will get fixed fast since it doesnt give more advanced classes like paladin/lock/hunt basicly no chance.
1: Chain lightning
This one is pretty known.
now lets look at the spell itself first.

now notice how it says affects total of 3 targets.
it does NOT work like that on this serv.
no, here it stacks up to as many ppl as possible in a grouphug.
also it is possible to hit the first target, miss the second, and it continue to hit the third target.
but this also does not appear to be workin properly on Smolderforge.
this is a serious gamebreaking flaw and needs to be looked at fast since
shamans can reduce there cast to 1 second due to full swp gear which leads me to another thing.
2: Sunflare
Ok so when lookin at our donation list its nice to see that Golden staff of sin'dorei, the hammer of sanctification and Hand of deceiver are on there.
but why not Sunflare? i mean it has the same value for casters as hammer of sanc has for healers.
it really is ridiculous not it among there and should be added to the list
either that or add it all to the swp vender but im in all for putting it on the donations list instead of vice versa.
3: Dual wield bug
Thanks to exsurgo's testing he has shown to us that there IS something wrong with the melee classes on this server.
i wont go to deep into details they can be found here.
http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/post ... =9&p=49998
4: Pets
This is a bug thats been here on SF for quite a long time.
Pets are being 2 shot in bg's if not, 1 shotted. and sure its plausible when it happens because of a full swp geared charr
but its ridiculous when this happens by a player wearing full s2.
is it there armor thats bugged? there spell scalin? or there hp ?
i dont know but something IS broken about it
picture a demonology lock with his fellgaurd.
if the fell gaurd gets 2-3 shotted every 5min in a bg
then the demo lock has 0% survivability
therefore breakin an ENTIRE spec on this server.
not only that but pets also randomly run away if you click on follow they are supposed to follow for as long as you please dependin on your pet stance etcetera.
5: Combat Bug
The most annoying one of all
imagine playing AB , EOTS or in worst cases AV.
now imagine doing that WHOLE bg walkin.
i think you get where im going to.
so to sum it all up it in a short lis is as following
1: Fix chain lightning's target jump limit to 3 and spell hit of this spell.
2: Remove Sunflare from the vendor and add it to donation.
3: Seriously take a look at the DWB (Dual wieldin bug.)
4: Try to do something about pets dying so fast (increase its armor/ health?)
5: do something about the combat bug ( make you automaticly leave combat after 5 seconds of
direct hit spells?)