Tigor is makin everyone fukin hate me on the server...
hes framing me into things i never done and stuff when we used to be friends
Just because i beat him (me and mysterious)
he has NEVER leaved me alone
its every time i log i get flamed, tigor telling tales to all people on the server about me etc
im sick of it hes turnin everyone onto me and calling me horrid things
Then just before i was havin fun in arena not rly serious games, fukin whiteheal disbands the team while in the match.
Also something about on the donor ship when he trying to frame me to get alts summoned
oh rly tigor? when i have like brly all classes alrdy on donor with mounts sumoed by hen
im sick
and i didnt even summon alts and he trys to blame me for i did wtf
if this is wht its like everytime i log im gonna leave

oh and tigor stfu about the loss here