The "Why should the season end now"

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The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Aklem »

I don't believe in luck or second chances. I now ask you to stop judging my awful pessimism as my statement is about to grow purple-pink wings. It wont, i lied about the wings. In fact, I will be so blunt through my writing, that by the end of it you will feel like a hammer was forcefully hitting your frontal lobe the whole time you were perusing my lines. I am a happy pessimist, ironic? perhaps but why don't you find the irony in people constantly win trading abusing QUE dodging and so on and so forth. So without further due let us all embark on my lovely non purple-pink boat while i will guide you through-ought.

Long seasons are in fact promoting Q doding, Win trading and other clever ways of getting rating.
"OH FUCK OFF ALBERT EINSTEIN, HOW ARE THOSE TWO EVEN CONNECTED?" The down syndrome kid will think to himself. Yes those are in fact related, now let me give you some extra time all of you slow kids out there to absorb that and perhaps find the answer in your ridiculously little testicles that you call your brain. Still nothing? Thought so
Very well I say, your testicles did absorb some information. Now let me explain how these are correlated on a work basis. In such a long seasons, people who care and are in fact good, fight from the start of the season, yes they get their 2k+ in the first weeks of the season while leaving mediocre inbreds like Wrubello behind because he will not que vs good teams. What typical wrubellos do however is WAIT(and since you can afford to wait due to 69 year long seasons). Have your testicles absorbed that? In fact these seasons are so long, that they don't only promote q dodging and self farming, they also promote mediocrity. "WHAT THE DEUCHE, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN MY TESTICLES MASTER, AS THEY CANNOT COMPREHEND SUCH DEEP STATEMENT" Alright I say, by the time the amazing players get 2k they get bored because nobody else is qing, meanwhile bads are smartly waiting until pros are done. And they get done because they cant be arsed waiting 90 minutes in que since all the others have no desire to que hence they have plenty of time after the top masters are bored out of their asses and change smolderforge to other realm list. This is when they start farming randoms to get their small penis ( i meant ego) erected aka boosting their team. So what do we get as an end result ? Very small penises aka mediocre players end up being on the top with 53543543534 games played qdoging EVERY single good player and getting the title.

It is sad, but all of this could be avoided if the season ends now. We do not need longer season to allow mediocres use penis enlargement tools to boost their ego. That of course is an allusion to mediocre Wrubellos qdoding self farming and having lots of fun farming noobs. Please apologize the very heavy language i used through this little rebellious paper, but i tried to make it clear to all of you goblins. By having short seasons people who deserve the title will get it. Mediocre players will fight top teams and actually get better and last but not least people will get fast ques because everyone will rush for the title. And if wrubello decides to wait, too bad you tool the only way you can get the title is through me. (that of course being true only if seasons were a bit shorter.)

End the season now. It's been long enough. I am fed up already by BAD people Having a plethora of time to qdodge self farm and get high ratings.

Good Bye peasants. I hope your frontal lobe is flexed enough to make the right decision.
Posts: 71

Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Ganksta »

Aside from the non sense, Aklem is right . Ive never really agreed with aklem till now.

I hope Hen understands.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Aklem »

that nonsense i call work of art, amazing colloquial language as well as allusions and extended metaphors.
Geeeeeee manngg u dont digg it?
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Henhouse »

Suppose I do end the season, start a new one. Is there a wave of new players coming in? No. Will the same players compete in arena to the same title they already have sadly making them get no reward in arena except for another mount? Yes. Will they get bored? Yes. Will then people start win-trading and q-dodging to taken their place? You got it. I'm afraid these things, regardless of the circumstance are inevitable.

The season is long over due, I among all others are perfectly aware of that. I would love to end it, it's taking time when the server boots up to load all the arena teams. However, I would like to end the season and start fresh with a new core which should have been ready Tuesday but the developer at OregonCore has decided to take 1 day and turn it into going on 6 extra days.

I just see no immediate reason to start a new season. There is nothing for the people who will become gladiators to fight for next season. With a new core, and a better server we can bring in a swarm of new players to compete with a new working PvP system -- this is what I want to start the new season up. Not a movie that you've seen far to many times you can mouth the words to through the entire thing whilst trying to stay awake.

I will consider your proposition, but please keep in mind I am always aware of what is going on, it just depends how best I believe things should be done in terms of timing and the order in which they are done.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Aklem »

Henhouse wrote:Suppose I do end the season, start a new one. Is there a wave of new players coming in? No. Will the same players compete in arena to the same title they already have sadly making them get no reward in arena except for another mount? Yes. Will they get bored? Yes. Will then people start win-trading and q-dodging to taken their place? You got it. I'm afraid these things, regardless of the circumstance are inevitable.

The season is long over due, I among all others are perfectly aware of that. I would love to end it, it's taking time when the server boots up to load all the arena teams. However, I would like to end the season and start fresh with a new core which should have been ready Tuesday but the developer at OregonCore has decided to take 1 day and turn it into going on 6 extra days.

I just see no immediate reason to start a new season. There is nothing for the people who will become gladiators to fight for next season. With a new core, and a better server we can bring in a swarm of new players to compete with a new working PvP system -- this is what I want to start the new season up. Not a movie that you've seen far to many times you can mouth the words to through the entire thing whilst trying to stay awake.

I will consider your proposition, but please keep in mind I am always aware of what is going on, it just depends how best I believe things should be done in terms of timing and the order in which they are done.
Never said it was easy. However Suppose I do end the season, start a new one. Is there a wave of new players coming in? No. Will the same players compete in arena to the same title they already have sadly making them get no reward in arena except for another mount? Yes. Will they get bored? Yes. Will then people start win-trading and q-dodging to taken their place? You got it. I'm afraid these things, regardless of the circumstance are inevitable. is wrong as oregon will bring in lots of new players from laggy AT. Additionally the mount and the title are just a cliche for many. Sadly you missed my point. Shorter season, less time for people to do retarded things. I would suggest to end the season this sunday, give out mounts,title and move on to the new server w/o arena teams. With the season being ended and no teams to create you will facilitate the moving process.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Henhouse »

We moved last week to the new server.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Tilly »

Admittedly I didn't read all of Aklem's first post, because frankly it was raping my eyes. But I do get the gist of it, and I agree.

Ending the server within a week would be best, because there is always a period between seasons where rated matches do not count. That period would give ample time (I assume) for the guys at Oregon to get the core working for us.
Posts: 71

Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Ganksta »

Hen you know i got your back np.

But at the same time you gotta understand that is true, There is a period of time like Illy had said where you cant make a team because season hasn't started and by that time hopefully OregonCore get back to you and if not, people can continue to doing their normal duties and play skirmishes.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Syvar »

I agree with Aklem.
When I won rank 1, besides all the other things Aklem can flame me for, we played a total of 90 games.
The top teams right now are all like over 100+ wins, we had only 89 :P. I feel that there needs to be shorter seasons so that the good teams will play all the mediocre teams. If anything it provides more incentives for people to play consistently and not just bounce around.
Peace, Love you all, Sorry I'm so in-n-out.
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Re: The "Why should the season end now"

Post by Aklem »

all praise god Aklem

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