Ok here is the story,2 days aggo i was playing with IRL friend some BGs,we finished one BG and i invited him in grp so we can play together,then he started to troll with me [friendly like we always do] and i press my funny GM macro its like this '/e {square}GM{square}Liquida is banned for 2 months.Reason:Swearing GM' i though noone else can see that only me and him couse we are in party,but one little tard named 'Qqpie' inmidietly started to yell on me how will he report me,he acted like i killed his brother lol.I first ignored him for 20 sec but he was just yelling like tard,and i sayd '/care' so he sayd ok i will call decei on skype, i again sayd '/care' and yea decei whisped me after 3-4 minutes,i told him here same story he started to be smart and i didnt want to argue with him i saw he is -15y old,so i sayd 'ok bann me if u need to' he sayd it will be 24h bann i sayd ok.after bann i logged on paladin[diferent account]and that little tard again started to yell around lol 'haha zero mad he got banned' i sayd no i'm not mad i play wow max 2h per day,maybe more if my IRL friends are online.he started ti shit something and i sayd him ok u will see that i doesnt care for bann and i again pressed that macro on him,ye he reported me again to decei and again same happend,i loged third account and done to say,guy just started to rage lol,and he called again his dear friend Decei and he IP banned me.Then my friend done same and he got IP banend too.All in all 35+ hours passed and account is still banned,i think we didnt deserve 24h bann first he should just warn me then if i do it again he should mute ,bann for that macro?naah,only if u are little tard like decei is and his dear friend Qqpie.i dont care u dont need to unbann my accounts but u Decei doing things in a wrong way.Thanks for patience and understanding ;')
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Re: -.-'
ok i can understand both sides in this story, still u kept using the macro multiple times.
so in the end u kinda brought this on youreself.
if u get banned on 1 char well then tough luck, but u should have just /ignored him on youre other characters imo.
because in the end Qpie has the last laugh.
so in the end u kinda brought this on youreself.
if u get banned on 1 char well then tough luck, but u should have just /ignored him on youre other characters imo.
because in the end Qpie has the last laugh.
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Re: -.-'
So you are afraid of 1 retarded boy-no?Htf wrote:Decei can just suck my **** thats all.Should i afraid of 1 retarded boy-no ofc.
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