GM Applications & Requirements
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
Note: I am Applying for the WOLTK realm.
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
My 2 main characters are Criminalz or Criminal and Liquidicey.
How old are you:
I am 17 years old.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in United States (MD).
Other languages fluent in besides English:
I only speak English.
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, WoW-BeeZ GM Level 2 (about 3 months), Legendary-WoW Head Admin (over a year), and Crusade Gaming GM level 4 (about 2 months)
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I am going into my Senior year of High School
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
When Henry took over Pineapple-WoW years ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (Opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I know how everything works, I have done many events and know all of the commands. I also have a few GM add-ons from the last server I was GMing on.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I work well with others of course, or else why would I even apply? I also like to be in a peaceful mode when I am answering tickets, not including if I have to go to a character.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I played retail for about 5 years on and off.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I have 2 level 80's a Human Rogue and a Human Paladin
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I think I am a good qualifier because of the amount of dedication I put in. I have been at Smolderforge for a long time, since the server has had a WOTLK server. Now that Henry brought it back and it is already being a success I am sure we need some GM's on the job. We all know that some can come from the other realm, but we need active GM's on the WOTLK one also. I believe that I am a good person for this job being experienced, known all around the community, and being a friendly guy. Not only that but I put a lot of time into the job, I can do lots of tickets that need to be done, or do anything that has to get done.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thank you for taking the time to read my Application and I will put my contact info below
Aim - LiquidiceyGB
Twitter - Liquidicey
Skype - Williampowersx
Email - [email protected]
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
My 2 main characters are Criminalz or Criminal and Liquidicey.
How old are you:
I am 17 years old.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in United States (MD).
Other languages fluent in besides English:
I only speak English.
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, WoW-BeeZ GM Level 2 (about 3 months), Legendary-WoW Head Admin (over a year), and Crusade Gaming GM level 4 (about 2 months)
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I am going into my Senior year of High School
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
When Henry took over Pineapple-WoW years ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (Opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I know how everything works, I have done many events and know all of the commands. I also have a few GM add-ons from the last server I was GMing on.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I work well with others of course, or else why would I even apply? I also like to be in a peaceful mode when I am answering tickets, not including if I have to go to a character.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I played retail for about 5 years on and off.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I have 2 level 80's a Human Rogue and a Human Paladin
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I think I am a good qualifier because of the amount of dedication I put in. I have been at Smolderforge for a long time, since the server has had a WOTLK server. Now that Henry brought it back and it is already being a success I am sure we need some GM's on the job. We all know that some can come from the other realm, but we need active GM's on the WOTLK one also. I believe that I am a good person for this job being experienced, known all around the community, and being a friendly guy. Not only that but I put a lot of time into the job, I can do lots of tickets that need to be done, or do anything that has to get done.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thank you for taking the time to read my Application and I will put my contact info below
Aim - LiquidiceyGB
Twitter - Liquidicey
Skype - Williampowersx
Email - [email protected]
Last edited by Criminalz on 15 Jul 2012, 10:45, edited 2 times in total.
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples): Rawr
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in: America
Other languages fluent in besides English: Spanish
If so, how well: Basic understanding of what people are trying to ask me.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes I have.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Freshmen in a community college near my hometown.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Started playing back when it was Pineapple a couple of years ago. Tried a few other games, but I heard the release of the new, and improved Smolderforge. So far it is the least buggy Wrath server I seen.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): Lots of experience as in the first 4 days of Smolderforge I have opened like 8+ tickets :D. On the old Smolderforge I hung out with all the GMs that used to be there.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work extremely well as I have actually been taught to work with others. I am going for a major in engineering, and that is one of the main requirements you need to become great at engineering. Team work to me is a main priority. Some tasks though may require you to be independent. It is always good to not have to rely on others. So I would say I am half and half.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? I have major experience with retail. I have played since the release in Novemember of 2004. I have played every expansion they have released so far. My one character has around 250+ days played. I also have other characters with 20-50 days played as well. Combined it is atleast 1 year (365 days) played on retail.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Vanilla(2 60 chars), TBC(2 chars 70), Wotlk(4 chars 80), Cata(6 chars 85)
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to
the community? For starters I meet all the requirements to become one. I know the server pretty well and I know most of the community as it is. I already have helped many people with their characters or just questions that they have whispered to me. I find bugs and report them to make the server better. I have also advertised both TBC and WOTLK servers on 3 websites during my free time. My posts combined brought in 150-200 viewers within the first 8 hours. I also have so much time on my hands to read tickets and assist the community in any way. I have 2 days played total on the server and it has been released for 4 days now despite some disconnections. If a ticket has a different problem because google is my best friend and I will use it to communicate with fellow players. Have a question I don't know? or before henry! It's better to go outside the box to see the light instead of staying inside the box where the darkness consumes you.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes!
Any additional comments you would like to add? I have recently gone through TWO major surgeries at the age of 18. (this is not a feel bad for me topic to people who read this). My lung had blebs which are like air bubbles all around the connective tissues. I had a big one pop and it collapsed my lung. They said they would have to go through surgery to remove the blebs from my lung and re-inflate my lung. They also made it bleed intensely so it would stick to the chest wall and have a 95% chance of NEVER collapsing again. Internal bleeding means I need to have a chest tube go inside my body for aboue 3-4 days. I had the same procedure done to my left lung after a CT scan discovered more blebs on my left lung. All in all these two major surgeries have really had a effect on me. Looking back I was scared as shit during the 1st one. It was a scared feeling of being on a battlefield with your country fighting for your life. After completely the 1st one my 2nd one seemed to be mere joke to me. The great saying definitely applies here: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." and stronger it made me indeed. Other then that tragic event I love to write. Write as in stories or poetry. Call me names, whatever you want, you will never make me stop writing. I have been called "gay, loser, weird, retard, lame, fool," but in return "inspiring, lovely, great, best, awesome, and best friend.". People don't realize that they won't accomplish anything if they don't get out there and experience different things. So this is why I am throwing myself out of the loop and going for GM.
I hope you enjoyed a little about my life, and it wasn't a "feel bad" for me situation, so please don't think that way as I would never want anyone to think that way.
If you would like to read some of my poems or want one created I would be glad to share or create some for you.
Thank you all for reading this application. Sorry for your lost time, and I truely hope that a few have learned something new from me, as I love people who learn something new from other people of society. We aren't nations.. we are one nation. We are all humans.. Homo Sapiens. So lets keep it that way. <3
Skype: Scewpdawg
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in: America
Other languages fluent in besides English: Spanish
If so, how well: Basic understanding of what people are trying to ask me.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes I have.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Freshmen in a community college near my hometown.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Started playing back when it was Pineapple a couple of years ago. Tried a few other games, but I heard the release of the new, and improved Smolderforge. So far it is the least buggy Wrath server I seen.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): Lots of experience as in the first 4 days of Smolderforge I have opened like 8+ tickets :D. On the old Smolderforge I hung out with all the GMs that used to be there.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work extremely well as I have actually been taught to work with others. I am going for a major in engineering, and that is one of the main requirements you need to become great at engineering. Team work to me is a main priority. Some tasks though may require you to be independent. It is always good to not have to rely on others. So I would say I am half and half.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? I have major experience with retail. I have played since the release in Novemember of 2004. I have played every expansion they have released so far. My one character has around 250+ days played. I also have other characters with 20-50 days played as well. Combined it is atleast 1 year (365 days) played on retail.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Vanilla(2 60 chars), TBC(2 chars 70), Wotlk(4 chars 80), Cata(6 chars 85)
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to
the community? For starters I meet all the requirements to become one. I know the server pretty well and I know most of the community as it is. I already have helped many people with their characters or just questions that they have whispered to me. I find bugs and report them to make the server better. I have also advertised both TBC and WOTLK servers on 3 websites during my free time. My posts combined brought in 150-200 viewers within the first 8 hours. I also have so much time on my hands to read tickets and assist the community in any way. I have 2 days played total on the server and it has been released for 4 days now despite some disconnections. If a ticket has a different problem because google is my best friend and I will use it to communicate with fellow players. Have a question I don't know? or before henry! It's better to go outside the box to see the light instead of staying inside the box where the darkness consumes you.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes!
Any additional comments you would like to add? I have recently gone through TWO major surgeries at the age of 18. (this is not a feel bad for me topic to people who read this). My lung had blebs which are like air bubbles all around the connective tissues. I had a big one pop and it collapsed my lung. They said they would have to go through surgery to remove the blebs from my lung and re-inflate my lung. They also made it bleed intensely so it would stick to the chest wall and have a 95% chance of NEVER collapsing again. Internal bleeding means I need to have a chest tube go inside my body for aboue 3-4 days. I had the same procedure done to my left lung after a CT scan discovered more blebs on my left lung. All in all these two major surgeries have really had a effect on me. Looking back I was scared as shit during the 1st one. It was a scared feeling of being on a battlefield with your country fighting for your life. After completely the 1st one my 2nd one seemed to be mere joke to me. The great saying definitely applies here: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." and stronger it made me indeed. Other then that tragic event I love to write. Write as in stories or poetry. Call me names, whatever you want, you will never make me stop writing. I have been called "gay, loser, weird, retard, lame, fool," but in return "inspiring, lovely, great, best, awesome, and best friend.". People don't realize that they won't accomplish anything if they don't get out there and experience different things. So this is why I am throwing myself out of the loop and going for GM.
I hope you enjoyed a little about my life, and it wasn't a "feel bad" for me situation, so please don't think that way as I would never want anyone to think that way.
If you would like to read some of my poems or want one created I would be glad to share or create some for you.
Thank you all for reading this application. Sorry for your lost time, and I truely hope that a few have learned something new from me, as I love people who learn something new from other people of society. We aren't nations.. we are one nation. We are all humans.. Homo Sapiens. So lets keep it that way. <3
Skype: Scewpdawg
Last edited by Rawr on 17 Jul 2012, 22:29, edited 1 time in total.
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
Hello, i wanted to say my IRL name is Pete and I truly look forward to playing and hopefully being a GM on the new 3.5.5 server :)
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
I have recently began playing the new 3.5.5 realm and its great.
Warrior: Chaos
Rogue: Vengeance
How old are you:
19 years
What country do you currently live in:
USA. New York
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Only English
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I used to be a GM on the server Naxp almost since the beginning. It was great and running fine, until one of the admins, (Goopa),had gotten corrupted and single-handedly ruined the server by giving many players GM powers and just overall messed up the server.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
In College on my 2nd year.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Like I stated before, I played Pineapple for a long time, and I even remember when it changed to Smolderforge, but I don't remember playing on Smolderforge directly if I did.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
Much experience with all the basic GM commands such as tickets, teleporting, and even creating objects. I used to assist admins in creating new landscapes for Capture the Flag events and things like that. I'm experienced in doing simple PvP events such as 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5. I understand GMs aren't allowed to show themselves unless advised. We also used to do something we called GM boss events on Naxp, which can be explained on request.
Regarding the GMs here, i have only opened a ticket once, but I dont really remember the name of the GM who assisted me. I believe it started with an M or something. He/She took care of the problem in no time. Talked to you, Hen, outside ticket a few times to place my input about the new gurubashi world pvp.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I love working as a team to accomplish tasks. It allows for potential depending on the task at hand. If it is an event it could be larger, if its tickets, they get done quicker. Having more GMs around also allows for possible error of not knowing the answer to a question asked by a player.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played retail wow for many years. I reached levell 85 and participated in BWD raids all the time. Eventually it just got truly boring and I had quit for League of Legends, which is also pretty lame. I have returned to wow for multiple reasons including pvp with my friends and the change to help other players as a GM
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
85 Warrior
85 Mage
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I just love to help players, to serve the community and be part of something bigger than I am is a great feeling. Working as a team to make the server better and to being in more population is the true goal. My favorite thing is creating events and landscapes for players. Simple events such as 2v2 are really unlikely on just about every server out there, and I would like to work hard up to where I help could make Smolderforge better than all the other servers by providing such things.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
sure am. ^_^
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I truly have fun when I am able to assist people and provide entertainment, as well as, being part of something bigger than I. I'm a fun, helpful guy who enjoys being silly and whatnot, but can understand when professionalism is required. I would also just like to say thanks for reading this application and perhaps considering me as a GM for your server.
Email= [email protected]
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
I have recently began playing the new 3.5.5 realm and its great.
Warrior: Chaos
Rogue: Vengeance
How old are you:
19 years
What country do you currently live in:
USA. New York
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Only English
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I used to be a GM on the server Naxp almost since the beginning. It was great and running fine, until one of the admins, (Goopa),had gotten corrupted and single-handedly ruined the server by giving many players GM powers and just overall messed up the server.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
In College on my 2nd year.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Like I stated before, I played Pineapple for a long time, and I even remember when it changed to Smolderforge, but I don't remember playing on Smolderforge directly if I did.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
Much experience with all the basic GM commands such as tickets, teleporting, and even creating objects. I used to assist admins in creating new landscapes for Capture the Flag events and things like that. I'm experienced in doing simple PvP events such as 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5. I understand GMs aren't allowed to show themselves unless advised. We also used to do something we called GM boss events on Naxp, which can be explained on request.
Regarding the GMs here, i have only opened a ticket once, but I dont really remember the name of the GM who assisted me. I believe it started with an M or something. He/She took care of the problem in no time. Talked to you, Hen, outside ticket a few times to place my input about the new gurubashi world pvp.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I love working as a team to accomplish tasks. It allows for potential depending on the task at hand. If it is an event it could be larger, if its tickets, they get done quicker. Having more GMs around also allows for possible error of not knowing the answer to a question asked by a player.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played retail wow for many years. I reached levell 85 and participated in BWD raids all the time. Eventually it just got truly boring and I had quit for League of Legends, which is also pretty lame. I have returned to wow for multiple reasons including pvp with my friends and the change to help other players as a GM
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
85 Warrior
85 Mage
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I just love to help players, to serve the community and be part of something bigger than I am is a great feeling. Working as a team to make the server better and to being in more population is the true goal. My favorite thing is creating events and landscapes for players. Simple events such as 2v2 are really unlikely on just about every server out there, and I would like to work hard up to where I help could make Smolderforge better than all the other servers by providing such things.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
sure am. ^_^
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I truly have fun when I am able to assist people and provide entertainment, as well as, being part of something bigger than I. I'm a fun, helpful guy who enjoys being silly and whatnot, but can understand when professionalism is required. I would also just like to say thanks for reading this application and perhaps considering me as a GM for your server.
Email= [email protected]
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
************Applying for Wotlk Realm :]**************
What is your character's name in-game: Iyu,Iyuu,Iyuz,Iyup,Iyuw,Iyum,Snoww,Blastoise,Charizard,Venusaur,Iyus,Iyur
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: USA, California
Other languages fluent in besides English: Thai, Vietnamese, Spanish.
If so, how well: I'm pretty fluent in Vietnamese and I can also speak a little Thai. Really well at speaking Spanish.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Senior year in high school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
2010 in May
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Alot of experience with that. Mainly because I'm a Wanna-Make-A-Ticket person. I don't speak with other GMs often, mainly because I'm rarely around where they might be.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I choose to work with others. Working alone isn't too fun.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? I've played it a lot mainly making too many trial accounts. I did have two retail accounts that I gave to my friends because I didn't want to pay the bill.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
72 Warrior
69 Rogue
80 Warrior
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? Well.... I'm usually on the game most of the time(I have a life though lol). I don't like seeing drama throughout other people even though that is what usually goes on among the LFG chat. I don't really have much to put me over other players in my opinion atleast. I've done several things in the GM department but besides since other players have probably done that too then... yea. What I have to offer to the community - As I said before I'm on most of the time unless something pops up. I'm a big inspect-a-player nerd if I have any suspicions as I usually do about most people.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Erm... Hi.
Skype - Jadelovesnico <--(Dumped this jerk..Old name!)
Yahoo - [email protected]
Hotmail - [email protected]
What is your character's name in-game: Iyu,Iyuu,Iyuz,Iyup,Iyuw,Iyum,Snoww,Blastoise,Charizard,Venusaur,Iyus,Iyur
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: USA, California
Other languages fluent in besides English: Thai, Vietnamese, Spanish.
If so, how well: I'm pretty fluent in Vietnamese and I can also speak a little Thai. Really well at speaking Spanish.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Senior year in high school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
2010 in May
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Alot of experience with that. Mainly because I'm a Wanna-Make-A-Ticket person. I don't speak with other GMs often, mainly because I'm rarely around where they might be.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I choose to work with others. Working alone isn't too fun.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? I've played it a lot mainly making too many trial accounts. I did have two retail accounts that I gave to my friends because I didn't want to pay the bill.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
72 Warrior
69 Rogue
80 Warrior
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? Well.... I'm usually on the game most of the time(I have a life though lol). I don't like seeing drama throughout other people even though that is what usually goes on among the LFG chat. I don't really have much to put me over other players in my opinion atleast. I've done several things in the GM department but besides since other players have probably done that too then... yea. What I have to offer to the community - As I said before I'm on most of the time unless something pops up. I'm a big inspect-a-player nerd if I have any suspicions as I usually do about most people.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Erm... Hi.
Skype - Jadelovesnico <--(Dumped this jerk..Old name!)
Yahoo - [email protected]
Hotmail - [email protected]
Your not funny oh my gos hh shut up!!!
Kidding I love you.
Ret Pally(Donor) Blastoise
Fury warr Iyuq
Hunter Iyuh
Rogue Venusaur
Many many more :]
All in Wotlk
Kidding I love you.

Ret Pally(Donor) Blastoise
Fury warr Iyuq
Hunter Iyuh
Rogue Venusaur
Many many more :]
All in Wotlk
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) Akrioss, Zeroftw, Serran, Saronite
How old are you: 21
What country do you currently live in: Canada
Other languages fluent in besides English: N/A
If so, how well: N/A
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Nope
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Didn't Go University Yet.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? About 8 Months Ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Not So Much.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I Work Well With Other's And I'm Also Independent.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? 8 years Since Alpha Wow November 2003
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Well I Mainly Play Rogue To Be Honest, I'v Been Playing Rogue Forever.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I Offer Lots of Help And Im Online 24hours A Day I Was Thinking of Running Events Since There Is Nothing to Do.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes i Did
Any additional comments you would like to add?
How old are you: 21
What country do you currently live in: Canada
Other languages fluent in besides English: N/A
If so, how well: N/A
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Nope
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Didn't Go University Yet.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? About 8 Months Ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Not So Much.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I Work Well With Other's And I'm Also Independent.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? 8 years Since Alpha Wow November 2003
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Well I Mainly Play Rogue To Be Honest, I'v Been Playing Rogue Forever.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I Offer Lots of Help And Im Online 24hours A Day I Was Thinking of Running Events Since There Is Nothing to Do.
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes i Did
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
GM Application
What is your character's name in-game: My Main Ones ARe.. Wotlk - Necrohealia, Stiffmeister. TBC- Felixx, Misspriesty
How old are you: I'm 22.. Jeez I'm Getting Old!
[b]What country do you currently live in[/b]: England!
[b]Other languages fluent in besides English[/b]: Fluent In Slang English! :)
If so, how well: Oh Very Well!
[b]Have you ever been a Game Master on another server?[/b] (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Unfortunately No, I'm A GM Virgin!
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: I'm currently a full-time worker.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? I Started Playing Roughly 2/3 Months Ago
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) I'v never had any need to open a ticket, so cant comment in that department. But smolderforge GMs all seem to be good, all have good banter which is nice to see.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: Yeah i like to work as a team, i worked 5 years as a 'sale assistant team leader' so i had to have good communication with others,, but everyone needs time on there own every now and again.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Upto and including TBC i had alot of experience, but with wotlk/cata am kinda new to those!
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? I had a level 70 shadowpriest which was mainly for PvE and a level 70 rogue which i used For PvP.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I'm polite speaking, open minded and just like to help people out.
[b]Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?[/b] I have indeed
Any additional comments you would like to add? Hopefully look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many Thanks
What is your character's name in-game: My Main Ones ARe.. Wotlk - Necrohealia, Stiffmeister. TBC- Felixx, Misspriesty
How old are you: I'm 22.. Jeez I'm Getting Old!
[b]What country do you currently live in[/b]: England!
[b]Other languages fluent in besides English[/b]: Fluent In Slang English! :)
If so, how well: Oh Very Well!
[b]Have you ever been a Game Master on another server?[/b] (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Unfortunately No, I'm A GM Virgin!
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: I'm currently a full-time worker.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? I Started Playing Roughly 2/3 Months Ago
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) I'v never had any need to open a ticket, so cant comment in that department. But smolderforge GMs all seem to be good, all have good banter which is nice to see.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: Yeah i like to work as a team, i worked 5 years as a 'sale assistant team leader' so i had to have good communication with others,, but everyone needs time on there own every now and again.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Upto and including TBC i had alot of experience, but with wotlk/cata am kinda new to those!
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? I had a level 70 shadowpriest which was mainly for PvE and a level 70 rogue which i used For PvP.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I'm polite speaking, open minded and just like to help people out.
[b]Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?[/b] I have indeed
Any additional comments you would like to add? Hopefully look forward to hearing from you soon.
Many Thanks
Fixed.Imperium wrote:What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
Imperium, Jeep, Sadpanda, Ronpauladin.
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
United States of America
Other languages fluent in besides English:
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, but so long ago I don't believe it should even be considered experience.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
Highschool graduate, fulltime worker.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
2008 May? I think.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
A lot of experience watching/talking to the current staff, I open tickets almost daily so speaking to the staff is an everyday thing(almost).
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I prefer to work alone, but having someone help out with bigger issues is always nice, in fact I would lik e to have a more experienced Staff help me with problems.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
Been playing retail on and off since it released. Quit after hitting 85 and gearing up.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
Two level 85's, a Shaman and a Warrior.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
Been around SF since '08, TBC off and on, more reliable on WOTLK, I know most of the community. I follow orders pretty well, work with others easily and by myself. I am also on during offpeak hours to help the players whom cannot get on during mainstream hours; allowing me to better service more of the community.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
I agree fully.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) Mxt, Ace, Dxt.
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: The USA
Other languages fluent in besides English: Spanish
If so, how well: Decent, around High school level Spanish.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Cruel-wow and Brutal wow for 3 years.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Soon a 11th grader.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? About 3-4 years ago. Account made a year ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Very well.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work well with others, and a good leader.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Played for 7 years.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Level 80 paladin Borameir, Mxt, level 70 rogue
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I am a night player, so I keep up with the server during the night shifts
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes.
Any additional comments you would like to add? I like to add, that i think the server would need more GM's at night to catch abusers. and players that are hacking or HK farming
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: The USA
Other languages fluent in besides English: Spanish
If so, how well: Decent, around High school level Spanish.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Cruel-wow and Brutal wow for 3 years.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Soon a 11th grader.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? About 3-4 years ago. Account made a year ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Very well.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work well with others, and a good leader.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Played for 7 years.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) Level 80 paladin Borameir, Mxt, level 70 rogue
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I am a night player, so I keep up with the server during the night shifts
Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes.
Any additional comments you would like to add? I like to add, that i think the server would need more GM's at night to catch abusers. and players that are hacking or HK farming
The moment I think about you
I go to another world
A world where you love me too
And where I can never be hurt
The truth is I don?ó?é¼?äót know what to say
My mind goes completely blank....Wtf am i saying?!!?
I go to another world
A world where you love me too
And where I can never be hurt
The truth is I don?ó?é¼?äót know what to say
My mind goes completely blank....Wtf am i saying?!!?
- Donor
- Posts: 2
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
Nahkastrike, gnome rogue. Nahkaselkä night elf druid.
How old are you:
I'm 17 years old, born in 21.5.1995.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in Kajaani, Finland.
Other languages fluent in besides English:
If so, how well:
I speak finnish very well because I live in Finland.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, on World of the Gods server for about 3 months. I worked in event team for 1 month. So I know almost every command, but that's kinda long time ago so don't remember them so well.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I'm currently in vocational school first grade.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Long time ago, can't even remember anymore.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I got some experience with Smolderforge GM's, usually asked something about upcoming event or something like that. ( Haven't seen many GM's online )
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I like to work with people, but sometimes it's just better to leave me alone. Everyone got bad days.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I started playing retail in the end of vanilla, played trough Cataclysm and thinking to quit when they release Mists of Pandaria.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I got level 85 rogue ( ... ika/simple), lvl 85 druid and lvl 80 hunter.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I think that I would be good GM, because I know commands and how to handle tight situations. I like to work with diffrent kind of people from time to time.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I agree terms of service and code of conduct and I am willing to bind to the Game Master code of conduct.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Contact me via forum message or whisper me in-game or you can send me mail in-game too. E-mail: [email protected]
I hope you enjoyed reading my GM application and i'm hoping to hear from you soon.
Nahkastrike, gnome rogue. Nahkaselkä night elf druid.
How old are you:
I'm 17 years old, born in 21.5.1995.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in Kajaani, Finland.
Other languages fluent in besides English:
If so, how well:
I speak finnish very well because I live in Finland.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, on World of the Gods server for about 3 months. I worked in event team for 1 month. So I know almost every command, but that's kinda long time ago so don't remember them so well.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I'm currently in vocational school first grade.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Long time ago, can't even remember anymore.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I got some experience with Smolderforge GM's, usually asked something about upcoming event or something like that. ( Haven't seen many GM's online )
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I like to work with people, but sometimes it's just better to leave me alone. Everyone got bad days.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I started playing retail in the end of vanilla, played trough Cataclysm and thinking to quit when they release Mists of Pandaria.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I got level 85 rogue ( ... ika/simple), lvl 85 druid and lvl 80 hunter.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I think that I would be good GM, because I know commands and how to handle tight situations. I like to work with diffrent kind of people from time to time.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I agree terms of service and code of conduct and I am willing to bind to the Game Master code of conduct.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Contact me via forum message or whisper me in-game or you can send me mail in-game too. E-mail: [email protected]
I hope you enjoyed reading my GM application and i'm hoping to hear from you soon.
- Posts: 3
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
Information :
Event GM Application (TBC Server)
17 September 2012
Vandebergh Tim (Main Character : Roguetrainer)
Application :
How old are you:
-> 18 (10/03/94).
What country to you currently live in:
-> Belgium, Europe.
Do you speak any other languages besides English:
-> Yes. I speak Dutch (Mother language), a little bit French and German.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
-> I used to be Event / Raid consult GM on NaxpGaming for about 6 months, this was back in the day of TBC. (It was a Vanilla Private Server)
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
-> I am a PC engineer at EuroSys. I do PC, server, laptop and mainframe repairs. Internet connections, virus fixing, … Everything involved with the computer.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing?
-> This depends on the situation at hand. I like working with a team, but not all problems need consulting another person.
Do you or have you ever played on retail?
-> Yes, I've been playing retail ever since it came out back in Vanilla. Been switching between private servers and retail for a while now, but recently quit retail seeing the cost.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
-> Latista (85 Druid)
-> Anzomous (80 Warrior)
-> Both are on European servers.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
-> I think I should be a GM because I am always friendly, helpful and I always keep my head cool no matter what situation. The reason why I want to become Event GM is because events give people a moment to not be busy with PvP grinding or PvE farming but enjoy an event and be able to win a price. I will also handle tickets when I have no event planned. If you have any questions for me about this just send me an e-mail. ([email protected])
Have you agreed to our ToS and EULA and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
-> Yes, I have. I am also willing to bind myself to the GM CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
-> Thanks for reading my application. If you have any question for me send me an e-mail or add me on skype for an interview.
-> [email protected]
-> crazytim3 (Skype)
Event GM Application (TBC Server)
17 September 2012
Vandebergh Tim (Main Character : Roguetrainer)
Application :
How old are you:
-> 18 (10/03/94).
What country to you currently live in:
-> Belgium, Europe.
Do you speak any other languages besides English:
-> Yes. I speak Dutch (Mother language), a little bit French and German.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
-> I used to be Event / Raid consult GM on NaxpGaming for about 6 months, this was back in the day of TBC. (It was a Vanilla Private Server)
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
-> I am a PC engineer at EuroSys. I do PC, server, laptop and mainframe repairs. Internet connections, virus fixing, … Everything involved with the computer.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing?
-> This depends on the situation at hand. I like working with a team, but not all problems need consulting another person.
Do you or have you ever played on retail?
-> Yes, I've been playing retail ever since it came out back in Vanilla. Been switching between private servers and retail for a while now, but recently quit retail seeing the cost.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
-> Latista (85 Druid)
-> Anzomous (80 Warrior)
-> Both are on European servers.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
-> I think I should be a GM because I am always friendly, helpful and I always keep my head cool no matter what situation. The reason why I want to become Event GM is because events give people a moment to not be busy with PvP grinding or PvE farming but enjoy an event and be able to win a price. I will also handle tickets when I have no event planned. If you have any questions for me about this just send me an e-mail. ([email protected])
Have you agreed to our ToS and EULA and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
-> Yes, I have. I am also willing to bind myself to the GM CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
-> Thanks for reading my application. If you have any question for me send me an e-mail or add me on skype for an interview.
-> [email protected]
-> crazytim3 (Skype)
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