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Firstaidkit wrote:First of all my post was a reply to Otaku's nonsense he posted. Secondly the only thing I remember about you is that you were a full PvE geared elemental shaman so you are clearly the one being mad for the removal of SWP gear.
I still smell the dodge on the air.
And nah im not mad or something shaman never was my thing i just did it as hobby to spend my time and nop im not mad coz of swp gear is removed^^
Last edited by Parakatiani on 25 Jul 2014, 14:40, edited 1 time in total.
I enjoy the changes which have been made.
Finally able to sustain and outheal boomkins and elemental shamans when they are on their rampage.
Keep up the good work.
It could have went one or another way but our staff did a perfect job.
all my chars got max. 4 items deleted of their current set so the 100 badges made up for it indeed.
pvp is more enjoyable now even though it's not a huge difference and you still see some haste stacker bads with noggenfogger but it will always be like that and t6 /bt gear is very decent but less focused on haste which indeed makes PvP more balanced.
I think the changes during the last months were pretty amazing and since our staff gave us the transmog feature in TBC there is no doubt they are the most capable team working on a TBC server.