Introducing the Account Manager!

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Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Henhouse »

Back when we were planning on upgrading to Wrath, I began work on a account manager, it was based off something similar someone had decided on UDB and let people use. Most of it was written in Czech so I just edited it for me. Well around last Tuesday I wanted to start working on it again, this time I would rewrite the whole thing. So I got all WoW's CSS style sheets, images, etc and I got the template set up(of course I'm going to use their images, don't think I said I made them). So once it was set up I got the login page ready and some other stuff.

Then I created all the PHP files(PHP is what handles all the processes, logging in, variables, retrieving data from databases, etc.) got sessions set up, etc. It's really cool, it'll login you in display your account name, creation date, last login, account type, active or locked, etc. If you're banned you cannot even see the account manager you'll go to a banned page. That one took a while to write because I ran into a problem with the PHP which was easily solved :P.

I hope you like it! I spent about 24-32 hours on it hehe. I had a lot of re-scripting I had to do >_<. OH! THE PASSWORD CHANGER WORKS! OH YEAH! Hehe, now it's easier to change it if you're not in-game or have no idea what the in-game command is.

Account Manager

(The most display errors are in Internet Explorer(because it's shit) please upgrade to Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome which are better and faster browsers.)

Wait, what does it do if you're banned? Try logging in with User: pawsmovie1 Password: claws

That'll be the error you see.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Hemorge4tw »

Do you think it will work on Google Chrome browsers? And it sounds good.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Henhouse »

Hemorge4tw wrote:Do you think it will work on Google Chrome browsers? And it sounds good.
Yeah Google Chrome uses the same codes as Firefox, I already tried. Thanks for reminding me of that, I'll add it to the list.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Sleek »

lol Mac user so against everything Microsoft.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Henhouse »

Sleek wrote:lol Mac user so against everything Microsoft.
Internet Explorer is proven to be extremely slow and it's proven that it supports the least amount of web codes, and web designer would know this. I have a friend that designed a forum program and Internet Explorer 6 and 7 have made him want to rip his hair out because it never works the way you want it to, so you have to work so much longer to get around it. IE7 was a copy of Firefox 1, sort of. Firefox had the tabs, search box, etc long before Safari, IE and Opera did. Noticed how in IE when you open a browser it takes a few seconds then it shows you this little guide on tabbed browsing which no one cares about? Yeah that's all done poorly, it takes about 2 seconds to load a tab on a 1GB RAM computer (and I've tested on several). Firefox is on .1 second, it's faster and the top RAM saver(proven too).

Now Safari is a GREAT browser, it's just not a big hit really, it displays images better, loads javascript, html and CSS faster than any browser, if you want the top of the line speed it's Safari, but I've never liked the display all that great.

Anyway, this is getting off topic, any more posts about browsers I'll just delete. I want to hear feedback of the Account Manager.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Tonxik »

well damn good job hen...its quite nice:) i love it
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Altaiir »

Henhouse wrote:
Hemorge4tw wrote:Do you think it will work on Google Chrome browsers? And it sounds good.
Yeah Google Chrome uses the same codes as Firefox, I already tried. Thanks for reminding me of that, I'll add it to the list.
DUUUUDE sick, this will make it easier than making tickets for like transfers ETC.
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Re: Introducing the Account Manager!

Post by Henhouse »

Altaiir wrote:
Henhouse wrote:
Hemorge4tw wrote:Do you think it will work on Google Chrome browsers? And it sounds good.
Yeah Google Chrome uses the same codes as Firefox, I already tried. Thanks for reminding me of that, I'll add it to the list.
DUUUUDE sick, this will make it easier than making tickets for like transfers ETC.
Thanks! :D
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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