Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

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Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

Post by Henhouse »

We've completed Scarlet Citadel and after just alpha testing, Kyle and I really think this is ready for the public, we have encountered no errors ourselves so we are pretty sure this will be perfect for end-game content as it is right now. Tomorrow, Tylon Malfurion will offer a teleport to the Eastern Plaguelands where the entrance to the Scarlet Citadel is and you'll be able to start the chain quest to enter the citadel. You have to be attuned by doing the "Enter the Stormwind Vault" quest first before you can get teleported or even start the quest line.

The drop rates on recipes and items are very high, most likely 5 Hand of Decievers will drop at times, so plenty of people will be able to get the gear. Some recipes will drop several times too because they have high drop rates, but you should be able to max out your professions fast.

All five bosses are scripted and able to be raided. We look forward to the outcome from the players!
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Re: Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

Post by Hemorge4tw »

Woah! I can't wait! I hope it will be awesome.
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Re: Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

Post by Holypwnage »

...i dont know wer else to shout out...WHAT IS THE POINT OF PVE?....why dont ppl just go and play single player gamez...pve is like the most boring thing ever...u only spam one or few ofencive spells/abilities and healers just spam can anyone ever be entertained by doing that?...maybe my 6 years old brother is because hes happy that he actually killed something (what is nice nevertheless wer not 6 are we?)
Holypwnage - is LF a super duper ultra mega hyper giga master blaster WARRIOR
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Re: Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

Post by Tonxik »

first ..holy gtfo if u dont like it ...

and ohhh hell ye im sooo looking forward to it:)
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Re: Scarlet Citadel - Releasing Tomorrow!

Post by Henhouse »

April Fools!

Sorry XD.

However, not all hope is lost, the beta for Scarlet Citadel is now opened, apply here.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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