Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
The time has come for public testing! So far everything is completed but during this test players can hopefully find anything we might have overlooked even though we pretty much double checked everything :P.
Connect to Smolderforge with a 3.1.3 client and go into the "Test Server" tab of the Realmlist and connect. Your is located in the WoW /Data/enUS/ folder. enUS can be different for your zone! ie: enGB. You will NEED to upgrade your account to Wrath of the Lich King via Account Manager for full features.NOTHING WILL BE SAVED, ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE DELETED ONCE THE TEST IS OVER. You will have access to the donor mall and 1000 Emblems of Heroism for testing.
What the realmlist will look like:
Connect to Smolderforge with a 3.1.3 client and go into the "Test Server" tab of the Realmlist and connect. Your is located in the WoW /Data/enUS/ folder. enUS can be different for your zone! ie: enGB. You will NEED to upgrade your account to Wrath of the Lich King via Account Manager for full features.NOTHING WILL BE SAVED, ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE DELETED ONCE THE TEST IS OVER. You will have access to the donor mall and 1000 Emblems of Heroism for testing.
What the realmlist will look like:
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Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Here is a list of the current working spells and a list of current known bugged spells. We find that the newer spells seem to be the ones not working. I'm sure in the soon future MaNGOS will fix these. Unlike 2.4.3, MaNGOS is still working on 3.1.3. With the broken spells, we're going to report them to MaNGOS if they don't already know.
Please note that we may list spells that work in the past, the reason is because these spells were modified in Wrath and we're confirming that they're modifications are working correctly.
Known Working Spells:
Please note that we may list spells that work in the past, the reason is because these spells were modified in Wrath and we're confirming that they're modifications are working correctly.
Known Working Spells:
- Priest - Guardian Spirit, Shadowfiend, Penance.
- Warrior - Everything except what's explained below.
- Druid - Starfall, Feral charge, both cat and bear are great, Berserk works great. Infected wounds work.
- Everything except Divine Storm correctly I believe.
- Rogue - Fan of Knives. Everything except what's explained below.
- Shamans - Maelstrom weapon, Lava Lash Astral Planning, Thunderstorm, Mana Tide, Earthliving, Riptide. The whole restoration spec is flawless.
- Hunters - Explosive Shot and Black Arrow, Kill Shot.
- Mages - Brain Freeze, Missile barrage and arcane blast work perfectly. Mage's Blink effect after blinking works.
- Warlocks - Chaos bolt works perfectly, seems like destruction is flawless.
- Priest - Hymn of Hope
- Warrior - Talent Juggernaut, Bladestorm is just not immune to any stuns, fears, movement impairing effects, Shattering Throw doesn't work as well. Heroic Fury doesn’t work in Fury tree, the Defensive tree talent that allows charge and intercept in the defensive stance doesn’t work.
- Druids – Nourish does not work as supposed to. Master Shapshifter doesn’t work right but the spells are in the list, just doesn’t give buff on enter into form. Treentthingforgothowtospell work fine, but it seems like they don’t do the right amount of damage, might scale with spell dmg... Typhoon deals damage and dazes but does not knock them back.
- Paladin – Divine Storm does correct damage but does not heal.
- Rogues – Rogues work fine, only thing I noticed is Shadowdance doesn’t work where the spells can't be used when it is activated, needs stealth. Everything else works flawlessly!
- Shamans – Earthen power does not make me immune to movement impairing effects. works fine, Improved Fire nova totem does not work right, Stoneclaw doesn’t work right.
- Hunter – Disengage, Freezing trap don’t work, same with that one that makes you go to sleep. Second testing done by Primez says it's flawless >_<.
- Mages - Shattered Barrier, Fingers of Frost Imp blink works. Slow is buggy. Incanter’s Absorbtion doesn’t work.
- Warlock – Demonic circle, Haunt is a little bugged, it just doesn’t heal you. Rain of fire seems to spell damage miscalculated. Does like 5k each tick, spell power bug, removed from trainer.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Ok guys, even with these bugs, and everything, don't be dissapointed, this is actually good for the OPENING of the server, and of course the bugs will get fixed over time, if hen decides to keep the 3.1.3 ;D
Awesome job everyone who helped out to make 3.1.3 for SF possible. Keep up the good work guys!
Awesome job everyone who helped out to make 3.1.3 for SF possible. Keep up the good work guys!
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Ugh, I need a big glass of milk and a sandwich. Testing characters is hard work!
I hope everyone enjoys the PTR! I know I am having fun just adding items and testing it. ; )
The bugs are most definitely only temporary. Many high end servers with programmers who can change the core have fixed these bugs. Only problem is, they don't have the community we do. Now lets get to it! PTR!!!!
<GM> Syvar
I hope everyone enjoys the PTR! I know I am having fun just adding items and testing it. ; )
The bugs are most definitely only temporary. Many high end servers with programmers who can change the core have fixed these bugs. Only problem is, they don't have the community we do. Now lets get to it! PTR!!!!
<GM> Syvar
Retired Game Master
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Lol. Now is a time to turn on your mp3 and look for "Paul Stanley-Live to win" and put it on repeat!
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
"why Yes honey? What is it?"
"why Yes honey? What is it?"
Retired Game Master
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
:D yeahh! Oh and
"batroom, batroom!!"
*craps in plate*
"Theres a big boy"
"batroom, batroom!!"
*craps in plate*
"Theres a big boy"
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Stay on topic please.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
cant wait for it to open:)
Red sun rises...Blood has been spilled at night!
Re: Smolderforge 3.1.3 PTR (Public Test Realm)
Good luck trying to play a disc priest guysHenhouse wrote: [*]Priest - Penance
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