Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

I started ignoring this topic when Zat, Clausewitz + Smashedd enter this topic because they are all full of bullshit and you know that :)

@Clausewitz & Smashedd: So ur saying I'm abusing a trinket that I use since day 1? I started here and its just the best trinket for SP idc if its bugged or not. Warr dmg/stuns is bugged here too so stfu.

Also if I'm so bad, hated and worst player here, why do I have over 10 fanboys here and over 30 ppl who copycat my spec + gear? (maybe I'm pretty decent ;)) they also ask me how to play and shit..

I'm just the kind of player who still has a real life next to WoW and isn't a no-life arena junkie

Btw Xaru dodged me 5x in a row in 2v2 means he is worst player and can only get high rating through dodging, GJ!

And also Clausewitz only thing ur doing is being mad and standing afk in the mall because you left my guild and ur sad about it :'(! Proof something first before you act like mr. Wiseguy
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Smashedd »

I started ignoring this topic when Zat, Clausewitz + Smashedd enter this topic because they are all full of bullshit and you know that :)
Yet you're still replying.
@Clausewitz & Smashedd: So ur saying I'm abusing a trinket that I use since day 1? I started here and its just the best trinket for SP idc if its bugged or not. Warr dmg/stuns is bugged here too so stfu.
Never mentioned anything about any trinket at all.
Also if I'm so bad, hated and worst player here, why do I have over 10 fanboys here and over 30 ppl who copycat my spec + gear? (maybe I'm pretty decent ;)) they also ask me how to play and shit..
We're not saying you're bad, we're saying you have a lot of room to improve, and since you think you're perfect and blame losing on simply being countered then you will never improve. We're trying to help you not have a go at you.
I'm just the kind of player who still has a real life next to WoW and isn't a no-life arena junkie
Then why do you brag about being able to get 10k HKs per month? I think you even said you've done 20k in a 'no life' month.
Btw Xaru dodged me 5x in a row in 2v2 means he is worst player and can only get high rating through dodging, GJ!
You say everyone dodges though, you're like the boy who cried wolf, when you actually are (if) telling the truth then no one will believe you.
And also Clausewitz only thing ur doing is being mad and standing afk in the mall because you left my guild and ur sad about it :'(! Proof something first before you act like mr. Wiseguy
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he leave out of his own free will because he didn't enjoy being in your guild?
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Xilience »

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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Xaru »

Konar wrote:Btw Xaru dodged me 5x in a row in 2v2 means he is worst player and can only get high rating through dodging, GJ!
That's not true at all. I was playing arena for hours and we didn't meet you because you was too afraid to fight us on your 1800+ rated team while we had a 1750 rated team so you had to make a completely new team on your ally priest because you was afraid you would lose your rating. We didn't meet eachother because of the point difference between our teams and because there were other 1600+ teams that were meeting us first. Is that so hard to understand?

If anything you was dodging us since you was too afraid to fight us with your similarly rated team.

Bottom of the line is I would love to fight you in Arena and even though my combo will never get me 2k rating or a Gladiator title I still think we would have a fair chance at beating you.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Smashedd wrote:
I started ignoring this topic when Zat, Clausewitz + Smashedd enter this topic because they are all full of bullshit and you know that :)
1. Yet you're still replying.
@Clausewitz & Smashedd: So ur saying I'm abusing a trinket that I use since day 1? I started here and its just the best trinket for SP idc if its bugged or not. Warr dmg/stuns is bugged here too so stfu.
2. Never mentioned anything about any trinket at all.
Also if I'm so bad, hated and worst player here, why do I have over 10 fanboys here and over 30 ppl who copycat my spec + gear? (maybe I'm pretty decent ;)) they also ask me how to play and shit..
3. We're not saying you're bad, we're saying you have a lot of room to improve, and since you think you're perfect and blame losing on simply being countered then you will never improve. We're trying to help you not have a go at you.
I'm just the kind of player who still has a real life next to WoW and isn't a no-life arena junkie
4. Then why do you brag about being able to get 10k HKs per month? I think you even said you've done 20k in a 'no life' month.
Btw Xaru dodged me 5x in a row in 2v2 means he is worst player and can only get high rating through dodging, GJ!
5. You say everyone dodges though, you're like the boy who cried wolf, when you actually are (if) telling the truth then no one will believe you.
And also Clausewitz only thing ur doing is being mad and standing afk in the mall because you left my guild and ur sad about it :'(! Proof something first before you act like mr. Wiseguy
6. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he leave out of his own free will because he didn't enjoy being in your guild?
1. Yep
2. Sorry that was that other guy that also replied here (Since you can only argue me 5v1)
3. Never said I'm perfect, because noone is perfect ;)
4. That was only 1 month and I'm not playing that no life anymore ;) I was home alone that month and was also relaxing with friends at my house playing some WoW.
5. Xaru dodged me he waited for me to disseaper after he queud don't talk about that if you weren't online at that moment ;)
6. idc about him leaving he's only afk in mall and thinks he is best that pretty funneh he can only talk I never saw him proof a thing he said ;)!
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Raven »

@ Konar, don't try to take my spot.
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Xaru »

Konar wrote:.
5. Xaru dodged me he waited for me to disseaper after he queud don't talk about that if you weren't online at that moment ;)
Another lie. I even pointed out to you in-game that I disappeared in the middle of Tanaris before you in order to prove that I wasn't queue dodging. But of course you completely forgot about that when you posted that comment.

If I really wanted to queue dodge then I wouldn't be queueing at all when you was. I would just stop playing Arena for like an hour.

Is it so hard to understand that a 1500 rated team takes a while to meet a 1750 team?

Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Posts: 2015

Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by Firstaidkit »

Xaru wrote:
Konar wrote:.
5. Xaru dodged me he waited for me to disseaper after he queud don't talk about that if you weren't online at that moment ;)
Another lie. I even pointed out to you in-game that I disappeared in the middle of Tanaris before you in order to prove that I wasn't queue dodging. But of course you completely forgot about that when you posted that comment.

If I really wanted to queue dodge then I wouldn't be queueing at all when you was. I would just stop playing Arena for like an hour.

Is it so hard to understand that a 1500 rated team takes a while to meet a 1750 team?

I was playing as 1850 team earlier and meet a double warr team with 1500 rating (he ragequitted his 2k team becoz he fucked it up, then rolled some retarded doublewarr setup) this is why I started this topic so don't lie to me son, you were dodging me ;)
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
Follow me at http://twitch.tv/firstaidkitsmolderforge for PvP and good music!
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Re: Warriors Damage is bugged here for sure

Post by ZatYo »

just stay small.. srsly

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