Seriously i may leave SF...

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Posts: 277

Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Skriot »

i cant enjoy this server no more
Tigor is makin everyone fukin hate me on the server...
hes framing me into things i never done and stuff when we used to be friends

Just because i beat him (me and mysterious)
he has NEVER leaved me alone
its every time i log i get flamed, tigor telling tales to all people on the server about me etc
im sick of it hes turnin everyone onto me and calling me horrid things
Then just before i was havin fun in arena not rly serious games, fukin whiteheal disbands the team while in the match.
Also something about on the donor ship when he trying to frame me to get alts summoned
oh rly tigor? when i have like brly all classes alrdy on donor with mounts sumoed by hen
im sick
and i didnt even summon alts and he trys to blame me for i did wtf
if this is wht its like everytime i log im gonna leave

oh and tigor stfu about the loss here
Posts: 29

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Tigor »

Probably you`re right about I`m mad at you:) But I`m sure you know how to use this command : Ignore ?

And you always write me first, so?
Posts: 277

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Skriot »

lol no i dont,,

once i tryed to apologies to you and ever since u flamed me etc
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Location: Canada

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Mysterious »

Omg Tigor is still flaming from when i beat him. I do not know what your problem is. OMG so what if you are about to lose arena you do not have to flame to everyone that they suck. Even though when I log on you tell your partner "No more arena I do not want to lose to them". So your partner gets no fun with fighting harder teams instead of grinding up on easy teams. They want a challenge and have fun but you are too scared to even face us. So really who is the nub here. Like really come on.
Posts: 38

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by zomGits »

Mysterious wrote:Omg Tigor is still flaming from when i beat him. I do not know what your problem is. OMG so what if you are about to lose arena you do not have to flame to everyone that they suck. Even though when I log on you tell your partner "No more arena I do not want to lose to them". So your partner gets no fun with fighting harder teams instead of grinding up on easy teams. They want a challenge and have fun but you are too scared to even face us. So really who is the nub here. Like really come on.
Tigor overall is a good person, short tempered when he loses.. but every1 has their downfall. We are human afterall. (it doesnt make it right... but i can understand it from his angle at least)

Regarding the "No more arena bla bla bla" i cant take this for 100% sure because i havnt teamed up with tigor since september i believe.. not certain when we were last partners, but like most people i/we have 2 teams . My first team is at 2.1k rating.. my second team is at 1.9k.. my 1.9k team is the weaker of the 2.. going with the way i would play it out and they way i would think about it is the following( dont know how some1 else would react or respond just my input on this) : my partner for my 2.1k rating team isnt online but my partner for me 1.9k rating team is online.. overall we are a weaker team, now why should i feed you for the next 5-6 games with points with a weaker team and weaker team syenergy? makes no sense to me at least...

What tigor does or doesnt do when it comes to facing you guys isnt my scene but as far as ive been active this week.. your playing times he isnt online or he is but without his current pvp partner (the one he teams up good with) his shaman.

Thats what i would do if i was still playing... its a competitive the season and depending on the way you want or the tatic you seek on doing something you act or do accordingly.
Guild Master of NERF

First Two Teams to Hit 2.1k Rating Season 3 - Team Name: CareBears/WTS Skill
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Im Just Fatal.
Posts: 64

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Rdruid »

LOL how did u go 95-1? no offense but ive played u and ur nothing special on a druid. I guess smolderforge getting worse pvp wise :/
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Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Henhouse »

Skriot, you did the correct thing by reporting this -- for it violates our first EULA term:
* You will be kind and respectful to all other users including online support(Game Masters).
Since this has term has been broken at a voluminous amount, we will take action. I apologize for the stress this may have caused you an in the future, always please report abuse.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 64

Re: Seriously i may leave SF...

Post by Rdruid »

Mysterious wrote:Omg Tigor is still flaming from when i beat him. I do not know what your problem is. OMG so what if you are about to lose arena you do not have to flame to everyone that they suck. Even though when I log on you tell your partner "No more arena I do not want to lose to them". So your partner gets no fun with fighting harder teams instead of grinding up on easy teams. They want a challenge and have fun but you are too scared to even face us. So really who is the nub here. Like really come on.
Hmmm thats not hypocritical at u do the same thing against fluck or rwar and I whenever we play, then the only time u do play us is when ur on an alt or somethin. Dont flame some1 when u do the same exact thing
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Post by fawee »

mysterious if tigor get bann why the HELL I GET BANN TOO ?!
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Post by Henhouse »

fawee wrote:mysterious if tigor get bann why the HELL I GET BANN TOO ?!
Fawee, feel free to send me a PM with your character name, and/or account name. I will be able to look into this and provide a response as to why the account has been closed.

Or feel free to email us at: [email protected]
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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