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The Scarlet Citadel has been opened. Speak with Tylon Malfurion for quick access to Tyr's Hand to begin infiltration. You must have completed the "Enter the Stormwind Vault" quest before you can get teleported or enter SC.
Quest-lines for Scarlet Citadel have been created along with their NPCs. * Please report all bugs you encounter during this raid.
Smolderforge Arena Season 6 has begun!
Stormwind Vault has been completely remodeled. Check it out!
Some accidental S4 items removed from Champions' Hall
Eye of the Storm has been replaced by Arathi Basin. Players will have to manually convert their marks at the Arathi Basin Battlemaster.
The teleport to Godzilla's Lair has been removed. Players can swim however if wanted.
Druid's base mana has been lowered by 120.
Warrior's base health has been lowered by 100.
Paladin's base mana has been increased by 200.
Mage's, and Warlock's base heath and mana has been increased by 150.
Hunter's base health have been lowered by 100.
Rogue's class base Agility has been increased by 10.
Grounding Totem has been removed(-1) and then added back to players(1) (1 + -1 = 0 is this note applicable?)
Distract has been removed from players and trainers.
A new vendor -- Landro Longshot from the Black Flame has been added to the mall, he'll sell all the special collector's pets and mounts. He can be found standing on an outside table in the mall.
Star's Tears now sell in stacks of 20 for 5 honor points.
The "Call to Arms" quests in the mall now reward you 5 Badges of Justice for each set of 10 marks of honor you turn in, instead of the regular 2.
Arcane Brilliance Rank 1 and 2 have been added to the Mage trainer.
The Cleansed Ashbringer has been deleted from the database and players.
"Enter the Stormwind Vault" has been slightly changed as to ending loot.
"Those Damn Venture Co" has lowered its amount of NPCs to kill for Patrollers, and increased all other amounts.