Server Updates 3.6 & 3.6a
Posted: 07 Feb 2009, 21:18
Smolderforge Server Updates 3.6
(Recently we suffered an error on our forums that sent us back 10 days. We lost the original copy, this is the best I can make of what it used to be. It also includes new updates so I made it 3.6a.)
(Recently we suffered an error on our forums that sent us back 10 days. We lost the original copy, this is the best I can make of what it used to be. It also includes new updates so I made it 3.6a.)
- Switched over to Unified Database.
- Smolderforge Arena Season 5 has begun.
- Players now start with gold in their bags. Bye-bye gold vendors!
- Players have all flight paths learned on login.-(Faction flight paths only).
- Players have max skills at all times now. Bye-bye .maxskill!
- The mall has been cleaned up of low level items and we removed all reputation requirements and Master Hammersmith requirements.
- Paladin's base mana has been increased by 1,000.
- Druid's base mana lowered by 220.
- A Season 3 vendor has been added to the donor mall!
- A First Aid trainer has been added to the mall.
- Lots of NPCs have added gossip to them.
- Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina has class requirement removed.
- Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury added to donor mall.
- Arena team deleting while in battle has been fixed!
- Warglaives removed from players.
- Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain even added to the mall, will occur every 5 hours near the battlemasters.
- "Welcome to Smolderforge!" NPC cleaned up a bit. (Gossip added, subname deleted and quest changed to be more up-to-date.)
- Libram of Divine Purpose added to the Libram vendor in the mall.
- Battlemaster's Alacrity added in donor mall and normal mall for 10 badges of justice.
- ScriptDev2 updated.
- ACID Updated
- Scarlet Citadel quest fixed.