Regarding unique specs

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Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Xaru »

Wamboye wrote:
Xaru wrote:You niggers didn't even mention Shockadin when that dude asked why nobody makes unique specs anymore do you realize how much that hurt me?
w/e man shockadin is some lame shit faceroll swp gear spec no offense. maybe tryharding and being good at it like you takes some skill but to be a random shockadin is as easy as rolling haste casters
Yeah it doesn't take any skill but I just felt sad that nobody even mentioned it ;_; I was like but whyyyy. I mean, butts. I deserved da props. Weirdly enough I came back to WoW for a couple of months and got Gladiator title despite not playing since TBC/early wrath and not knowing how to counter anyone, just zerging is all you have to do nowadays on MoP. The game is retarded, filled with Russians, no need for guilds, Ret plays like Shockadins, you actually fight better just running away and using ranged attacks, you heal like crazy. It just felt so wrong. I understand that they had to do something with the classes but when it goes completely against the class principals you know the game has lost it. It's seriously dumb. I couldn't believe what WoW had turned into, every BG had at least 50% bots, making certain BGs impossible to play. It was truly sickening what they did to WoW. I just hope the same doesn't happen to Wildstar even though it's already filled with bots and they're banning them like crazy.

Are there any new girls playing on Smolderforge?
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 1276

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Balls »

It's a social game where they cut off the social part completely to make it "more accessible"
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 89

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Selitha »

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