About the poll to remove SWP gear

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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Mayore »

Cube wrote:The info gathered from the poll will most likely be biased in the first place. The majority of the people participating are players who've settled on the server, and a large portion of those are donors who likes to make new players leave bg's, since the other donors has either left, or just don't give a fuck anymore. So I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.

The voice of a new generation of players won't be heard, because most of them won't participate in the poll. Since they're not really invested in the server, they'll spend their time exploring what sf has to offer, and not concern themselves with potential changes and the future ahead. They'll be looking for a tbc server, either because they liked the expansion back in the day, or because they want to try it out. They'll land here, and I have a feeling that the current situation isn't all that inviting. No idea if I'm right here, but I have a feeling that sf would've hosted a bigger population if other decisions had been made in the past.

When it comes to gear, I'm not sure Hen could do much even if he wanted to. If he wanted to remove swp gear, he'd have to walk on wet paint. The $5 donation wouldn't be that big of a deal. People would bitch, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. But since specific donations have been available for quite some time now, he's pretty much stuck in that corner unless he wants a major shitstorm on his hands, and I'm not sure he'd want to handle that amount of fecal matter. So I don't think you should worry about a gear wipe.

Some custom bullshit might have a slight change of being introduced, but I don't see a system that would solve anything in any sensible way. However I twist and turn it, a gear wipe is always the best decision if a change was to be made. They could tone swp items down with whatever system they come up with, but wiping the gear and introducing the gear from the previous raids (where 95% of the gear is missing from the malls I might add) makes more sense. More varied gear for a bit more complex and broad character customization would be introduced, and pvp gear would get a much deserved promotion. Releasing the same gear as progression gear for non-donors would even the gap a bit, and make the server a bit more fair overall. Tweaking resilience would be dangerous shit, and would majorly fuck things up, so they can't really "buff" survivability either. And even if a system was found, it would just make people who're not up-to-date confused. Overall, it's just a terrible idea.

But, I could be wrong, would even like to be wrong. Maybe the middle road will be found somewhere in this cancer-ridden muck. Don't think it'll happen though.

I do find it funny that there has even been a consideration of introducing a custom system like this, since in the past it's all been very, very anti-custom around here. But I guess it's a good thing, because it most likely means that eyes have been opened. It's a bit ironic though. For being a non-custom tbc end-game server, it simulates being a custom tbc server better than it simulates being a tbc end-game server.

And Xaru, read what you've written before you press 'submit'. It'll save you the trouble of looking like a class A retarded cunt fuck. Because fucking Christ, you make no fucking sense at all, and your so called arguments are ridden with holes and stupidity.

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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Kim »

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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Xaru »

Cube wrote:The info gathered from the poll will most likely be biased in the first place. The majority of the people participating are players who've settled on the server, and a large portion of those are donors who likes to make new players leave bg's, since the other donors has either left, or just don't give a fuck anymore. So I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.

The voice of a new generation of players won't be heard, because most of them won't participate in the poll. Since they're not really invested in the server, they'll spend their time exploring what sf has to offer, and not concern themselves with potential changes and the future ahead. They'll be looking for a tbc server, either because they liked the expansion back in the day, or because they want to try it out. They'll land here, and I have a feeling that the current situation isn't all that inviting. No idea if I'm right here, but I have a feeling that sf would've hosted a bigger population if other decisions had been made in the past.

When it comes to gear, I'm not sure Hen could do much even if he wanted to. If he wanted to remove swp gear, he'd have to walk on wet paint. The $5 donation wouldn't be that big of a deal. People would bitch, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. But since specific donations have been available for quite some time now, he's pretty much stuck in that corner unless he wants a major shitstorm on his hands, and I'm not sure he'd want to handle that amount of fecal matter. So I don't think you should worry about a gear wipe.

Some custom bullshit might have a slight change of being introduced, but I don't see a system that would solve anything in any sensible way. However I twist and turn it, a gear wipe is always the best decision if a change was to be made. They could tone swp items down with whatever system they come up with, but wiping the gear and introducing the gear from the previous raids (where 95% of the gear is missing from the malls I might add) makes more sense. More varied gear for a bit more complex and broad character customization would be introduced, and pvp gear would get a much deserved promotion. Releasing the same gear as progression gear for non-donors would even the gap a bit, and make the server a bit more fair overall. Tweaking resilience would be dangerous shit, and would majorly fuck things up, so they can't really "buff" survivability either. And even if a system was found, it would just make people who're not up-to-date confused. Overall, it's just a terrible idea.

But, I could be wrong, would even like to be wrong. Maybe the middle road will be found somewhere in this cancer-ridden muck. Don't think it'll happen though.

I do find it funny that there has even been a consideration of introducing a custom system like this, since in the past it's all been very, very anti-custom around here. But I guess it's a good thing, because it most likely means that eyes have been opened. It's a bit ironic though. For being a non-custom tbc end-game server, it simulates being a custom tbc server better than it simulates being a tbc end-game server.

And Xaru, read what you've written before you press 'submit'. It'll save you the trouble of looking like a class A retarded cunt fuck. Because fucking Christ, you make no fucking sense at all, and your so called arguments are ridden with holes and stupidity.
Thanks for the reply, you're unbiased here so it's good that you gave your input. I know I can come across as a retard, but I'm not good at debating, I don't want to have to be the one making this thread and arguing for this, but I felt like I had to.
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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Gandraman »

Xaru wrote:I think it's really sad that the GM who implemented the poll (Exsurgo?) has decided to make a biased poll, with sarcastic answers regarding the use of consumables. If you want to have a poll at least make it a fair one instead of having a biased one. You made the poll vendor and put it only in the BG area where the majority of non-donor people hang out, and didn't put one in the donor zone. You've basically rigged this poll so it's obviously going to be in the favour of the GM who wants this vote to go the way he wants it. Why don't you just implement the fix without any input from the community instead of pissing about like this? It's obvious you want it done and you don't care for anybody elses opinion.

The reality is, you're removing SWP gear that we donated for, that we decided to donate for only on the understanding that we could use SWP gear. If you're going to remove it then what about all of us who donated? We sure as hell didn't donate to do PvE with BiS items. We did because this is one of the only servers left if not the only server left that gives us any choice over how we want to play. And what about consumables? We had to farm professions to get those consumables, and farm them every day to use them. It's our choice if we want to use them in BG's or not. Once you remove SWP gear we will have absolutely no choice over how we want to play. If we want to experiment with a new spec and try fun things out we can't, because we only have the choice to roll with S4 gear. That's boring, and your reasoning for doing this fix is because a few people (maybe a dozen) roll in BG's with a lot of SWP gear. And for that alone you're either going to put in a dodgy non-blizzlike fix that will undoubtedly balance the PvP here in an entirely new direction, or you're going to away gear from maybe a thousand people? More? I don't know how many people have donated here. But you've already made us farm hundreds of thousands of honor to get our gear, and now it's all for nothing? How many thousands of hours are going to be wasted?

I understand that it can be annoying to be killed by some guy with full SWP gear using his trinket, but if you think the same thing can't happen in S4 gear then you're wrong. The only difference will be that you will literally have no chance of killing them because instead of having diminishing returns through having low health, armour and resilience they now are capped out in everything and will undoubtedly destroy you in 1v1.

This used to be a fun server, for 5 years this server was a fun server, with no custom OP items it attracted the attention of the players we have now who make up the community. And now, over the last 2 years you have completely changed this server, confused, you have removed all of the fun aspects of this server. I don't recall people whining back when everyone had donor food, healthstones, soulstones, full SWP gear (including gear that currently costs money to buy) obtainable from ZA bosses. Professions that were even more easily obtainable with 10x rates. Items like Magic Dust being available at donors for us to use to silence people with in BG's. And two guilds that farmed kills all day and night. The difference is not that things are worse now, but that the few people on this forum (less than a dozen people) are more vocal and are complaining in multiple threads giving you the impression that it's a larger problem that it actually is.

The way I see this server going, is next you'll remove professions. Because they're not fair. And after that, why not remove S4 gear? After all that gives players an advantage too. Hell, why not scrap the entire server and reroll it into a TBC experience server if that's what you want to do. You GM's/Devs need to work out in your head what you want with this server, instead of messing the players around.

That's all I have to say.
Xarusednesminakaru !!1111!!1!
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Zapcraclepop »

@Cube: Honestly, I don't think there is a solution. For those who either donated for the SWP gear, or s4 donations so they can spend honor for it, or from SC. Either way you swing it, we're pretty much boned and stuck with it. There is no cure for this cancer, except one that he does not wish to resort to. utter removal.

I wonder sometimes, Xaru. Just what drugs you are smoking when you post, and why aren't you sharing?
dat greed yo. ;p

I like you Xaru, but your arguments... it's like listening to Fak and Ezatt argue... You seriously think that people get swp gear because they never had it on retail? There is no way in hell, you can pass that steaming pile of shit excuse off on us. Damned few of the community even touched retail before coming here, and fewer still were TBC era.

Pretty sure you didn't get the gear to relish in the fact you have it. You wanted to one shot people. However, at the first thought that you'd lose that "AMG HENRY HOW CAN U EVEN THINK OF THIS?!?! WTTTTTF?!?!?!?!" that is kinda comical man, you have to admit.

Honestly, as much as I wish Henhouse would just wipe it all; flipping you guys the bird and tell ya to adapt, it's likely not going to occur. But I'd love to be a fly on the wall if he ever decided to, and responding as such: "So you donated for it, so what? thanks for contributing, here have a panda cub, now fuck off." :3

In such event, I may turn gay for a day, because the amount of swag that would earn him... numbers lose significance.

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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Comehere »

I love you Zap.
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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Apuclevercow »

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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Henhouse »

Apuclevercow wrote:Image
I mean, to be honest, why else would they say not to change it?

"I like the pretty buff icon."
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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Apuclevercow »

Henhouse wrote:
Apuclevercow wrote:Image
I mean, to be honest, why else would they say not to change it?

"I like the pretty buff icon."
About wards of shielding on shamans they could say that it makes the game more balanced b/c they're in mail and warriors are in plate, which is ofc seriously unfair!!!

Btw, did anyone take this choice ? ;D
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Re: About the poll to remove SWP gear

Post by Henhouse »

If you're that worried about it, I will change it. However, I doubt it will make that great a difference.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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