Lich king [25 Man] :D
Lich king [25 Man] :D
Not going to give the name of the server since thats advertising but going to give a screenie of our 25 man encounter with lich king

Re: Lich king [25 Man] :D
Impressive, I wonder if anything was actually scripted?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Lich king [25 Man] :D
Well at start he freezes a guy named Tirion in a ice block and says a load of stuff ... then at 75% he did this AOE called Remortless winter ... Then at 50% too ... also he kept summoning Valkyrs and Ghouls :S was scary and hard
At end we all thought we wiped lol because he did a move that killed us all . then the guy in iceblock shouted "LIGHT GIVE ME BLESSON" or something and knocked frostmourne out his hands ... someone frappsed it idk who tho :( Then his dad comes AOE ressed us all
was good like
At end we all thought we wiped lol because he did a move that killed us all . then the guy in iceblock shouted "LIGHT GIVE ME BLESSON" or something and knocked frostmourne out his hands ... someone frappsed it idk who tho :( Then his dad comes AOE ressed us all
was good like
Re: Lich king [25 Man] :D
pic or did not happenBalls wrote:done Lich King on retail
shit's epic
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