Regarding unique specs

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Regarding unique specs

Post by Xaru »

You niggers didn't even mention Shockadin when that dude asked why nobody makes unique specs anymore do you realize how much that hurt me? You people have no compassion. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Anyone playing Wildstar? It's pretty cool.
Last edited by Xaru on 12 Jul 2014, 00:11, edited 1 time in total.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 926

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Wacco »

I lie when I'm nervous.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 1178

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Xaru »

Wacco wrote:I lie when I'm nervous.
If only more girls were like that I wouldn't have to roofie them to get them in my bed. Get it, cuz they'd be lying down haha rape pun jokes. xD:D:DD;:D
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 1178

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Xaru »

Oh shit I forgot to add does anyone have contact with Scruffee? He was a drood that played here, I said if I get a kitten I'd name it after him and I got a kitten about 3 weeks ago and her name is Scruffy and I wanted to send him dick pics of her she's cute she cuddles with me on my chest I thought cats were assholes because I've never had one before and that's what the internet said but they're super cuddly, she sleeps on my chest and kneads me before she goes to bed and follows me everywhere like a dog and shes only 2 months old but she already fetches a little mouse toy and brings it back to me so I can throw it cats are so cool I love them now well at least I love this one cuz she's cute.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 926

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Wacco »

I hate it, I hate summertimes, I spend more money on rohypnol than alcohol these days.. Must be more than 2 years ago i saw Scruffish now.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
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Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Henhouse »

Show us your latest knives.
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Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Xaru »

Henhouse wrote:Show us your latest knives.
Chinese short-sword dao.



Type 98 gunto katana, the swords the Japanese used in WW2.



Cheapo Damascus knife made in Pakistan. Quite good quality for the price, looks better in person.


My first Cold Steel knife, a 1917 frontier bowie.


These knives are handmade out of 52100 ball bearing steel in remote villages in China, they're extremely beautiful and they're some of the best blacksmiths in the world, it's sad that they're so unknown. If you bought a knife like this from the US or Europe it would cost you thousands, I've bought knives like this for $20 which is just ridiculously cheap. Sadly their way of life is dying out because Han Chinese have moved in and are taking away their way of life. The villagers have decided to fight back rather than be forced into poverty and have their culture destroyed so they've been using their knives to go on killing sprees against the government and citizens who have taken their land. While I don't support that the Chinese government are liars and are trying to act like just because they're muslims they're the same as other muslims who cause violence for no reason. These people are genuinely peaceful but have been pushed over the edge. Sadly now that they've killed a bunch of Chinese people the government is probably going to kill them all and claim no responsibility. If you search Xinjiang knife attacks you can watch videos of these people stabbing people it's crazy, there are videos of them charging the army and getting shot like 20 times and still charging. Even the women and children are fighting. It's tragic and while I generally don't like muslims I think the Chinese are the ones to blame for stealing their land and taking everything from them in the first place.



This handmade hatchet cost me £3 from China made out of high carbon steel.


This axe was £5, not very pretty but very functional and the head isn't coming off.

Bought this from a YouTuber, he makes the handles by wrapping them in para-cord and then pours a layer of epoxy on and sands it down into a nice handle. He has the sharpest knives ever. They cut through toilet tissues, they cut through everything.

That's all the new knives I have, it isn't too much, is it? :<
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 1276

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Balls »

Wildstar seemed promising, but then they decided to put in all of the shit that made wow terrible.
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Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Wamboye »

Xaru wrote:You niggers didn't even mention Shockadin when that dude asked why nobody makes unique specs anymore do you realize how much that hurt me?
w/e man shockadin is some lame shit faceroll swp gear spec no offense. maybe tryharding and being good at it like you takes some skill but to be a random shockadin is as easy as rolling haste casters
Posts: 1349

Re: Regarding unique specs

Post by Apuclevercow »

Oh, dj xaru.
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