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Paladin 2v2 Guide

Posted: 08 May 2014, 16:26
by Thenewmeta
Since I havent noticed here any thread like this, I would feel honored to open one myself.
1. Races - [A] Dwarf + Dwarf /Dwarf + Gnome ( gnome war is better versus wd/rd, dbl dwarf works fine vs dpr/spr/rm). [H] BE + Orc/ BE + Tauren
2. Specs - War shouldnt definately play deep arms mace spec , sweeps wont work on smolderforge i guess due to the lack of rage, but feel free to test it out.

3. Helpfull macros for warrior :
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/equip Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver
/equip Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast [stance:3] Battle Stance
/cast [stance:1/2] Spell Reflection
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection

#showtooltip Intercept(Rank 5)
/cast [nocombat] Battle Stance
/cast [nocombat, target=focus] Charge(Rank 3)
/cast [combat] Berserker Stance
/cast [combat, target=focus] Intercept(Rank 5)
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection

#showtooltip Pummel(Rank 2)
/cast [stance:3] Pummel(Rank 2)
/equip [stance:1/2] Merciless Gladiator's Cleaver
/equip [stance:1/2] Merciless Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast [stance:1/2] Shield Bash(Rank 4)

#showtooltip Pummel
/cast [equipped:Shields, stance:1/2, target=focus] Shield Bash; [noequipped:Shields, stance:1/2, target=focus] Berserker Stance; [stance: 3, target=focus] Pummel
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection

#showtooltip Intervene
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast [target=party1] Intervene
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection

(opening vs rog dru team)
#showtooltip Charge(Rank 3)
/cast [stance: 3, harm, exists] Berserker Rage
/cast [nocombat, harm, exists] Battle Stance
/targetenemy [harm, exists]
/cast [nocombat, harm, exists] Charge(Rank 3)

#showtooltip Disarm
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Disarm

(some 1 shot macro)
#showtooltip Death Wish
/cast Death Wish
/use Berserker's Call
/use Blood Fury(Racial)
/use Figurine - Shadowsong Panther

4.Helpfull macros for paladin :

Resi weps ( u want have max hp amount possible for example vs rd)
#showtooltip Brutal Gladiator's Salvation
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Salvation
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Redoubt

#showtooltip Cleanse
/equip Libram of Grace
/cast Cleanse

#showtooltip Blessing of Light(Rank 4)
/equip Libram of Souls Redeemed
/cast [target=party1] Blessing of Light(Rank 4)
(if you are having trouble outhealing your mate its some additional healing on him)

resi set
/equip Guardian's Ornamented Bracers
/equip Guardian's Ornamented Belt
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Ornamented Legplates
/equip Guardian's Ornamented Greaves
/equip Guardian's Band of Salvation
/equip Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope

more pve set
/equip Lightbringer Treads
/equip Lightbringer Bracers
/equip Lightbringer Belt
/equip Lightbringer Leggings
/equip Ring of Flowing Life
/equip Tattered Cape of Antonidas

#showtooltip Crystal Spire of Karabor
/equip Crystal Spire of Karabor
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Redoubt
(healing weps krystal spire usefull mostly when target is lower than 50% hp, otherwise feel free to use hammer of sanc)

#showtooltip Flash of Light(Rank 7)
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Libram of Justice
/cast Flash of Light(Rank 7)

#showtooltip Holy Light(Rank 11)
/equip Libram of Mending
/cast Holy Light(Rank 11)

#showtooltip Judgement
/equip Tome of the Lightbringer
/cast Judgement
/cast Exorcism(Rank 7)

#showtooltip Blessing of Protection(Rank 3)
/cast [target=Thenewmeta] Blessing of Protection(Rank 3)

#showtooltip Blessing of Freedom
/cast [target=party1] Blessing of Freedom

#showtooltip Blessing of Sacrifice(Rank 4)
/cast [target=party1] Blessing of Sacrifice(Rank 4)

#showtooltip Blessing of Sacrifice(Rank 4)
/cast [target=mouseover] Blessing of Sacrifice(Rank 4)

#showtooltip Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 7)
/cast [target=Thenewmeta] Blessing of Wisdom(Rank 7)

#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/equip Tome of the Lightbringer
/cast Divine Favor
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Holy Shock(Rank 5)
/cast Crusader Strike

#showtooltip Blessing of Protection(Rank 1)
/cast [target=party1] Blessing of Protection(Rank 1)

#showtooltip Hammer of Justice(Rank 4)
/cast [target=focus] Hammer of Justice(Rank 4)

#showtooltip Blessing of Might(Rank 1)
/cast [target=party1] Blessing of Might(Rank 1)

#showtooltip Holy Light(Rank 1)
/equip Libram of Mending
/cast [target=Thenewmeta] Holy Light(Rank 1)
(easy way to regenerate Your mana )

5. About Gems, specs or equipment I dont need to talk more than needed just inspect Thenewmeta/Djrageqt at armory.

6.Arena Tactics

RD - open up near pillar , sacri on war ( sometimes breaks dmg by roots b4 rog can open up on pal, and makes the rd team needs to go on paladin). SoJ 24/7 rogue . War should sit on rog until you are safe. They should burst a lot on the beggining . I personally dont like to use insi/bubble on start . Just use stoneform and shock crit urself . Freedom urself unless u have stoneform to remove crip. Stun rogue to force his insi. Next time when he is low and in LoS of his dru he wont have it. Its also possible to switch on dru but just in case the rog cant catch paladin anyway. Unless its ruins it shouldnt be 2 hard and will look like this

DpR - kinda tricky, if you dont play 2x dwarf its hard. Watch out for burns. The biggest mistake i noticed is if dpr will split you up. You will try to avoid gettin feared from DP and the war will take dmg anyway . Conclusion HpW never splits up against this comb . Go DP but if war is cripped and freedom on cd instantly swap on the rog, no point walkin around the pillar if dp will kite anyway. Try sacri blinds with harm macro sometimes work. Save stun for the priest. PS is once every 3 min where ur HoJ is 50 sec cd with 2/3 talent . After ps stun and shock judgement for a nice pressure . Even if he wont die , he will have to use some mana and swap to defensive mode, that point u can drink.

WS - Best option is not standing near the sham in this case HpW should split up, a pummel shock can be deadly combination considering pal plays 4x4x with not so much resi can be tough. SoJ shaman if he tries to pillar Your war out. Save freedom for urself to escape from their war if they go You. Try winning by killing their shaman.

WD - Kite to eyes on crus aura . After they pop pick a pair and go play hide n seek with the dru. BoP ur mate if he is disarmed and dru is available to kill. If wd goes you and you split up SoJ war instead druid and bof urself to kite out he will have to return to Your war , and You can drink if needed in that time

HpW vs HpW - always watch Your mana pool, the amount of mana mostly determines over the match result. Start on paladin with a stun judgement and shock. Try force a bubble and kill after it , mostly its not so easy. You can kite opposite warrior on SoJ + bof combination and mountings up. OR just seal of wisdom him and fake a lot . You can also try to solo their war - dont use cons here its too mana expensive , just judgement of wisdom and seal of righterous autoattacks with bsd mace 300+ holy dmg each.

LD - try kill 2 pets and go lock after , hard antisetup considering Curse of Tongues on paladin recudes his casts so badly .

SpR - sacri war on beggining and go for combat on priest . Its needed that war los dispel sacri when ur sapped so the spr cant make so much pressure on start. If spr goes paladin . You should insi kidney shot just if they dot you up . not pure dmg , otherwise they will obv blind u after or fear and swap to war. If you are blinded dont insi it but BoP urself that way You will still have insi for a possible fear.

RM - try going rogue and losing mage. insi ks if needed and stun rogue. Next time he wont have insi and it might give u the needed kill. SoJ him and freedom urself but rebless right after so the mage wont have time to spellsteal it . U should also rebless ur war often with r1 bom after bof in case he dont have bof cancelaura macro.

Re: Paladin 2v2 Guide

Posted: 09 May 2014, 13:03
by zixxthbg
anyway a paladin cant beat my warrior

Re: Paladin 2v2 Guide

Posted: 30 May 2014, 09:39
by Discyo
useful stuff is useful
make some other guides as well pl0x