Introduction to the class
are melee fighters highly trained in the arts of weaponry. They are
strong and quick on the battlefield. As such they can deal large amounts
of damage, they are also capable of withstanding large amounts of
damage to protect other party members. Warrior abilities depend on rage
generation. Rage is generated through damage being dealt to and by the
warrior and is capped at 100. Warriors can change between three combat
stances: Battle Stance, Defensive Stance and Berserker Stance.
Gnome is probably the best race for warrior, because of very usefull
racial (Escape Artist), but Dwarfs arn't bad choice aswell ofc (Stone
- If you want to roll horde warrior i suggest you to pick Tauren (War Stomp Endurance) or Orc (Blood Fury).

Gear & Enchants
Head AP/hit rating / or 18 stam 20 resilence enchant
s4Shoulders / s3Shoulders Aldor / Scryers enchant
s4Chest / s3Chest 15 resi enchant / 6 all stats
s4Hands / s3Hands 15 strength enchant
s4Legs / s3Legs 50 ap enchant
Back 12 agility enchant
Wrist 15 strength enchant
Feet Boar speed enchant
Finger 4 all stats enchant
Finger 4 all stats enchant
Trinket / Trinket
Medailon Trinket(Horde) / Medailon Trinket(Alliance)
Weapon(2h) / Weapon(2h) Savagery or Executioner enchant
Weapon(1h) There is alot of enchants you can choose, i have 20 str enchant Deathfrost.
Shield 12 resilence or 18 stamina enchant
Range / s4 bow/gun 12 damage (scope)
Strength / crit
Meta Gem
Just examples, i use the first one atm.

Focus intercept macro
#showtooltip Intercept
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast [target=focus] Intercept
Disarm macro
#showtooltip Disarm
/cast Defensive Stance
/cast Disarm
/p Disarmed %t
This automaticly targets your 2v2 partner and intervene him
#showtooltip Intervene
/target party1
/cast defensive stance
/cast Intervene
Focus pummel
#showtooltip Pummel
/cast Berserker Stance
/cast [target=focus] Pummel
/p Pummeling %f
Shield bash macro
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast shield bash
/p Shield basheD %t
Spell reflection macro
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/cast defensive Stance
/cast SPell Reflection
Shield block macro
#showtooltip Shield Block
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast Shield Block
Focus harmstring macro
#showtooltip Hamstring
/cast [target=focus] Hamstring
Focus Shield Bash macro
#showtooltip Shield Bash
/cast [target=focus] Shield Bash
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/p Shield basheD %f
Swithes to Battle stance and equips 2h weapon
#showtooltip Battle Stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Bonegrinder
/cast Battle stance
Swithes to Berserker stance and equips 2h weapon
#showtooltip Berserker Stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Bonegrinder
/cast Berserker Stance
Swithes to Defensive stance and equips 1h weapon and shield
#showtooltip Defensive Stance
/cast Defensive stance
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
I use this Macro in Battle and Berserker stance (Not in Defensive)
#showtooltip Mortal strike
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Bonegrinder
/cast Mortal strike
Sunder armor macro
#showtooltip Sunder Armor
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Quickblade
/unequip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/cast Sunder armor
For Equiping 1H Shield
#showtooltip Vengeful Gladiator's Shield Wall
/equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
For Equiping 2x 1h weapon
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Slicer
/equip Vengeful Gladiator's Quickblade
Band. yourself
#showtooltip Heavy Netherweave Bandage
/target your nick
/use Heavy Netherweave Bandage
Simple Pummel macro
#showtooltip Pummel
/cast Pummel
/p Pummeling %t
This will put your target to focus
Get some usefull addons.
Addons i use:
- Aesa
- Quartz
- Omnicc
- Moveanything
- Xpearl
- CombatLogClearer
-> Example (Screen taken from Skirmish arena):

Sticky plx :)