Donation question

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Donation question

Post by Tboner69 »

Is it possible to request specific items to donate for or can you only choose from the donation page inventory. I assumed it wasn't but I've seen a couple people with thunderfury.

Posts: 2058

Re: Donation question

Post by Imperium »

Players that have thunderfury got it from the Christmas event.

other players have bought those thunderfuries off said people.

You can only donate for what's listed.
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Posts: 125

Re: Donation question

Post by Flayne »

tboner69 wrote:Is it possible to request specific items to donate for or can you only choose from the donation page inventory. I assumed it wasn't but I've seen a couple people with thunderfury.

The donation system is in place for a reason, If you have an inquiries PM Henhouse and he''ll be able to assist you with any further questions.
Retired Game Master.
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