Your ideas for legendary transmog models

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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by wambologee »

Well obviously the most legendary weapon ever first:
Shut up and take my money : D

The cow-milk-bucket which can also be used as a mug for alcoholics:

Akama's axes:


Custom warglaives:


Weird glaive-dagger:




Meat mace and fish offhand:


And maybe the darnassus guard fistweapon as well as the roses-offhand.
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Awoth »

Here are some models that I found:
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Pyrendora »

After seeing Awoth's and Wambo's lists I feel that there's nothing original I can add without creating my own custom items(which i sadly can't do, since mySQL wont let me alter the database -_-) so I thought I'd just say an "out of the box" idea? When I got bored and decided to create my own custom items I thought it'd be a lot cooler to mix and match the models and item types, for example Kalimdor's Revenge model being used for 1h swords, wands replaced by bows/crossbows/guns and vice virsa. (assuming the animations still works correctly) or my personal favorite, simply no model, unarmed combat always looked bad ass.
I also noticed there was a large category missed out of the models that currently can't be transmogged, I want to see The Stoppable Force in this new vendor! ;D

For the sake of completeness, I've uploaded a few of my favorite items here.

EDIT: Awoth, how did you change your weapon models? or did those models already exist on weapons?
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Apuclevercow »

The pitchfork for hunters would be nice.
I really think that a NPC which can let you visualize all these weapons on you and also transmog to your weapon the ones you've earned (!?)... It should be easier. It's obviously something harder to do but a vendor with 200 S4/SWP reworked weapons... I don't see the point for the bloodhoof chieftain iirc, just awesome.
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by wambologee »

Apuclevercow wrote: for the bloodhoof chieftain iirc, just awesome.
I would preffer if it was a 1h mace XD. But it would be one hell of a 2h mace as well. That one was always my favorite xD.
Awoth wrote:Here are some models that I found:
Damn you really got the hidden ones there. That thunderfury style sword is insane, we need at least 10 of your list. lol bro you added the Goblin rocket launcher? U wanna make it a throwing weapon? XD That thing should only have the animation it uses for the trinket so probably impossible.
You actually have at least 3 insane weapons I've never seen.

So how do we decide which ones will be used? :0
Last edited by wambologee on 28 Jul 2014, 17:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Awoth »

wambologee wrote:lol bro you added the Goblin rocket launcher? U wanna make it a throwing weapon? XD That thing should only have the animation it uses for the trinket so probably impossible.
It actually has a shooting animation, so I guess it will be a gun. :)

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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by wambologee »

Yes Awoth, that's the trinket animation, but with the trink it shoots the rocket and not bullets like you can see in my video, I think it would be weird if you simply see bullets flying out of it.
But the skin of that thing is epic that's why I use the trinket often :D
Pyrendora wrote:When I got bored and decided to create my own custom items I thought it'd be a lot cooler to mix and match the models and item types, for example Kalimdor's Revenge model being used for 1h swords, wands replaced by bows/crossbows/guns and vice virsa.
I gave this some thought and I think for example a nice 1h sword skin on a mace would be sick for druids/shamans/priests :0. Or a nice wand as an offhand, like you said a gun as a wand, etc :D
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Pyrendora »

Been creating some custom weapons with the unused models, here are the ones I've found
Screen Shots


Waraxe - 39291
Scythe - 48872
Encrusted Dragonscale Golden - 48401
Red generic sword -36251
Glowing dagger - 40889
Shotgun - 41430
Blue Arcanite Reaper - 43314
Green Merci Axe - 43354
Black Glowing Fist wep - 45543
Panda Warglaive <3 - 44687
Pale Thunderfury - 29992
Black Thunderfury with effects - 26451
Black Thunderfury w/o effects - 26452
Glowing Netherbane - 45072
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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Firstaidkit »

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Re: Your ideas for legendary transmog models

Post by Feyz »

Those are in the mall, therefore we can't use them. HOWEVER, look at the ones awoth found.

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