How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

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How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by Dubcore »

BEFORE doing all of this you will need to go to and download it so you torrent the files that are Downloaded on the Smolderforge website.

1) Create Account then (REFRESH Page) and also fully Uninstall World of Warcraft or make another WoW folder so you can play Retail and Private Server.

2) "Download Game" when you start the download it should show up on your Vuze downloads. (Which shows after you refresh from making a Account or if you relog on the website).

3) When you get the file there is 3 things in it (Burning Crusade, Classic and Patches for both)

4) First is Burning Crusade Client click it and on the very bottom there is a Installer it will install Burning Crusade BUT FIRST you must download Classic which is under that Burning Crusade file and that is the second down from what you got from the Torrent provided.

5) The very last folder in that torrent pack is the patches for those 2 expansions. Copy and paste to (Big) WoW Folder and start by clicking on the individuel patches least to greatest in patch numbers 2.0.0-2.4.3 all the way until 2.4.3 (AVOID INSTALLING ANYTHING EXTRA THAT TRIES TO INSTALL) if you don't you will have to restart. Most of the patches only have 1 download that goes through for each patch but the bigger patches have 2 if you are downloading anymore than that because your Launcher keeps pressuring you to do more STOP IT as soon as possible. You will also notice through the patches it will tell you to Install "Burning Crusade" again, you do not have to it is already installed it just does not recognize it already in your WoW folder.

6) in your WoW folder you will drag to your desktop (were your icons are), and that will give you chance to edit it. Use notepad/word as the program that runs it so you can edit what server World of Warcraft connects to. You will then delete everything in that and copy this in there....

set realmlist

7) Exit out of that when you type it in then save, after that drag into your WoW folder as it was so and when you run WoW make sure you don't use the LAUNCHER. Use the other WOW Icon that will auto start your WoW up without the news feed or updates. Make sure you have a account registered on the site then log in and your good to go!

Thanks for reading this guide! If you have any suggestions post, this is something I made for my Alliance Guild on Tichondrias to read so they know how to join this server because they have never downgraded so much. Hopefully this helps players log on Smolderforge and enjoy the server.
Leader of <Leave No Survivors>!
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by Dubcore »

Nothing wrong with one more guide, some people respond better to different things. All of those guides had tons of numbers and writing. This guide is how to connect to the server the easiest way possibly to explain it.
Leader of <Leave No Survivors>!
Democo- Tauren Warrior
Demoko- Undead Mage
Dubcore- Tauren Druid
Dubxore- Undead Rogue
Democa- Tauren Hunter
*DONOR of Smolderthorn!*
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by Freddanz »

Sticky whore? lol
Posts: 180

Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by Retrobution »

or just go find a 2.4.3 Torrent Download that change realm list make account log on, Done, Mines simpler...
Henhouse wrote:
Retrobution wrote:
Henhouse wrote:Has been fixed.

Essentially we accidentally made it so BGs/Instances forgot how to count. That's why the buffs never went away and you could never do anything timed, or calculated.

So basically you set there nationality to Iran?
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by AccountBound »

omg you can do that......i just unistalled everything and all that crap and its still not freaking working for me...i hate setting up private servers the only one i got to work is Feenix and that has its own launcher and all that to make it easier..
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by FabulousPots »

If i make a new WoW folder and not uninstall the original game, will this corrupt my original wow folder and game?
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by Henhouse »

FabulousPots wrote:If i make a new WoW folder and not uninstall the original game, will this corrupt my original wow folder and game?
Download the pre-installed client here:

Once you've extracted it, you're good to go after you change the file. It will not affect other WoW installations.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: How to Install and Connect to Smolderforge!

Post by JackH »

Using the tips I went to download

and install Vuze 64 bits on the PC, after that I downloaded the game and installed it on the computer, now I'm fighting, thanks a lot )
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