number of characters of any faction since it won't matter anymore. Both Alliance and Horde will play against each other, but also as a whole - as a team.

2) Tier 6 Offsets
I know how some people want the belt and bracers parts back. (Just tier6 belt and bracers, no other SWP items, nothing from tier6.5). I think it won't be a problem if they are returned in the game. But I'm only talking about those two item types. I think what made a lot of players overpowered were the rings, the trinkets and maybe the weapons a little bit. However if we return only the belt and bracers and instead let's say remove any kind of Free Action Potions once and for all (since i still see people using them), then things won't be that bad at all. That way, the only thing people will rely on is their PvP trinkets and on top of that they'll be able to make their tier/season combinations without being overpowered since they won't have any of those potions or any other offset Sunwell gear (specially the trinkets). This is purely my opinion, I just like the t6 bonuses but if that means unbalacing the gameplay again, then do not change it.

3) Gurubashi Arena Event at Peak Time
Everyone knows how sometimes you have to wait really really really really long for a battleground to start, or even for an arena match. During peak time, around 19:00-20:00 (07:00-08:00pm) server time, it would be nice to have Gurubashi Arena as an additional event. People would start making teams right before the event and the chest that's left from the goblin NPC can drop some amount of Weapon Fragments for every player from the team that won. And the best thing about this, you can make the area around the arena itself to be non PvP, so the only PvP can be inside the arena. That way people can watch and participate a the same time. And here's how it would work. The goblin leaves the chest there just like in retail and one of the teams needs to jump inside the arena to lure another team. Once a member of a team dies, they just won't be allowed to enter Gurubashi again untill the event is over. That way, the last ''man'' (team) standing will be the winner(s). And each player from that team (5 players max) will win some X number of Weapon Fragments. That will stimulate people to get to know each other, to have some fun and explore outdoor/arena styled FFA team pvp. It will be really nice. Just once a day, at peak time, people will be logging in just to have fun at this event (which will last one hour max and the chest will disappear afterwards). And after 5 wins (just a suggestion), which means minimum 5 nights of playing there, the winners will have enough fragments for one Legendary Artifact - Legendary item. So that's a good way for every player (donor or not) to have a chance to win something nice if they play at least 1-2 hours every few days in the week.

4) Making The Mall Look Even More Lively
This one is simple and easy and I've already noticed it, but I thought it would be great for new players to see this as they login for the first time. I noticed how most of the NPC's in the mall do some kind of emotions from time to time, but that's very rare. For the most part they're just standing or sitting, so why not change that ? Some NPCs have permanent emotes and they look much more alive. Like that gnome '' Lulu Tier-1H Axe Vendor'' who is punching his machine with the hammer. Why not have his orc friend next to him help him out ? Make NPCs wave at you as you close their window. Make them talk, laugh with each other. The Weapon Master for example, he can have a target dummy next to him and he can be ''training'' and when you talk to him he can be ''flexing'' or something. Or the Battlerground masters, when you're about to queue for a battleground, they can poiting at you as if they're saying '' I want you for Smolderforge Army '' . That would be really amazing. And lastly, maybe move the Information Murloc a little bit closer to the other NPCs on the Mall Island. He looks lonely. And maybe add little events like the darkmoon faire shooting cannon or make the sky with fireworks during night time. It will look even more alive. Glowy and fun.

5) Remove Durability
It's just annoying having to repair after every battleground/arena or after a few duels.

6) Use The Other Empty Space Of The Mall Island For The Class Trainers
Half of the island is not even used and the class trainers are just sitting one next to each other doing nothing. I like how there are gobjects (objects)/there are signs saying '' Armor/Weapons This side...'' . Why not place the class trainers on areas in the other side of the island and have a sign next to their ''place'' that says '' Rogue trainer'' (for example) . And have each class trainer do their own thing. The rogue trainer could be ''fighting'' against 3 target dummies as you go and meet him. The druid trainer going be doing something with plants, like herbalism. The hunter trainer could be shooting at a target. The Warrior trainer could be forging a weapon or just punching an anvil with a hammer. The Paladin trainer could be reading a book or sitting under a beam of ''holy'' (yellow) light or he could be mounted with a warhorse. These are my ideas.

That's all I can think of for now. Excuse me if my writing was kind of messy or with some kind of grammar mistakes. It's been a long day.

Edit : Here are some other ideas that people brought up which I also like.

Apuclevercow wrote:7. Remove profession areas and put the NPCs in the goblin building between the two islands.
Discyo wrote:8. Remove current LFG and create a World channel.
Discyo wrote:9. Implement Dual Talent Specialization.
10) Bring back the visible HP
Maybe this new %HP feature is blizzlike, but I see it bugging quite often. Plus, it's really hard to tell how much HP a player has, whether their gear is transmog gear or simply a low(er) tier gear. Is it a bit more challeging now that we can't know the other person's health ? Yes and no. There's already a feature that shows health and mana in % that's been implemented in WoW since Vanilla. My suggestion is to bring back the old health feature and if anyone wants to see their HP in % , they can just edit their interface options.

[h]Health Bug I Mentioned:[/h]

11) Allow Mounts To Be Available To Every Race

You're a human but you want to ride a raptor ? Sure, no problem. Just farm enough Badges Of Justice, maybe donate a 2-3$ or maybe pay with some war tokens or even legendary one ? Its a nice way to spend some currency and another reason to win battlegrounds instead of farming HKs.

12) Finally Fix Line Of Sight
Casting through walls, rocks, cliffs. Everyone has seen it, specially in battlegrounds like EOTS or Arathi Basin. Mages, warlocks, hunters and mostly druids and shamans just hide behind a cliff under a base and cast all of their spells. Not to mention all channelled spells continue to be channelled even when there is no line of sight. It's very annoying and it ruins your whole strategy. The same happens when you use shadowstep and charge too, so I'm not only talking about ranged type classes.

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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Comeherefour »

1) No.
2) Don't care.
3) Sure.
4) Don't care.
5) Since server is already so over-customized. Sure why not.
6) Don't care.
Good day.
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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Apuclevercow »

7. Remove profession areas and put the NPCs in the goblin building between the two islands.
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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Discyo »

8. Remove current LFG and create a World channel.
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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Apuclevercow »

Discyo wrote:8. Remove current LFG and create a World channel.
Why ?
Posts: 475

Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Discyo »

Apuclevercow wrote:Why ?
There are some clients which are unable to read LFG (german for example).
9. Implent Dual Talent Specialization.
Posts: 4

Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by misteryo2009 »

remove fap...why..?getting owned by warrios with fap?no.
just kidding,i'll agree with ya on the cross bg's and proff stuff.
Idk abut the rest,not that old here.
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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by Akeno »

Here are just some examples of where the class trainers could stay (spreading them out to the other parts of the island, where each class trainer can have his/her own private space with objects around them/doing some kind of emote etc... (as I suggested it in my first post). The blue circles indicate places where some class trainers could be placed (the others will be further in the island obviously) and the red circles indicate a place where one could spawn an Alliance and Horde banner (like the ones in Arathi Basin or EOTS when you capture a base) that sort of represent a gate towards the class trainers. Just cause it would look cool.

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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by mirok »

Does anybody even go to class trainer when you can respec in Liron?
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Re: Some ideas that have already been proposed

Post by theymademeking »

Hi, I've got an idea that I want to share : They should modify xmog mechanisum :
Warrior and Pala should xmo Plate into Leather,Clothes, and Mails
Shammy, Hunt should xmo Mails into Leather or Clothes
Rogue,Druid should xmo Leather into Clothes
And Lock,Mage n Priest should xmo Clothes into... Clothes :D
It's quite discriminatory criterion but it would be great. It give additional option for our xmo
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