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WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 16:22
by Skriot
General infomation

Hey guys this is Eelda/Paws here and i decided to make a 2.4.3 hunter druid guide since alot of people ask me about how i play on SF. So basically i will be showing you tips macros etc and strats against other comps. Ok so one thing for sure is you and your partner NEED vent or some sort of communication as it helps alot.


- Feign Death, shadowmeld, drink (This on retail used to be diffrent, it would requier you to pull your pet back in order to FD drink. But here on SF you dont need to pull back the pet just Feign Death then drink then shadowmeld, Macro this!)

- Scorpion is a must! (Using a scorpion pet is very helpful, If your bursting switch its attack to claw so poisons dont mess your CC, but if your draining switch it to Scorpid poison. This is because scorpid poison makes abolish poison harder to remove viper = faster drain)

- Know your partner (This is really important as if you dont know your partner you may both end up playing diffrent tacts throughout the arena match, I ALWAYS speak to my partner about tacts and how they play before we actually play together.)

- Shadowmeld > Arcane shot (Nice for NEs, stops a warrior charging you in any arena and can also be used to stop rogues shadowstepping your flare and getting an operner

- Other racials (Use your racial abilitys wisely, For example stoneform is a MUST use CD for Dwarfs, just because of its ability to remove poisons and you can be suprised how many games it will win you!)

- Time concussive shot while draining (IF your draining a druid and burst didnt work out, keep wingclip up on the druid at ALL times as soon as he comes out of form or travel forms away Concussive shot will daze them either forcing them to change forms or letting you catch up.)

- Aspect of the viper (AOTV) (Always use this never Aspect of the hawk UNLESS its a double dps team. IF you keep hawk on thw whole match in a drain fight or against an outlast comp you will be suprised how fats your mana drops.)

- 30 Int on weapons (Ok so these are usefull if your in s3 or s2, As for s4 i tend to use a full out dps 2h because the overall stats on s4 is enough to keeo your mana high)

- Your druid needs to keep him in combat (Use your druid like a pet, If you are in a full root or so tell your druid on vent or whatever to keep the other guy in combat avoiding drinks)

- Timing your trinket (Time your medallion correctly, like if your facing Rogue disc dont use the trinket on a first fear or first kidney, try to save it for a better time UNLESS you or your druid is in trouble)

- Rouges - such a pain? (Its important for your druid to Abolish poison ALL the time on you. Also rooting the rogue when hes tunnel vision you is helpfull to get a distance before shooting)

- Keeping your pet alive (This shouldnt be a problem, get your druid to keep Abolish poison hots and whatever on the pet if its being focused)

- Hunters mark (So you see a tauren druid ALL the way on other side of the map drinkin and it will take a while to get to him. Just hunters mark him! has a long range and puts people in combat)

- Serpent sting > Bear form (Keep serpent sting on the druid on bearform all times Also druid dots. This will force him out of bear ALOT more)

- Druid DOTS (like i said above) (Insect swarm moonfire, your druid MUST keep this one your focus target at all times. like i said it forces druids out of bear form ALOT more)

- Wingclip spam on double dps (For example SP Rogue keep wingclip and frost trap up at all times allowing your druid to easy pillar)

- Steady shot (Only use this when your not being focused and you have clear LOS on our target)


- Proximo (Very usefull in arena, Helps target the enemy alot easier. You can Also see what there casting too

- Bartender (I use this just for the looks, Not really a helpfull addon but yeah looks nice :P)

- Afflicted (Tracks cooldowns such as Intercept, Viper Sting, etc And tracks buff durations like Power Infusion, Pain suppresion, Bubble, BoF, BoP)

- Focus Frame (write /focus on target.)

- CC Tracker

- DR Tracker


Ok so this is up to you. Depending on who you face and how they play can decide on whever to drain or burst.

Warrior druid

Start you and your druid on the warrior opening on the warrior and having him spam roots moonfire insect swarm warrior. Strafe away shoot whatever you can (You will notice warrior dying fast) Now as soon as you see druid pop CLONE Warrior and run trap the druid. Your druid should be timing a starfire on the warrior anyways as should you be timing an aimed shot. IF this works out druid will force a trinket and NS warrior. Ok now so Offensive clones dont work on SF i got to change this tact a bit from then on. their Druid has used trinket and NS, so get your druid to solo dps warrior and try to keep them seperated. When your next traps ready Scatter trap the druid (make sure pets not on him) and run start dpsing warrior. You should kill him and if not get your druid to clone their druid after the trap.

Use frost traps not freezing traps unless your druid is going down fast and try to time scatter shots on the warriors intercepts etc. Keep scorpid sting up on the warrior all times and have your druid help dps their druid when their warrior is in full CC. If your in a full root and pets hinbernated GET your druid to keep their druid in combat! Eventually you will run the druid oom and win.


Re: Wow hunter 2.4.3 tips and strat

Posted: 10 Aug 2009, 03:25
by Stormaz
More usefull addons:
Afflicted - Tracks cooldowns such as Intercept, Viper Sting, etc. And tracks buff durations like Power Infusion, Pain suppresion, Bubble, BoF, BoP...
Focus Frame - write /focus on target.
CC Tracker.
DR Tracker.

I can upload 2.4 versions if u want..

Re: Wow hunter 2.4.3 tips and strat

Posted: 16 Aug 2009, 13:27
by Holypwnage
eventho i dont play hunter this was one of the best posts on this forum ever...i hope other pros will add some tips for other classes as well...respect

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 20:00
by zomGits
Skriot aka paws is prolly one of the better hunters of the server (or on many servers) his tips are a worthwhile reads. Also he puts in some of the bugs which are available on the server which imo should be given gratz to as many would keep them quiet.

Aint touched wow in over 2 months, currently waiting for aion (this goes out to skriot / antique). Any1 else considering to check out that game?


Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 17 Sep 2009, 22:50
by Tonxik
zomGits wrote:Skriot aka paws is prolly one of the better hunters of the server (or on many servers) his tips are a worthwhile reads. Also he puts in some of the bugs which are available on the server which imo should be given gratz to as many would keep them quiet.

Aint touched wow in over 2 months, currently waiting for aion (this goes out to skriot / antique). Any1 else considering to check out that game?

u forgot to add, most arrogant and cockiest also...

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 01:40
by zomGits
Its a English thing... bad sense of humour. You will get use to it .

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 19 Nov 2009, 17:25
by Myforte
Its a English thing... bad sense of humour. You will get use to it .
Excuse me ? the English have the BEST sense of humour, it's just that foreigners dont understand sarcasm, jibes, Making fun of foreigners etc (just to name a couple).

if you want to know more about our sense of humour :

on topic : Wicked Guide :D

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 22 Nov 2009, 12:42
by Wimpie
I would like to add, a nice macro I always use for when a person need to get down..

on Wiki they call it a I-WIN button:

Code: Select all

#tooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Bestial Wrath
/use Berserker's Call
/cast Rapid Fire
I will explain:
#tooltip Bestial Wrath //Let it looks like it is the Button of Bestial Wrath (+ show the explanation)
/petattack //Send you pet on the target you are currenctly targetting
/cast Bestial Wrath // Cast BW.. says enought
/use Berserker's Call // Use the Trinket I got equeped change the name if you got a other trinket
/cast Rapid Fire // Cast RF...

Easy to edit and very effectif

Greetings Wimpie,
Sorry for the bad English

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 01 Mar 2010, 18:27
by Beach
wimpie wrote:I would like to add, a nice macro I always use for when a person need to get down..

on Wiki they call it a I-WIN button:

Code: Select all

#tooltip Bestial Wrath
/cast Bestial Wrath
/use Berserker's Call
/cast Rapid Fire
I will explain:
#tooltip Bestial Wrath //Let it looks like it is the Button of Bestial Wrath (+ show the explanation)
/petattack //Send you pet on the target you are currenctly targetting
/cast Bestial Wrath // Cast BW.. says enought
/use Berserker's Call // Use the Trinket I got equeped change the name if you got a other trinket
/cast Rapid Fire // Cast RF...

Easy to edit and very effectif

Greetings Wimpie,
Sorry for the bad English
I-WIN button against disabled enemies i think?

Re: WoW Hunter 2.4.3 Tips and Strategies

Posted: 02 Mar 2010, 01:11
by Avronax
Kill command does not work, so BM's are a "little" disadvantaged.