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Imperium wrote:deems how do you only play with 12 spells??????
Every macro could be up to 4 in 1 abilities macro (nomod + 3 modifiers), though that would be stressful to the fingers, imo.
Or he could be switching bars 0ld5ch00l-mode.
I love biting dem troll (?) baits.
Imperium wrote:deems how do you only play with 12 spells??????
Every macro could be up to 4 in 1 abilities macro (nomod + 3 modifiers), though that would be stressful to the fingers, imo.
Or he could be switching bars 0ld5ch00l-mode.
I love biting dem troll (?) baits.
I knew about the modifier keys, but not the macro 4-in-1. Learn something new everyday, thanks for the legitimate explanation even though I was slightly kidding.
Well after much consideration I've decided to give up the search :p
Like I said; I used to use this back in the day and I never realized how bad it was until this very generous and polite display of expert ui knowledge!
QuantumVoid wrote:
Every macro could be up to 4 in 1 abilities macro (nomod + 3 modifiers), though that would be stressful to the fingers, imo.
Or he could be switching bars 0ld5ch00l-mode.
I love biting dem troll (?) baits.
I just put keybinds on my shit and hide the bars - no need to put 3 modifiers in every macro.
Yeah, figured as much after writing my post. I personally do not hide them as there are a few things I still click (Like Mounts, Poisons, & Fun Items etc etc) - Not that it matters much anyway.
[Edit] PS: I still have to meet someone who switches bars o.O - Even on retail I had met only like 4 people (Out of hundreds) who did it and played competitively.