Message to GM's / Henhouse

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Poll: Should we be able to donate for reputation?

Total votes: 28

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Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Post by Darkgroom »

Battleground reputation and reputation where a lot of people already put effort in would be a bad idea to do indeed, but reputation like Faction reputation (Stormwind etc) would be nice. also reputation of Instances / Raids people never really go to, like Karazhan (Violet Eye) could be implemented.

Battlegrounds are well played, and reputation for this is gained a lot on the server because of that.
Before we would implement this we will need to think about which Reputations we can sell as dontations and which we better can't

Give your opinion...

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Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Post by Mynce »

I think it should only be available to reputations that are not obtainable like ashtongue deathsworn. How am i suppposed to get rep with that when noone does the instance.
maybe some other BT factions too like Cenarion expedition ?

I support the idea for PVE reputations not for PVP
for example it would take 526 wins of Arathi to get exalted with it.

Neutral -> Friendly = 3000 Rep = 38 Wins
Friendly -> Honored = 6000 Rep = 75 Wins
Honored -> Revered = 12000 Rep = 150 Wins
Revered -> Exalted = 21000 Rep = 263 Wins
38 + 75 + 150 + 263 = 526 Winning Arathi Basin Battlegrounds to go from Neutral to Exalted.

so yea this is very doable.

/agreed with groom the shroom :)
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Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Post by Henhouse »

I definitely wasn't planning to allow anyone to donate for BG reputations. There should be only a select few people can donate for, obviously not all of them.
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Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Post by Sefice »

I want nothing to do withn BG rep only sunwell tbh, Id rather farm my BG rep thanks
Posts: 15

Re: Message to GM's / Henhouse

Post by Kampers »

Lol... set up a raiding guild i got exalted with Ashtongue Deathsworn by hardcore raiding every evening when EXTRA CURRICULAR was running as off-tank... And with the increasing population and people having nothing to do but PvP, isn't it likely that some new players would like PvE? I mean lately i have seen much more kara raids, I've seen Gruul attempt (people abusing Kalecgos ehum...) so it is very possible to set up a guild again...
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