Are you trying to hack? Sounds exactly what happens when you trigger Warden.Divinepsyco wrote:Is the server super unstable or is that just me? every time i log on i get kicked off in seconds.
Server down Yo ?
Re: Server down Yo ?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Server down Yo ?
send me some hax.
Re: Server down Yo ?
Apparently there has been 167 players on for the past few hours yet i'm unable to log in, guessing the server froze again?
Re: Server down Yo ?
Server down again? Just as I wanted to go online, too. ;_;
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Server down Yo ?
Xaru wrote:Server down again? Just as I wanted to go online, too. ;_;
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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