GM Applications & Requirements

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Posts: 20

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Sheggy »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?

Jameswoods, Santaclawz
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How old are you:

16. I will be 17 on 1st October.
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What country do you currently live in:

England, GMT +0.
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Do you speak any other languages besides English:

French, Spanish.
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If so, how well:

Average to poor. I know the basic conversations.
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Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):

Yes. Serval times over a period of 3 years.
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Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:

School. Finishing year 11 and moving on into 6th form.
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When did you start playing on Smolderforge?

5 to 6 weeks ago.
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How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function):

I have encountered speaking to a team member twice as he/she was handling a request I made through a ticket.
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Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:

Personally, I like to sometimes just get on by my self and chill without having to worry about what others are doing etc... However I normally love to take part as a team (I am currently in a guild that evolves around pre-mades for battlegrounds). I work well with meeting new people and can normally get on with everyone.
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Do you or have you ever played on retail?

Yes I have on and off for over 6 years.
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If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please).

Level 60, 70, 80 and 85. Every patch basically.
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Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?

Firstly I love the community, great vibe to it and lots of friendly people. I can work with this to understand a persons issue and show that I actually care for any trouble the person has. I have over the years had a lot of experience with the game and therefore understand how to fix problems that don't just occur in game and require an external fix.

A few years ago I was a co-owner of a server and this gave me the chance to operate with a working dedicated server. I learnt how everything fit together and so I understand the basics of restarting a server, minor database changes and other simple features that evolve around the remote desktop. Different cores have come across me and I know the commands basically off by heart. With this I can ensure that issues are dealt with quickly and correctly without messing things up and keeping players waiting.Lastly I am a great person to get along with, wont cause hassle or trouble and can always have a good time with.
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Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?

Yes and I will be willing to bind to the GM CoC.
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Any additional comments you would like to add?

I can work weekends.

*Edit: As requested to remove colours.
Last edited by Sheggy on 17 May 2011, 21:37, edited 1 time in total.
Game Master
Game Master
Posts: 574

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Endania »

Could you please remove the colors from your application?
Retired Game Master
Posts: 20

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Sheggy »

Endania wrote:Could you please remove the colors from your application?
Sure, just finished doing it.
Posts: 4

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Lotux »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?


How old are you:

I'm 20.

What country do you currently live in:


Do you speak any other languages besides English:

I speak Swedish ofcourse.

If so, how well:

Understandable standard.

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server?

I've bin Gm om sevral servers. Pre TBC (WoW Blood) TBC (Cant remember the name) Wotlk (Cant remember this either).

Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:

I’m in 5th year in Secondary School, So I'ts 1 more year for me.

When did you start playing on Smolderforge?

I've played for like 1 month now.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)

Dont got that much experience with the GM's on Smolderforge, only talked with one gm, It was about my ganking outside Orgrimmar. Nothing serious tho.

If you have played on our Pre-BC server, are you seeking GM duty on there as well?

I would prefer to only work at the TBC server, but If you need me at the Pre-BC server aswell, I will gladly help!

Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:

I'm a teamworker, but I like to work alone aswell, so I know Its correctly done!

Do you or have you ever played on retail?

Yes, played since the Pre-BC Beta came out, all the way to Cataclysm. I dont like how the World of Warcraft turned out after TBC, so i decided to quit playing retail and starting to play at Smolderforge.

If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)

I have an 85 warrior, 85 Death Knight, 85 druid and 85 paladin.

Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?

I'm a professional and strict Game Master. I just follow the rules, I like to get a "head roll" at a server ( Game master ) since thats what I'm good at, helping people with their issues and get some tickets done. I got 3 ½ years of experience as a Game Master, in Pre-BC, TBC and Wotlk.

Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?

Yes, of course.

Any additional comments you would like to add?

Cheers, for taking your time to look at my application, and as I said earlier, I'm an experienced and mature Game Master/player, I think I should fit perfectly here!
Last edited by Lotux on 03 Oct 2011, 16:28, edited 1 time in total.
Keep on QQ please!
Posts: 17

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Trozzy »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
United States
Do you speak any other languages besides English:
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
College Freshman.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
About 2 weeks ago.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I rarely open tickets. Only time I see GM's would be when I see them on the donor boat.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:
I like to work with others. Although, I honestly prefer to do my own thing.
Do you or have you ever played on retail?
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
Level 80 Death Knight
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
Because I'm VERY active. I play about 5 hours a day, mostly late nights. I also think I can help fulfill this server's HUGE potential.
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I'm a nice, outgoing guy. I know when to have fun, and when not to. I'm very mature and I would Smolderforge proud.
Posts: 7

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Sevendust »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge? Gonefishing. I recently donated on that character so he is my main.
How old are you: I am 19.
What country do you currently live in: Norway.
Do you speak any other languages besides English: Norwegian and Swedish.
If so, how well: Fluent Norwegian and I do understand and speak some Swedish.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes I have.
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level: I am working as a industrial mechanic.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? I've been playing here on and off since October 10th, 2009.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) I've been hanging out allot (by that I mean gaming at his place LOL)with Kfc/Eteril so I know how stuff works. + I have played here for over a year now and in that time I've talked to noumerous GM's.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing: Yes I do. But I prefer to work alone.
Do you or have you ever played on retail? Yes I have.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.) I bought Kfc's old hunter about 4 months before he quit playing retail.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge? Because I am an active gamer and I'd like to help the players on the server.
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes I have.
Posts: 3

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Pyramid »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?
My main characters on Smolderforge are: Pyramid,Licked,and Pubes.

How old are you:
I am 16, and was born on January 1st, 1995.

What country do you currently live in:
I currently live in canada

Do you speak any other languages besides English:
I speak French, and Spanish.

If so, how well:
Not fluent, but not a basic understanding like 'Bonjour'.

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I have, I was an in-game ticket master, as well as an event master for the Vanilla server for Cruel-Wow.

Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
I work at the bakery at Gagnon's Independent Grocer =), and i'm currently near the end of school.(Grade 10, taking all three sciences at academic level [university].)

When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I started playing smolderforge in late February.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I have opened several tickets for exchanging items, bugs, or giving suggestions that would contribute to the Smolderforge community, I have spoken to henhouse several times about things such as exchanges for accidentally buying the wrong items etc.

Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:
I love both, I love to work independently sometimes depending on the situation or thing I'm doing, but there is also many times where I would love to work with others. I enjoy working with others solemnly because you receive aid in many aspects I.E an opinions on something.

Do you or have you ever played on retail?
I have played on retail from 1.12.1 to 3.3.5a, I do not currently play retail anymore.

If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
I had a level 80 paladin, mage, and death knight. After gearing these characters I got bored of retail, then started a vanilla account, and twinked a full t2.5 shadow/disc priest, and a full t2/2.5 rogue.

Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
I feel that I would be a great addition to the Smolderforge community, I love to help other players in time of need. I am a very active player (7-10 hours a day). I am a team player and love to enjoy myself during the day by playing Smolderforge, I would like to do so while helping others and making their day as well. I feel if I were to become an addition to the Smolderforge staff, we would be able to expand our idea's and thoughts to an unbelievable extent, and widen the community. I am a sensible, humerus, and easy-going person, yet mature person, I can handle tough situations under lots of pressure, as well as an easy ticket such as replacing an item that had been purchased by accident by someone.

Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?

Any additional comments you would like to add?
I would like to say a little bit about myself.
My name is Chris, I enjoy having fun, and helping others. I love in Ontario,Canada. I enjoy doing many hobbies such as Playing WoW, or longboarding. My friends all enjoy being around me as they know me as an easy-going, humerus person that loves to provide aid when needed. Thank you.
Last edited by Pyramid on 27 Jun 2011, 00:51, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 1

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Necrofeelya »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?
Oxheart, Necrofeelya, Shampoclypse

How old are you:

What country do you currently live in:

Do you speak any other languages besides English:
French, Finnish

If so, how well:
Basic understanding of French, very little of finnish

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):

Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
Grade 12

When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Close to 3 months ago. Maybe 4 months.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
Quite a bit. I've talked with Henhouse on various occasions. I've also talked to toosh as well.

Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:
Typically, I would rather work by myself, unless I require assistance.

Do you or have you ever played on retail?
Yes, I've played retail from 2005- 2010 (quit when 4.0 came out)

If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
80 pally, 80 hunter, 80 rogue, 80 lock

Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
I have experience as a Game Master, Ticket Master, and Event Master on previous servers i've played on. I'm patient with people. I'm familiar with Trinity core commands and some Mangos commands and I would be able to dedicate a lot of time to the server.

Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I have agreed to your ToS and CoC and I am willing to bind to the GM CoC.

Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you soon.
Posts: 8

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Masterjoki »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge? Thazdar, Ocion. (played here before, account deleted, because i was offline for to long. Moltazar)
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in: Norway
Do you speak any other languages besides English: Norwegian, Spanish, danish and swedish.
If so, how well: NOR, DE, SWE : Perfect Spanish: Weak
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes.
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level: High School, third grade.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? For over a year ago, had a break for some months.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): very bad, thats why I think you'll need a new member of your crew.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing: I am a teamplayer.
Do you or have you ever played on retail? Yes, started when TBC was new.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.) 80, quited and sold my acc when Cata came.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge? As i told, I think you could need some more ppl at your crew. And also got experience with other Private servers with TBC patch, have played for some years. I know what to needs to be known at this server. Im also very polite person. And I'm goin to study to be a police officer after High School. With other words, I like to be on the right side of the law (rules).
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes
Any additional comments you would like to add? No just contact me at my e-mail.

Posts: 1

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by reyals1223 »

What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge? Currently have none because I took some time off
How old are you: 19
What country do you currently live in: The United States
Do you speak any other languages besides English: Yes Spanish
If so, how well: Only simple frases
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes on two servers. A All GM server( for 10 months. Also a vanilla-wow server for 4 months.
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level: College online
to become a therapist
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? a few months ago for a little over a week
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Twice
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing: I love co-operative play and love working with others
Do you or have you ever played on retail? I currently have been playing retail almost since its release
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.) 85 Paladin, 85 Druid, 85 Deathknight, 70 warrior, 70 mage are my highest
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge? I have a lot of free time and can be on for many hours at a time. I have a good sense of grammer so I am easily understood. I enjoy helping others and making the game more enjoyable for other. I get along with people well. I have no anger issues and resolve problems maturely by talking them out. I am experienced and would love to be apart of the team.
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes and of course.
Any additional comments you would like to add?

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