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Shadowstep bug

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 14:35
by bradisntcool
Shadowstep is bugged, it makes you teleport back to where u casted it from please help

Re: Shadowstep bug

Posted: 06 Oct 2010, 22:36
by Cparty
I think that happens because of servers anti cheat but not sure lol. But I hate it as well, and wrong section to post >_<

Re: Shadowstep bug

Posted: 27 Oct 2011, 08:49
by Karahn
bradisntcool wrote:Shadowstep is bugged, it makes you teleport back to where u casted it from please help
its happened when i shadowstep 2 but it usually acts kinda like lag. it telepots me bhind the person-back where i pushed shadowstep at-then back behind the person.
Its happened 3-4 times now on my rogue. ive also seen other rogues that i was playing against in BGs have it happen. real pain in the ass to fight against lol