Seal Twisting

Posts: 926

Re: Seal Twisting

Post by Wacco »

This isn't a secret, maybe I've got it 'patched' again or whatever. I had some easy macros for my druid before but they all got smashed. I was thinking about PMing you at first but I didn't see a good reason to it, maybe you had some new stuff going on.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Posts: 161

Re: Seal Twisting

Post by Evolve »

Its all old, nothing new... from retail. Its just developed 8+ years so its better and better, there are still things that needs to be fixed. Shred/Mutilate from in front of target was possible with it even on retail(on vanilla, they probably fixed that on TBC when they disabled "run syntax" but I didnt try it)
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