Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Henhouse »

darnel wrote:I simply do not understand why do you ALLOW such thing as multi boxing
Because we're not looking at this in a biased way. We're actually considering all points of view here, which you and others do not. I understand completely where you are coming from but there are other sides to this.
darnel wrote: multi boxing is forbidden on all instant 70/80/85 private servers
Um... I'd like to see a source of that. The biggest private server network that hosts Wrath servers is Molten-WoW. Multiboxing is 100% legal and permitted there. So I don't really see how your statement is very valid.

I would have come to a decision but we're at a impasse. There are all valid points to allow this kind of behavior, and frankly it's only really ONE major player that is doing this. Sure there's been a few others that have popped up, but for the most part it's always the same person. I spoke with this person actually and he informed me that multiboxing is the only way he plays the game, so by making a rule against it I will have destroyed the environment, fun and hours upon hours of played time invested by this player.

So it's not that I don't care, it's that either way I rule will end up hurting a particular party, which I always hate doing therefore I haven't ruled. Like I said, it's mainly one user so it's not a severe problem to really be of a high concern at the moment.
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Firstaidkit »

darnel wrote:I simply do not understand why do you ALLOW such thing as multi boxing
as its been already said ... yes its allowed on retail, why ? bcuz user(customer) makes payments for multiple accounts and it takes some effort to gear up 5 characters instead of 1
multi boxing is forbidden on all instant 70/80/85 private servers , bcuz its just takes no effort to buy all the good gear from vendors for each character take all the chants from vendors back again , without spending shitload of gold to enchant every character for multi boxer n all the shitz
not to mention 10k chain lighting dmg n 8k srly
and what`s up with this thead man...its like 1 year old n no decision was taken , like if multiboxing is retarded shit that should be burned out of this server or multi boxing is fine and its not against rules and u noobs should stfu
srsly , server leader , can u be a goddamn man and make your decision already bout this shit ,yo
thank you my nigguh
Calling us noobs while you can't beat the multiboxer? (MaKeS SenSe)
Btw I did beated that multiboxer multiply times already.. (YoU MaD SoN?)

Also like Henhouse mentioned the only good multiboxer that plays here doesn't plays so often, so it's no big deal.
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Bleu213 »

darnel wrote:Multiboxing is forbidden... bcuz its just takes no effort to buy all the good gear from vendors for each character take all the chants from the vendors back again , without spending shitload of gold to enchant every character for multi boxer n all the shitz...

This statement puzzles me. You say multiboxing is forbidden because it's easier to do on a private (instant) server. Because it takes more gold on retail. More gear runs. More everything, really. So because it's easy to do on a private server, it should be banned. Because that's not what private servers are all about. Making things easier for a player. Be it an older player that has less time he can invest into the game, thus doesn't want the full on level/gear grind. Or a 16 year old kid that doesn't have a part time job yet, and can't afford a subscription.

What I hear when someone complains about multiboxing is simply "I got killed by a multi-boxer this one time and it hurt my ego! Do something about it!" As if it's every single day. Play the game. Enjoy the game. Don't dampen someone else's good time because you got beat by that person or you think it was an unfair advantage. God, if I only had a penny for every time I thought a Hunter had an unfair advantage against me (Paladin). . . In the wise words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other and PARTY ON DUDES!"

*****Edit***** Furthermore, Henhouse and the rest of the staff (at least but not limited to those involved in the decision making here) thanks for not making this thread a vote thread. This way, we can have a legitimate discussion without a witch hunt. I, personally, don't multi-box. I probably won't ever multi-box. But you can bet your ass off I'll defend the rights of the person multi-boxing. It's about protecting the minority in this situation. And for the way this thread has gone, I thank you, staff of Smolderforge. :)
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Mynce »

Riski wrote:I think all of the players on the server need to realize. This isn't a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
there just asking for a opinion,
this is not a political Debate.
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Riski »

Mynce wrote:
Riski wrote:I think all of the players on the server need to realize. This isn't a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
there just asking for a opinion,
this is not a political Debate.
Wut. That was taken out of context and from a different topic. >.<
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Mynce »

Riski wrote:
Mynce wrote:
Riski wrote:I think all of the players on the server need to realize. This isn't a democracy, this is a dictatorship.
there just asking for a opinion,
this is not a political Debate.
Wut. That was taken out of context and from a different topic. >.<
are u implying that it isnt a dictatorship ? :)
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Riski »

Mynce wrote: are u implying that it isnt a dictatorship ? :)
No, it is, that's why I said it; however, that doesn't have too much meaning in this thread. This is a community discussion of opinions and a final decision hasn't been made only because there are good arguments from both sides, not because Henry the Overlord doesn't want to do anything about it.

That point I made was in response to people disrespecting GMs. Since the players don't get to elect or impeach their GMs this isn't really a democracy. Henry elects them himself and demotes them himself as a dictatorship would work. In a dictatorship you are required to show respect to your higher ups, but you can't be forced to like someone on the inside. Like I said, it doesn't have much meaning in here because it was a response to another topic.
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Mynce »

But when im reading stuff like :
Bleu213 wrote: It's about protecting the minority in this situation. And for the way this thread has gone, I thank you, staff of Smolderforge. :)
I get the feeling im that looking at a Political Debate.
We are not World leaders,nor should we act like that upon this discussion.
However, i think that this case is quite obvious and since this whole discussion has started because of 1 player. (in this case stinasone/five)
I would personally say that it would be absurd to Ban multiboxing.
People just dont know how to deal against them.
Maybe someone needs to make a guide about it so people would QQ less about it.
and make less tickets about : OMG BAN THIS NOOB MULTIBOXING SHAMAN!!11!1!1!!

Take for example the things that FaK says :
Firstaidkit wrote:when you loot the corpses of the multiboxer you will force they're respawn so if you just loot like 2 out of 5 of his corpses they will spawn on different graveyards which will fuck him up since he needs to regroup his shammy's and that will cost him a lot of time especially in AV.
Im willing to bet that half of the players in this topic didnt knew about that.
So as a solution i would vote for a Anti-multiboxing Guide with explanation on how kill them faster/easier.

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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Akatosh »

For your average pug it is very difficult to take down a multi boxer. Multi boxing allows a single player to have such precise coordination of damage that it's unhealable. I really think multiboxing gives one player way too much sway over how a game will go. I've never seen a stina lose when its pug vs pug. Since most of the bgs being done are pug vs pug I think that should have a bigger influence on the decision. If the multi boxer actually has support from his team mates then its basically impossible to beat them. Multi boxing should be banned because it allows 5 characters being played by 1 person to have far more coordination than 5 characters being played by 5 players.
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Re: Thoughts on Multiboxing (community discussion)

Post by Firstaidkit »

Akatosh wrote:For your average pug it is very difficult to take down a multi boxer. Multi boxing allows a single player to have such precise coordination of damage that it's unhealable. I really think multiboxing gives one player way too much sway over how a game will go. I've never seen a stina lose when its pug vs pug. Since most of the bgs being done are pug vs pug I think that should have a bigger influence on the decision. If the multi boxer actually has support from his team mates then its basically impossible to beat them. Multi boxing should be banned because it allows 5 characters being played by 1 person to have far more coordination than 5 characters being played by 5 players.
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