Ezatt's premade !

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Ezatt's premade !

Post by Gandraman »

How is it possible ?!
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
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Re: Ezatt's premade !

Post by Henhouse »

Sometimes there is a glitch in the queue system (probably with someone disconnecting and reconnecting) and the increment variable sends out an extra invite to the person next in line, but all people accept them. Thus resulting in 16 players. It's not too big of a deal since someone will usually leave the battleground and it will return to 15 players shortly after.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Ezatt's premade !

Post by Prestige »

Now I see why I question the same people alt f4 during premade matches a lot, interesting post
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