Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
We were going to announce it a while ago, but we had not gotten around to it. If you've seen the "ScriptDev2 and ACID reloaded (players please ignore this message.)" system message, you probably have been wondering why we constantly are reloading scripts.
Well, we're finally working on Scarlet Citadel. I've totaled already about 32 hours into it, Riski about 10-15. But the thing is... it's really, really cool. I mean, it feels so Blizzard-like. I'm really, really excited myself to be designing it, it's really incredible.
We're trying to go to our paramount capabilities on this, our bosses are pretty cool, we're following the lore of the Scarlet Crusade, everything is fitting, and the end-game is just great.
Remember the recipes you've been wanting for Engineering, Alchemy, etc? Hand of Deceiver? Even Thoridal? These will all be available in Scarlet Citadel. Maybe not RIGHT away, but chance to be in the very end or recipes off the mob drops. And there's lots of different mobs! Like over 10 different people that live in and patrol the Citadel.
This instance is suppose to be very end-game though. That's why we have these drops. It will maybe be puggable, probably not. You'll need experienced raiders and good dpsers, etc. These boss fights will require spell casters, and melee. It's a 10-man raid so it has to be balanced also. It's also an attunement raid. You CANNOT do Scarlet Citadel unless you have completed "Enter the Stormwind Vault" since Mograine has a big part in the Scarlet Citadel.
Some of the bosses will be in phases, appear in other places, and even a 5-boss council. Riski and I are very, very excited about this and we're really pumped to get this tested also. We're most likely going to have a CLOSED beta test because we don't want random people raiding it, but people who know about it/people we know. We'll probably post a guide on HOW-TO raid this place because it's going to be difficult (hopefully) and a lot of fun. (beta tests drop no loot and do not have access to any quests.)
We have placed an Easter Egg in SC, it's kinda strange but only a few people will understand the joke. We're thinking about placing a few others around too :P.
So overall, we are really excited to do this ourselves and see the fan response from it. I really hope everyone will enjoy it when it comes out and have a good time :).
Well, we're finally working on Scarlet Citadel. I've totaled already about 32 hours into it, Riski about 10-15. But the thing is... it's really, really cool. I mean, it feels so Blizzard-like. I'm really, really excited myself to be designing it, it's really incredible.
We're trying to go to our paramount capabilities on this, our bosses are pretty cool, we're following the lore of the Scarlet Crusade, everything is fitting, and the end-game is just great.
Remember the recipes you've been wanting for Engineering, Alchemy, etc? Hand of Deceiver? Even Thoridal? These will all be available in Scarlet Citadel. Maybe not RIGHT away, but chance to be in the very end or recipes off the mob drops. And there's lots of different mobs! Like over 10 different people that live in and patrol the Citadel.
This instance is suppose to be very end-game though. That's why we have these drops. It will maybe be puggable, probably not. You'll need experienced raiders and good dpsers, etc. These boss fights will require spell casters, and melee. It's a 10-man raid so it has to be balanced also. It's also an attunement raid. You CANNOT do Scarlet Citadel unless you have completed "Enter the Stormwind Vault" since Mograine has a big part in the Scarlet Citadel.
Some of the bosses will be in phases, appear in other places, and even a 5-boss council. Riski and I are very, very excited about this and we're really pumped to get this tested also. We're most likely going to have a CLOSED beta test because we don't want random people raiding it, but people who know about it/people we know. We'll probably post a guide on HOW-TO raid this place because it's going to be difficult (hopefully) and a lot of fun. (beta tests drop no loot and do not have access to any quests.)
We have placed an Easter Egg in SC, it's kinda strange but only a few people will understand the joke. We're thinking about placing a few others around too :P.
So overall, we are really excited to do this ourselves and see the fan response from it. I really hope everyone will enjoy it when it comes out and have a good time :).
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Sounds like alot of fun. Since they are actually going to be scripted instead of tank and spank it should be fun. Great idea with the loots. So now even donators will have to raid to get some of the gear.
Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Sounds good but many raids will fail when it that hard! Cause many ppl on this server got no idea of pveing!
But we will see! when it is going to be open?
But we will see! when it is going to be open?
I don?é??t believe in Heaven, I have been living in this Hell.
+some random chars
+some random chars
Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
finally hen u did it some awsome Pve stuff:):):):) !!!!ahhhh god i want it!!!
PS remember me with the beta!
PS remember me with the beta!
Red sun rises...Blood has been spilled at night!
Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Just so you know, the "Easter Egg" Henhouse is referring to isn't literally an Easter Egg... It's just a figure of speech. He means we've hidden a little something special in there that players will be able to find however as Henhouse has said only some will understand the joke. Just wanted to clarify, also I'm super exited about getting this done and I'm glad Hen made this post :P
Administrator - Forum Lurker / Heavyweight World Champ
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Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Hehe , Make it mate like Wotlk instance 10/25 man :P
But it sounds intresting :) Mokagi is back to tanking i guess xD
But it sounds intresting :) Mokagi is back to tanking i guess xD
Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way. wrote:Just so you know, the "Easter Egg" Henhouse is referring to isn't literally an Easter Egg... It's just a figure of speech. He means we've hidden a little something special in there that players will be able to find however as Henhouse has said only some will understand the joke. Just wanted to clarify, also I'm super exited about getting this done and I'm glad Hen made this post :P
Glad you all are excited! So are we :D
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Scarlet Citadel is well under way.
Not sure, hopefully in less than a month. Though I don't think it will take that long. The first beta test should go out this weekend.Mokagi wrote:When its going to finish :P ?
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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