Jealousy wrote:It is a shame, to have all that and to die at such a young age, Just goes to show that no matter how much money you have there are still many things we can do nothing about.
Well, to be fair, he died at the age of 56 years old. Currently, it's about 78 years old for the US, so he was about 20 years from average. Still, it's a sad death to be had...
Unless it wasn't. I've been toying with this idea that Jobs was actually murdered by Sudanese assassins. The rough draft works like this.
Steve Jobs and Apple were working in some shady businesses. Upon discovering something, Jobs gets cold feet. He decides it's time to pull the plug on the shady business, but the Board on Apple doesn't so much like this. One guy in particular decides it's time to take matters into his own hands and successfully forces Steve Jobs to retire as CEO or face worse consequences. Steve, still distraught from the current dark turn his company has taken still fights to show to light the evils of this mad corporation, even though it will put all of them (himself included) into prison. Steve is fine with this as it means he can finally live with himself. Sadly, the person that took over Apple hired Sudanese assassins (using the profits made from the iPad), to finally silence Jobs.
I can't wait to see the next edition of...