**Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

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Post by Mehh »

amazing editing, otherwise boring, and gameplay was pretty poor, no offence. i bet youre a good rogue , but your opponents >_>.
Posts: 47

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Douchenozzle »

vanishing spells/blinds?


Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire
social - rogue
roomba - hunter
priestitute - priest
Posts: 19

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Lisyhalath »

Got bored halfway through.

edit: kudos for original and not overused music LOL NOT
edit2: good job calling that paladin who uses crusader aura good.
Posts: 41

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Katmandu »

Lisyhalath wrote:Got bored halfway through.

edit: kudos for original and not overused music LOL NOT
edit2: good job calling that paladin who uses crusader aura good.

Dumb 1: find me galvanize, deliverance, gone guru, and the lazy generation in another video
Dumb 2: obviously your somewhat under educated and couldn't read the text, that paladin let me try SOLO'ING, to solo means like, for him not to help me basicly, this would be why he didnt bother doing anything, your opinion means alot to me though.
Posts: 21

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Slander »

Aklem wrote:@ t0sky, the truth is you dont have to deadzone kite an equal geared warrior here (unless there is some pve/pvp mix gear and war does 3k whites lol) but evasion and stunlocks get warriors down here, which is the opposite to how you deadly zone kite them on live, see second wind +bloodcraze makes them strong vs rogues but heh, not on here.

Just ask Lawlpwnt, i cant tell you how many times on my rogue and with kat he would just rape kat or me in less then 15 seconds
Slander- Undead Male Priest
Discreet- Human Female Rogue
Muggz- Undead Male Mage
Trippedout- Gnome Female Warrior

Posts: 21

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Slander »

Rdruid wrote:Watched parts of it. No offense but like every clip i saw involved u vs baddies. Changing music after each clip was bad. Just play one after the ther finishes. Shouldn't have even put the warrior duel in there. Waste of time because wasnt really any skill involved in that. Didn;t see much else of it but i guess it was aight for smol vid.

Lol Rdruid, your terrific man, because it takes skill to play resto druids in patch 2.4.3

[LookingForGroup] Rdruid: Looking for warrior to play 24 hour games against mirrors
Lets see you play a comp that takes half a brain
P.S. Play with Bigfeet, hes better then alot of the warriors on the server.
Slander- Undead Male Priest
Discreet- Human Female Rogue
Muggz- Undead Male Mage
Trippedout- Gnome Female Warrior

Posts: 21

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Slander »

Great Video, i love ya kat
Slander- Undead Male Priest
Discreet- Human Female Rogue
Muggz- Undead Male Mage
Trippedout- Gnome Female Warrior

Posts: 25

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by t0sKY »

Slander wrote:Just ask Lawlpwnt, i cant tell you how many times on my rogue and with kat he would just rape kat or me in less then 15 seconds
Oh rly? Oh no.. Oh, now I get it.. Can u just get a video for me? Cuz I say, what? a stun.. what? another stun.. what the hack is it now.. 1/2hp? hell no, here I go.. dodge, dodge, overpower, dodge, dodge.. god I need some booze, another stun

Bloody hell no, Lawlpwnt does always the same, calls 33/25/3 noobish spec, so I say: I honestly doubt he can "LAWLPWN" rogue in less then 15s, with proccing maces maybe, so rogue cant at least dodge in it..

Well if rogue wants to war wont even touch him

If GMs would be doing something, then Second Wind would be fixed, wars would be playable in 1v1 again.. but so far, hell yea Im out of hp everytime I see rogue, Im in stun for whole time, and I simply get 1k hemo crits, and IM A PLATE! SOmeone fix this, thx.. Rogues without brain shouldnt kill wars, but here? 0skill but he IS able to make u not move, just cuz he has learnt he needs hemo button & all the craps
If we speak about it, it is possible to fix windfury, but still where are GMs uhm.. ? Didnt see one in whole 2 months
If we further think about it, whys every silly frostmage that uses arrows frostbiting everyhit ? I dont think its impossible to take some time as a GM & try to fix it.
Yes, I realize its not that easy, but on other servers ppl did it, and I bet its not that awsomly OP like rogues to find out how

The only GM here is Hen, as it looks to me. But he doesnt probably play PvP, lets face it. He doesnt rly realize what PvP here is about, he doesnt realize PvE ruins it - hell yea lets go for fun KZ, lets ignore 5x more ppl then us are lagging in PvP. We are on PvP server though.

Again my opinion that noone appreciates, but everyone hates.

Soon Ill be spammed by /cry rogues we are unplayable class, we cant go arena, noo were such nerfed, please help us.. Enha shams dont bug noooo, how could they, my priest was dead in first 4secs with bubble on, but noo we dont bug. I dont mention about other classes. My point is, untill theres someone that fucking thinks about it, tries it, does something with it, theres no reason to speak about balance..
Balance on Smold has died from the whole beggining. And posts like crying rogues & shamans make me so sick. If Id be able to do something, Id first fix some annoying bugs, like frostbite, second wind, windfury, etc. Theres much more. But nobody cares as I know a long time, nobody.
Swiftness - The Night Elf Warrior 33/25/3 Sword Spec or 0/20/41 Prot PvP
Arena Team: Not having any atm
Guild: Phasing Shift
Equip: 4/5 s3 & 4/8 t6..

"Being unpredictable is the best tactic in PvP."
Posts: 19

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Lisyhalath »

Katmandu wrote:
Lisyhalath wrote:Got bored halfway through.

edit: kudos for original and not overused music LOL NOT
edit2: good job calling that paladin who uses crusader aura good.

Dumb 1: find me galvanize, deliverance, gone guru, and the lazy generation in another video
Dumb 2: obviously your somewhat under educated and couldn't read the text, that paladin let me try SOLO'ING, to solo means like, for him not to help me basicly, this would be why he didnt bother doing anything, your opinion means alot to me though.

The text you just wrote contradicts the underlined statement.
Anyhoo, I was talking about the human paladin - gnome warrior setup, whom you calle good. They were rubbish just like you and your druid partner. Please just l2p

Seen Galvanize, Gone Gury and Lazy Generation in a PvP, cannot be bothered enough to dig them up for you right now.

Happy hunting. Don't get too butthurt of my 'criticism' ;)
Posts: 41

Re: **Katmandu Volume 1.** pvp video (Full)

Post by Katmandu »

Lisyhalath wrote:
Katmandu wrote:
Lisyhalath wrote:Got bored halfway through.

edit: kudos for original and not overused music LOL NOT
edit2: good job calling that paladin who uses crusader aura good.

Dumb 1: find me galvanize, deliverance, gone guru, and the lazy generation in another video
Dumb 2: obviously your somewhat under educated and couldn't read the text, that paladin let me try SOLO'ING, to solo means like, for him not to help me basicly, this would be why he didnt bother doing anything, your opinion means alot to me though.

The text you just wrote contradicts the underlined statement.
Anyhoo, I was talking about the human paladin - gnome warrior setup, whom you calle good. They were rubbish just like you and your druid partner. Please just l2p

Seen Galvanize, Gone Gury and Lazy Generation in a PvP, cannot be bothered enough to dig them up for you right now.

Happy hunting. Don't get too butthurt of my 'criticism' ;)
well, at this point I can just tell your a despicable person, my opinion all be it, I wont flood this post with insults, you're mearly making yourself look worse by admitting you were wrong about the music, because you can't actually find it, and there is no way possible I could be more butthurt then my boyfriend pounding me each night, so please stop talking, or prove me wrong.
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