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Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 21:48
by Henhouse
Hey everyone, I had a talk with Tez, our other administrator today and he's finally gotten settled back into his new house. Some of you probably don't know him that much because he's had tremendous lack of Internet accessibility from his previous home he moved into a while ago. Tez several months ago, actually about 5 or 6 now, hosted our Frostwind server, it was a instant 70 PvE server, which was when SF could only hold 40 or 80 people then. But it was closed due to confusion, etc, etc.

Well we've been thinking now since he's able to connect his server backup if we should open another realm. There are multiple requests on both sides to have a Wrath server and a Pre-BC server. Both of which are equally fun, there will be problems though.

I would like to walk you through those so when you vote you have a clear idea of what you're getting yourself into.

Option 1.
Pre-BC server. This will be easy to do, it will not require much processing speed due to keeping version 2.4.3. You can keep the same version of WoW and select it when you want to play from, from out realmlist. However, to extreme Pre-BC players, this might seem disappointing, but at the time we would NOT be able to disable the level 70 talents, making those accessible. However places and items in Outland, etc will NOT be accessible. It's also possible for us to tweet the arena code to allow level 60 brackets from time to time.
Option 2. Wrath server. This will be more challenging, I will have to find a way to have our realm list run on 3.x AND 2.4.3 therefore possibly leading to misconfusion, client crashes, etc. More RAM and bandwidth will be used, many unused maps deleted(not really important to players but NO custom raids in them.) 3.0 is still showing signs of bugs, however not many as there used to be. Death Knights are probably still not very functional and would be disabled. So we're not really sure about 3.0, and the fact that major patch (3.1) will be released soon, will bring more bugs and client accidental upgrades.
Additional Option #3. (Select one of the two options above with or without this additional option included.) In addition to one of the selected choices above, before this server opens to Pre-BC or Wrath, have a 3v3 tournament realm. Give about 2-4 weeks of games, and see who reaches the top, etc, etc. 1st place will receive 1 free donor character with the Gladiator title. (No decision on 2nd or 3rd place.)

** Note this server would most likely hold as much as Smolderforge, 100-120 people.

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 22:13
by Riski
Pre-BC!!! Pre-BC!!!

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 22:14
by Skriot
pre bc w/ arena =)

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 23:00
by Riski
Keep in mind people (something that Hen made me aware of that you may not be) When this is over if say **option 1 and 3 are considered option 3 in this example and option 2 and 3 are considered option 4**:

Option 1: 6 votes
Option 2: 7 votes
Option 3: 3 votes
Option 4: 1 votes

Then we would have an arena server and do all that jazz but we will be adding option 3's and option 1's votes together and option 2's and option 4's votes together to get the pre-bc vs. wrath vote.

So the final outcome would be:
Pre-BC: 9
Wrath: 8

Keep this in mind, so if you want to play an arena server but wrath votes are beating pre-bc and you want a pre-bc server don't be scared to vote for the arena option they all count together.
To me now that I'm typing it it seems pretty dumb to not assume that's the way it would work but hey some of you may want to know this so w/e.

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 23:51
by Roadtodawn3
imo, wrath seems more fun atm, because when 2.4.3 came out, there were just as many bugs, and we had to iron them out, if no one tries 3.0 the bugs will not be fixed, i like the idea of pre-bc but it seems retroactive and somewhat boring. Arena might be different for a lil but imo it will still be resto druid warr, that team will probably dominate 2v2 still. In wrath there is a definate change of the top teams even tho death knights are out, there will be a change in structure. Good luck with the work hen and i hope we all see eachother in the 3v3 tourney!

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 01:25
by Rdruid
I think that the additional option 3 thing sounds the most fun. Wrath server would be cool w/o bugs tho.

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 03:29
by Henhouse
Rdruid wrote:I think that the additional option 3 thing sounds the most fun. Wrath server would be cool w/o bugs tho.
Which isn't going to happen for an extremely long time, especially with updates, so do not vote for Wrath if you are only voting for no bugs, because that will not happen. It'll be unbalanced and buggy, I guarantee it.

PS: Due to technical reasons, if the polls is almost 50/50 we'll go with Pre-BC due to technical issues that will arise because of Wrath. Not core issues, but website, map files, different versions, realm editing, etc.

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 03:43
by Riski
That's a good point (And I'm trying to be as unbiased here as possible)

If you want a Wrath server you will have to expect frequent down times for patch updates, especially since Wrath is new. You will also have to expect many bugs and those bugs to continue and new bugs to appear very often (if you vote for Wrath and complain about bugs I will kill you).

If you want to play Wrath go ahead and vote for it, just know what problems you will be seeing. However if you want a server that runs smoother and less bugs Pre-BC is what you should probably pick. I don't think their are half as many bugs with Pre-BC content as there are for the actual BC content, so that means half as many bugs as Smolderforge... probably.

Remember, this is an opinion poll... But if you want to vote for wrath because you love it and really like playing retail or because you want to try out a DK or some other awesome classes you will have to expect some major problems. Keep in mind I'm trying real hard to be unbiased and not tell you how awesome Pre-BC is :P... But from a GM/Admin POV, a Pre-BC server would be much easier to handle and would run smoother. And without having to constantly update Hen will not be having to do as much work. And TRUST ME if you make Hen make a Wrath server and then complain about something with it HE WILL DESTROY YOU!!!!!

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 05:29
by Roadtodawn3
meh rofl you guys do what you want, rofl i know riski realllly realllllllly wants a bc realm, but when he plays it and sees the 'fun times' that come from doing bg's over and over again rofl, thats the best, and no pve on private servers, unless you have a really dedicated grp that reallly wants to play for a long long time, esp. with 40 mans rofl...but ya i really hope it all ends up well, esp the 3v3 tourney realm

Re: Poll: Possible New Realm

Posted: 18 Mar 2009, 06:32
by Rdruid
Couldn't we just have the 3v3 tourney in 2.4.3? I remember u had that one realm up before that had all the gear and everything. I think making the tourney for what smol is running now would be best.