What about opening a 19 twink server?
What about opening a 19 twink server?
While i was out on the interwebz stalking around for a level 19 twink server, i didn't any good.
So i was wondering since TBC level 70 PvP turned out great (and still does)
What about opening a level 19 twink server?
With the fishing hats, bandit vests, smelting pants, shadowfangs and Feet of the lynx etc.
My thought would be you start with some crappy greens and from honor points you can get better items and weapons and such, like 200 honor for armor and 350/500 weapons.
Is this a good idea or no? If not Why and if it is, Why?
So i was wondering since TBC level 70 PvP turned out great (and still does)
What about opening a level 19 twink server?
With the fishing hats, bandit vests, smelting pants, shadowfangs and Feet of the lynx etc.
My thought would be you start with some crappy greens and from honor points you can get better items and weapons and such, like 200 honor for armor and 350/500 weapons.
Is this a good idea or no? If not Why and if it is, Why?
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
I don't think this is a good idea. For starters the idea is basically the same thing as Smolderforge itself except instead of being level cap you are 19, meaning very few skills and less balancing. The other reason is that twinks are/were popular because of the vast advantages they have over people that are not twinks. They worked on the real servers a long time ago because it would cost a lot of gold and work to make one fully and as such they would rape everyone pvping for fun or for leveling. On a private server FOR twinks you will not feel the overpowering effect you would retail, at least not to the degree you would have. Overall it's just not worth dedicating a whole server to because the population would be low and people would lose interest after a while, but thank you for your suggestion, we appreciate community involvement.
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Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
Not going to happen.A very poor idea.
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
There was a period of time where we were brainstorming an idea for a 29, 39 and 49 twink server. You would be able to choose which level you wanted to participate on. However, the plans were abandoned since we had greater interests to focus on and marketing a server like that would be very difficult to do.
Like Riski said, the point of a twink was to be one of the only ones. Twink servers are hard because you have to actually start people in lower gear and they can earn better which, in the end, really isn't a twink server almost. Just a level 19 bracket.
Like Riski said, the point of a twink was to be one of the only ones. Twink servers are hard because you have to actually start people in lower gear and they can earn better which, in the end, really isn't a twink server almost. Just a level 19 bracket.
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Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter yes pleaseeeee
Cheery tbc
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
More like: Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Rogue Hunte....wait he dcd, another Rogue joined...Sausagecow wrote:rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter rogue hunter yes pleaseeeee
Bitches love cannons.
- Posts: 971
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
I tell you what, if you open a 49 twink server let me know. I know about 139 people that were 49's from retail that are beyond sick of cata and would love to find a private server suited for them. Do it Hen, :D
Edit: Only problem would be Sexy Time All the Time's epeen flexxing would piss people off beyond words. Hard to tell if they'd like to play without BoAs though.
Edit: Only problem would be Sexy Time All the Time's epeen flexxing would piss people off beyond words. Hard to tell if they'd like to play without BoAs though.
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
A twink server would be awesome. I think it would generate a lot of traffic. I could even imagine a Smolderforge 2.4.3 60 fun server would be awesome too. But it'll never happen...
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
we already one of those...Xaru wrote:A twink server would be awesome. I think it would generate a lot of traffic. I could even imagine a Smolderforge 2.4.3 60 fun server would be awesome too. But it'll never happen...
It worked okay for a little while but.. Yeah. As you can see, it's no longer up.
Re: What about opening a 19 twink server?
I mean one similar to the TBC one. Where you can get gear and do BGs and stuff. Besides the pre-TBC server failed because of all the raid bugs for the most part.Imperium wrote:we already one of those...Xaru wrote:A twink server would be awesome. I think it would generate a lot of traffic. I could even imagine a Smolderforge 2.4.3 60 fun server would be awesome too. But it'll never happen...
It worked okay for a little while but.. Yeah. As you can see, it's no longer up.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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